use super::StaticKey; use crate::ptr; #[test] fn smoke() { static K1: StaticKey = StaticKey::new(None); static K2: StaticKey = StaticKey::new(None); unsafe { assert!(K1.get().is_null()); assert!(K2.get().is_null()); K1.set(ptr::invalid_mut(1)); K2.set(ptr::invalid_mut(2)); assert_eq!(K1.get() as usize, 1); assert_eq!(K2.get() as usize, 2); } } #[test] fn destructors() { use crate::mem::ManuallyDrop; use crate::sync::Arc; use crate::thread; unsafe extern "C" fn destruct(ptr: *mut u8) { drop(Arc::from_raw(ptr as *const ())); } static KEY: StaticKey = StaticKey::new(Some(destruct)); let shared1 = Arc::new(()); let shared2 = Arc::clone(&shared1); unsafe { assert!(KEY.get().is_null()); KEY.set(Arc::into_raw(shared1) as *mut u8); } thread::spawn(move || unsafe { assert!(KEY.get().is_null()); KEY.set(Arc::into_raw(shared2) as *mut u8); }) .join() .unwrap(); // Leak the Arc, let the TLS destructor clean it up. let shared1 = unsafe { ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::from_raw(KEY.get() as *const ())) }; assert_eq!( Arc::strong_count(&shared1), 1, "destructor should have dropped the other reference on thread exit" ); }