use super::make_command_line; use super::Arg; use crate::env; use crate::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use crate::process::Command; #[test] fn test_raw_args() { let command_line = &make_command_line( OsStr::new("quoted exe"), &[ Arg::Regular(OsString::from("quote me")), Arg::Raw(OsString::from("quote me *not*")), Arg::Raw(OsString::from("\t\\")), Arg::Raw(OsString::from("internal \\\"backslash-\"quote")), Arg::Regular(OsString::from("optional-quotes")), ], false, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( String::from_utf16(command_line).unwrap(), "\"quoted exe\" \"quote me\" quote me *not* \t\\ internal \\\"backslash-\"quote optional-quotes" ); } #[test] fn test_thread_handle() { use crate::os::windows::io::BorrowedHandle; use crate::os::windows::process::{ChildExt, CommandExt}; const CREATE_SUSPENDED: u32 = 0x00000004; let p = Command::new("cmd").args(&["/C", "exit 0"]).creation_flags(CREATE_SUSPENDED).spawn(); assert!(p.is_ok()); let mut p = p.unwrap(); extern "system" { fn ResumeThread(_: BorrowedHandle<'_>) -> u32; } unsafe { ResumeThread(p.main_thread_handle()); } crate::thread::sleep(crate::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); let res = p.try_wait(); assert!(res.is_ok()); assert!(res.unwrap().is_some()); assert!(p.try_wait().unwrap().unwrap().success()); } #[test] fn test_make_command_line() { fn test_wrapper(prog: &str, args: &[&str], force_quotes: bool) -> String { let command_line = &make_command_line( OsStr::new(prog), &args.iter().map(|a| Arg::Regular(OsString::from(a))).collect::>(), force_quotes, ) .unwrap(); String::from_utf16(command_line).unwrap() } assert_eq!(test_wrapper("prog", &["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"], false), "\"prog\" aaa bbb ccc"); assert_eq!(test_wrapper("prog", &[r"C:\"], false), r#""prog" C:\"#); assert_eq!(test_wrapper("prog", &[r"2slashes\\"], false), r#""prog" 2slashes\\"#); assert_eq!(test_wrapper("prog", &[r" C:\"], false), r#""prog" " C:\\""#); assert_eq!(test_wrapper("prog", &[r" 2slashes\\"], false), r#""prog" " 2slashes\\\\""#); assert_eq!( test_wrapper("C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe", &["aaa"], false), "\"C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe\" aaa" ); assert_eq!( test_wrapper("C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe", &["aaa", "v*"], false), "\"C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe\" aaa v*" ); assert_eq!( test_wrapper("C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe", &["aaa", "v*"], true), "\"C:\\Program Files\\blah\\blah.exe\" \"aaa\" \"v*\"" ); assert_eq!( test_wrapper("C:\\Program Files\\test", &["aa\"bb"], false), "\"C:\\Program Files\\test\" aa\\\"bb" ); assert_eq!(test_wrapper("echo", &["a b c"], false), "\"echo\" \"a b c\""); assert_eq!( test_wrapper("echo", &["\" \\\" \\", "\\"], false), "\"echo\" \"\\\" \\\\\\\" \\\\\" \\" ); assert_eq!( test_wrapper("\u{03c0}\u{042f}\u{97f3}\u{00e6}\u{221e}", &[], false), "\"\u{03c0}\u{042f}\u{97f3}\u{00e6}\u{221e}\"" ); } // On Windows, environment args are case preserving but comparisons are case-insensitive. // See: #85242 #[test] fn windows_env_unicode_case() { let test_cases = [ ("ä", "Ä"), ("ß", "SS"), ("Ä", "Ö"), ("Ä", "Ö"), ("I", "İ"), ("I", "i"), ("I", "ı"), ("i", "I"), ("i", "İ"), ("i", "ı"), ("İ", "I"), ("İ", "i"), ("İ", "ı"), ("ı", "I"), ("ı", "i"), ("ı", "İ"), ("ä", "Ä"), ("ß", "SS"), ("Ä", "Ö"), ("Ä", "Ö"), ("I", "İ"), ("I", "i"), ("I", "ı"), ("i", "I"), ("i", "İ"), ("i", "ı"), ("İ", "I"), ("İ", "i"), ("İ", "ı"), ("ı", "I"), ("ı", "i"), ("ı", "İ"), ]; // Test that `cmd.env` matches `env::set_var` when setting two strings that // may (or may not) be case-folded when compared. for (a, b) in test_cases.iter() { let mut cmd = Command::new("cmd"); cmd.env(a, "1"); cmd.env(b, "2"); env::set_var(a, "1"); env::set_var(b, "2"); for (key, value) in cmd.get_envs() { assert_eq!( env::var(key).ok(),|s| s.to_string_lossy().into_owned()), "command environment mismatch: {a} {b}", ); } } } // UWP applications run in a restricted environment which means this test may not work. #[cfg(not(target_vendor = "uwp"))] #[test] fn windows_exe_resolver() { use super::resolve_exe; use crate::io; use crate::sys::fs::symlink; use crate::sys_common::io::test::tmpdir; let env_paths = || env::var_os("PATH"); // Test a full path, with and without the `exe` extension. let mut current_exe = env::current_exe().unwrap(); assert!(resolve_exe(current_exe.as_ref(), env_paths, None).is_ok()); current_exe.set_extension(""); assert!(resolve_exe(current_exe.as_ref(), env_paths, None).is_ok()); // Test lone file names. assert!(resolve_exe(OsStr::new("cmd"), env_paths, None).is_ok()); assert!(resolve_exe(OsStr::new("cmd.exe"), env_paths, None).is_ok()); assert!(resolve_exe(OsStr::new("cmd.EXE"), env_paths, None).is_ok()); assert!(resolve_exe(OsStr::new("fc"), env_paths, None).is_ok()); // Invalid file names should return InvalidInput. assert_eq!( resolve_exe(OsStr::new(""), env_paths, None).unwrap_err().kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput ); assert_eq!( resolve_exe(OsStr::new("\0"), env_paths, None).unwrap_err().kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput ); // Trailing slash, therefore there's no file name component. assert_eq!( resolve_exe(OsStr::new(r"C:\Path\to\"), env_paths, None).unwrap_err().kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput ); /* Some of the following tests may need to be changed if you are deliberately changing the behaviour of `resolve_exe`. */ let empty_paths = || None; // The resolver looks in system directories even when `PATH` is empty. assert!(resolve_exe(OsStr::new("cmd.exe"), empty_paths, None).is_ok()); // The application's directory is also searched. let current_exe = env::current_exe().unwrap(); assert!(resolve_exe(current_exe.file_name().unwrap().as_ref(), empty_paths, None).is_ok()); // Create a temporary path and add a broken symlink. let temp = tmpdir(); let mut exe_path = temp.path().to_owned(); exe_path.push("exists.exe"); // A broken symlink should still be resolved. // Skip this check if not in CI and creating symlinks isn't possible. let is_ci = env::var("CI").is_ok(); let result = symlink("".as_ref(), &exe_path); if is_ci || result.is_ok() { result.unwrap(); assert!( resolve_exe(OsStr::new("exists.exe"), empty_paths, Some(temp.path().as_ref())).is_ok() ); } }