//! C definitions used by libnative that don't belong in liblibc #![allow(nonstandard_style)] #![cfg_attr(test, allow(dead_code))] #![unstable(issue = "none", feature = "windows_c")] use crate::ffi::CStr; use crate::mem; pub use crate::os::raw::c_int; use crate::os::raw::{c_char, c_long, c_longlong, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ushort, c_void}; use crate::os::windows::io::{AsRawHandle, BorrowedHandle}; use crate::ptr; use core::ffi::NonZero_c_ulong; mod windows_sys; pub use windows_sys::*; pub type DWORD = c_ulong; pub type NonZeroDWORD = NonZero_c_ulong; pub type LARGE_INTEGER = c_longlong; #[cfg_attr(target_vendor = "uwp", allow(unused))] pub type LONG = c_long; pub type UINT = c_uint; pub type WCHAR = u16; pub type USHORT = c_ushort; pub type SIZE_T = usize; pub type WORD = u16; pub type CHAR = c_char; pub type ULONG = c_ulong; pub type ACCESS_MASK = DWORD; pub type LPCVOID = *const c_void; pub type LPHANDLE = *mut HANDLE; pub type LPOVERLAPPED = *mut OVERLAPPED; pub type LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = *mut SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; pub type LPVOID = *mut c_void; pub type LPWCH = *mut WCHAR; pub type LPWSTR = *mut WCHAR; pub type PLARGE_INTEGER = *mut c_longlong; pub type PSRWLOCK = *mut SRWLOCK; pub type socklen_t = c_int; pub type ADDRESS_FAMILY = USHORT; pub use FD_SET as fd_set; pub use LINGER as linger; pub use TIMEVAL as timeval; pub const CONDITION_VARIABLE_INIT: CONDITION_VARIABLE = CONDITION_VARIABLE { Ptr: ptr::null_mut() }; pub const SRWLOCK_INIT: SRWLOCK = SRWLOCK { Ptr: ptr::null_mut() }; pub const INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT: INIT_ONCE = INIT_ONCE { Ptr: ptr::null_mut() }; // Some windows_sys types have different signs than the types we use. pub const OBJ_DONT_REPARSE: u32 = windows_sys::OBJ_DONT_REPARSE as u32; pub const FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUT: u32 = windows_sys::FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUT as u32; pub const AF_INET: c_int = windows_sys::AF_INET as c_int; pub const AF_INET6: c_int = windows_sys::AF_INET6 as c_int; #[repr(C)] pub struct ip_mreq { pub imr_multiaddr: in_addr, pub imr_interface: in_addr, } #[repr(C)] pub struct ipv6_mreq { pub ipv6mr_multiaddr: in6_addr, pub ipv6mr_interface: c_uint, } // Equivalent to the `NT_SUCCESS` C preprocessor macro. // See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/kernel/using-ntstatus-values pub fn nt_success(status: NTSTATUS) -> bool { status >= 0 } impl UNICODE_STRING { pub fn from_ref(slice: &[u16]) -> Self { let len = slice.len() * mem::size_of::(); Self { Length: len as _, MaximumLength: len as _, Buffer: slice.as_ptr() as _ } } } impl Default for OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES { fn default() -> Self { Self { Length: mem::size_of::() as _, RootDirectory: ptr::null_mut(), ObjectName: ptr::null_mut(), Attributes: 0, SecurityDescriptor: ptr::null_mut(), SecurityQualityOfService: ptr::null_mut(), } } } impl IO_STATUS_BLOCK { pub const PENDING: Self = IO_STATUS_BLOCK { Anonymous: IO_STATUS_BLOCK_0 { Status: STATUS_PENDING }, Information: 0 }; pub fn status(&self) -> NTSTATUS { // SAFETY: If `self.Anonymous.Status` was set then this is obviously safe. // If `self.Anonymous.Pointer` was set then this is the equivalent to converting // the pointer to an integer, which is also safe. // Currently the only safe way to construct `IO_STATUS_BLOCK` outside of // this module is to call the `default` method, which sets the `Status`. unsafe { self.Anonymous.Status } } } /// NB: Use carefully! In general using this as a reference is likely to get the /// provenance wrong for the `rest` field! #[repr(C)] pub struct REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER { pub ReparseTag: c_uint, pub ReparseDataLength: c_ushort, pub Reserved: c_ushort, pub rest: (), } /// NB: Use carefully! In general using this as a reference is likely to get the /// provenance wrong for the `PathBuffer` field! #[repr(C)] pub struct SYMBOLIC_LINK_REPARSE_BUFFER { pub SubstituteNameOffset: c_ushort, pub SubstituteNameLength: c_ushort, pub PrintNameOffset: c_ushort, pub PrintNameLength: c_ushort, pub Flags: c_ulong, pub PathBuffer: WCHAR, } #[repr(C)] pub struct MOUNT_POINT_REPARSE_BUFFER { pub SubstituteNameOffset: c_ushort, pub SubstituteNameLength: c_ushort, pub PrintNameOffset: c_ushort, pub PrintNameLength: c_ushort, pub PathBuffer: WCHAR, } #[repr(C)] pub struct REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_DATA_BUFFER { pub ReparseTag: DWORD, pub ReparseDataLength: DWORD, pub Reserved: WORD, pub ReparseTargetLength: WORD, pub ReparseTargetMaximumLength: WORD, pub Reserved1: WORD, pub ReparseTarget: WCHAR, } #[repr(C)] pub struct SOCKADDR_STORAGE_LH { pub ss_family: ADDRESS_FAMILY, pub __ss_pad1: [CHAR; 6], pub __ss_align: i64, pub __ss_pad2: [CHAR; 112], } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct sockaddr_in { pub sin_family: ADDRESS_FAMILY, pub sin_port: USHORT, pub sin_addr: in_addr, pub sin_zero: [CHAR; 8], } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct sockaddr_in6 { pub sin6_family: ADDRESS_FAMILY, pub sin6_port: USHORT, pub sin6_flowinfo: c_ulong, pub sin6_addr: in6_addr, pub sin6_scope_id: c_ulong, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct in_addr { pub s_addr: u32, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct in6_addr { pub s6_addr: [u8; 16], } // Desktop specific functions & types cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(target_vendor = "uwp"))] { pub const EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH: i32 = 0; } } pub unsafe extern "system" fn WriteFileEx( hFile: BorrowedHandle<'_>, lpBuffer: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, nNumberOfBytesToWrite: u32, lpOverlapped: *mut OVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine: LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE, ) -> BOOL { windows_sys::WriteFileEx( hFile.as_raw_handle(), lpBuffer.cast::(), nNumberOfBytesToWrite, lpOverlapped, lpCompletionRoutine, ) } pub unsafe extern "system" fn ReadFileEx( hFile: BorrowedHandle<'_>, lpBuffer: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, nNumberOfBytesToRead: u32, lpOverlapped: *mut OVERLAPPED, lpCompletionRoutine: LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE, ) -> BOOL { windows_sys::ReadFileEx( hFile.as_raw_handle(), lpBuffer.cast::(), nNumberOfBytesToRead, lpOverlapped, lpCompletionRoutine, ) } // POSIX compatibility shims. pub unsafe fn recv(socket: SOCKET, buf: *mut c_void, len: c_int, flags: c_int) -> c_int { windows_sys::recv(socket, buf.cast::(), len, flags) } pub unsafe fn send(socket: SOCKET, buf: *const c_void, len: c_int, flags: c_int) -> c_int { windows_sys::send(socket, buf.cast::(), len, flags) } pub unsafe fn recvfrom( socket: SOCKET, buf: *mut c_void, len: c_int, flags: c_int, addr: *mut SOCKADDR, addrlen: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int { windows_sys::recvfrom(socket, buf.cast::(), len, flags, addr, addrlen) } pub unsafe fn sendto( socket: SOCKET, buf: *const c_void, len: c_int, flags: c_int, addr: *const SOCKADDR, addrlen: c_int, ) -> c_int { windows_sys::sendto(socket, buf.cast::(), len, flags, addr, addrlen) } pub unsafe fn getaddrinfo( node: *const c_char, service: *const c_char, hints: *const ADDRINFOA, res: *mut *mut ADDRINFOA, ) -> c_int { windows_sys::getaddrinfo(node.cast::(), service.cast::(), hints, res) } cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(target_vendor = "uwp"))] { pub unsafe fn NtReadFile( filehandle: BorrowedHandle<'_>, event: HANDLE, apcroutine: PIO_APC_ROUTINE, apccontext: *mut c_void, iostatusblock: &mut IO_STATUS_BLOCK, buffer: *mut crate::mem::MaybeUninit, length: ULONG, byteoffset: Option<&LARGE_INTEGER>, key: Option<&ULONG>, ) -> NTSTATUS { windows_sys::NtReadFile( filehandle.as_raw_handle(), event, apcroutine, apccontext, iostatusblock, buffer.cast::(), length, byteoffset.map(|o| o as *const i64).unwrap_or(ptr::null()), key.map(|k| k as *const u32).unwrap_or(ptr::null()), ) } pub unsafe fn NtWriteFile( filehandle: BorrowedHandle<'_>, event: HANDLE, apcroutine: PIO_APC_ROUTINE, apccontext: *mut c_void, iostatusblock: &mut IO_STATUS_BLOCK, buffer: *const u8, length: ULONG, byteoffset: Option<&LARGE_INTEGER>, key: Option<&ULONG>, ) -> NTSTATUS { windows_sys::NtWriteFile( filehandle.as_raw_handle(), event, apcroutine, apccontext, iostatusblock, buffer.cast::(), length, byteoffset.map(|o| o as *const i64).unwrap_or(ptr::null()), key.map(|k| k as *const u32).unwrap_or(ptr::null()), ) } } } // Functions that aren't available on every version of Windows that we support, // but we still use them and just provide some form of a fallback implementation. compat_fn_with_fallback! { pub static KERNEL32: &CStr = ansi_str!("kernel32"); // >= Win10 1607 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-setthreaddescription pub fn SetThreadDescription(hthread: HANDLE, lpthreaddescription: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED as DWORD); E_NOTIMPL } // >= Win8 / Server 2012 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi-getsystemtimepreciseasfiletime pub fn GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(lpsystemtimeasfiletime: *mut FILETIME) -> () { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(lpsystemtimeasfiletime) } // >= Win11 / Server 2022 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-gettemppath2a pub fn GetTempPath2W(bufferlength: u32, buffer: PWSTR) -> u32 { GetTempPathW(bufferlength, buffer) } } compat_fn_optional! { crate::sys::compat::load_synch_functions(); pub fn WaitOnAddress( address: *const ::core::ffi::c_void, compareaddress: *const ::core::ffi::c_void, addresssize: usize, dwmilliseconds: u32 ) -> BOOL; pub fn WakeByAddressSingle(address: *const ::core::ffi::c_void); } compat_fn_with_fallback! { pub static NTDLL: &CStr = ansi_str!("ntdll"); pub fn NtCreateKeyedEvent( KeyedEventHandle: LPHANDLE, DesiredAccess: ACCESS_MASK, ObjectAttributes: LPVOID, Flags: ULONG ) -> NTSTATUS { panic!("keyed events not available") } pub fn NtReleaseKeyedEvent( EventHandle: HANDLE, Key: LPVOID, Alertable: BOOLEAN, Timeout: PLARGE_INTEGER ) -> NTSTATUS { panic!("keyed events not available") } pub fn NtWaitForKeyedEvent( EventHandle: HANDLE, Key: LPVOID, Alertable: BOOLEAN, Timeout: PLARGE_INTEGER ) -> NTSTATUS { panic!("keyed events not available") } // These functions are available on UWP when lazily loaded. They will fail WACK if loaded statically. #[cfg(target_vendor = "uwp")] pub fn NtCreateFile( filehandle: *mut HANDLE, desiredaccess: FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS, objectattributes: *const OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, iostatusblock: *mut IO_STATUS_BLOCK, allocationsize: *const i64, fileattributes: FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES, shareaccess: FILE_SHARE_MODE, createdisposition: NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_DISPOSITION, createoptions: NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_OPTIONS, eabuffer: *const ::core::ffi::c_void, ealength: u32 ) -> NTSTATUS { STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED } #[cfg(target_vendor = "uwp")] pub fn NtReadFile( filehandle: BorrowedHandle<'_>, event: HANDLE, apcroutine: PIO_APC_ROUTINE, apccontext: *mut c_void, iostatusblock: &mut IO_STATUS_BLOCK, buffer: *mut crate::mem::MaybeUninit, length: ULONG, byteoffset: Option<&LARGE_INTEGER>, key: Option<&ULONG> ) -> NTSTATUS { STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED } #[cfg(target_vendor = "uwp")] pub fn NtWriteFile( filehandle: BorrowedHandle<'_>, event: HANDLE, apcroutine: PIO_APC_ROUTINE, apccontext: *mut c_void, iostatusblock: &mut IO_STATUS_BLOCK, buffer: *const u8, length: ULONG, byteoffset: Option<&LARGE_INTEGER>, key: Option<&ULONG> ) -> NTSTATUS { STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED } #[cfg(target_vendor = "uwp")] pub fn RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status: NTSTATUS) -> u32 { Status as u32 } } // # Arm32 shim // // AddVectoredExceptionHandler and WSAStartup use platform-specific types. // However, Microsoft no longer supports thumbv7a so definitions for those targets // are not included in the win32 metadata. We work around that by defining them here. // // Where possible, these definitions should be kept in sync with https://docs.rs/windows-sys cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(target_vendor = "uwp"))] { #[link(name = "kernel32")] extern "system" { pub fn AddVectoredExceptionHandler( first: u32, handler: PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER, ) -> *mut c_void; } pub type PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = Option< unsafe extern "system" fn(exceptioninfo: *mut EXCEPTION_POINTERS) -> i32, >; #[repr(C)] pub struct EXCEPTION_POINTERS { pub ExceptionRecord: *mut EXCEPTION_RECORD, pub ContextRecord: *mut CONTEXT, } #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] pub enum CONTEXT {} }} #[link(name = "ws2_32")] extern "system" { pub fn WSAStartup(wversionrequested: u16, lpwsadata: *mut WSADATA) -> i32; } #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] #[repr(C)] pub struct WSADATA { pub wVersion: u16, pub wHighVersion: u16, pub szDescription: [u8; 257], pub szSystemStatus: [u8; 129], pub iMaxSockets: u16, pub iMaxUdpDg: u16, pub lpVendorInfo: PSTR, }