#![cfg(target_thread_local)] #![unstable(feature = "thread_local_internals", issue = "none")] // Simplify dtor registration by using a list of destructors. use super::{abi, itron::task}; use crate::cell::Cell; use crate::ptr; #[thread_local] static DTORS: Cell<*mut List> = Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()); type List = Vec<(*mut u8, unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut u8))>; pub unsafe fn register_dtor(t: *mut u8, dtor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut u8)) { if DTORS.get().is_null() { let tid = task::current_task_id_aborting(); let v: Box = box Vec::new(); DTORS.set(Box::into_raw(v)); // Register `tls_dtor` to make sure the TLS destructors are called // for tasks created by other means than `std::thread` unsafe { abi::SOLID_TLS_AddDestructor(tid as i32, tls_dtor) }; } let list: &mut List = unsafe { &mut *DTORS.get() }; list.push((t, dtor)); } pub unsafe fn run_dtors() { let ptr = DTORS.get(); if !ptr.is_null() { // Swap the destructor list, call all registered destructors, // and repeat this until the list becomes permanently empty. while let Some(list) = Some(crate::mem::replace(unsafe { &mut *ptr }, Vec::new())) .filter(|list| !list.is_empty()) { for (ptr, dtor) in list.into_iter() { unsafe { dtor(ptr) }; } } // Drop the destructor list unsafe { Box::from_raw(DTORS.replace(ptr::null_mut())) }; } } unsafe extern "C" fn tls_dtor(_unused: *mut u8) { unsafe { run_dtors() }; }