#![allow(dead_code)] #![unstable(feature = "process_internals", issue = "none")] use crate::collections::BTreeMap; use crate::env; use crate::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use crate::fmt; use crate::io; use crate::sys::pipe::read2; use crate::sys::process::{EnvKey, ExitStatus, Process, StdioPipes}; // Stores a set of changes to an environment #[derive(Clone)] pub struct CommandEnv { clear: bool, saw_path: bool, vars: BTreeMap>, } impl Default for CommandEnv { fn default() -> Self { CommandEnv { clear: false, saw_path: false, vars: Default::default() } } } impl fmt::Debug for CommandEnv { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut debug_command_env = f.debug_struct("CommandEnv"); debug_command_env.field("clear", &self.clear).field("vars", &self.vars); debug_command_env.finish() } } impl CommandEnv { // Capture the current environment with these changes applied pub fn capture(&self) -> BTreeMap { let mut result = BTreeMap::::new(); if !self.clear { for (k, v) in env::vars_os() { result.insert(k.into(), v); } } for (k, maybe_v) in &self.vars { if let &Some(ref v) = maybe_v { result.insert(k.clone(), v.clone()); } else { result.remove(k); } } result } pub fn is_unchanged(&self) -> bool { !self.clear && self.vars.is_empty() } pub fn capture_if_changed(&self) -> Option> { if self.is_unchanged() { None } else { Some(self.capture()) } } // The following functions build up changes pub fn set(&mut self, key: &OsStr, value: &OsStr) { let key = EnvKey::from(key); self.maybe_saw_path(&key); self.vars.insert(key, Some(value.to_owned())); } pub fn remove(&mut self, key: &OsStr) { let key = EnvKey::from(key); self.maybe_saw_path(&key); if self.clear { self.vars.remove(&key); } else { self.vars.insert(key, None); } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.clear = true; self.vars.clear(); } pub fn have_changed_path(&self) -> bool { self.saw_path || self.clear } fn maybe_saw_path(&mut self, key: &EnvKey) { if !self.saw_path && key == "PATH" { self.saw_path = true; } } pub fn iter(&self) -> CommandEnvs<'_> { let iter = self.vars.iter(); CommandEnvs { iter } } } /// An iterator over the command environment variables. /// /// This struct is created by /// [`Command::get_envs`][crate::process::Command::get_envs]. See its /// documentation for more. #[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"] #[stable(feature = "command_access", since = "1.57.0")] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CommandEnvs<'a> { iter: crate::collections::btree_map::Iter<'a, EnvKey, Option>, } #[stable(feature = "command_access", since = "1.57.0")] impl<'a> Iterator for CommandEnvs<'a> { type Item = (&'a OsStr, Option<&'a OsStr>); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.iter.next().map(|(key, value)| (key.as_ref(), value.as_deref())) } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { self.iter.size_hint() } } #[stable(feature = "command_access", since = "1.57.0")] impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for CommandEnvs<'a> { fn len(&self) -> usize { self.iter.len() } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.iter.is_empty() } } pub fn wait_with_output( mut process: Process, mut pipes: StdioPipes, ) -> io::Result<(ExitStatus, Vec, Vec)> { drop(pipes.stdin.take()); let (mut stdout, mut stderr) = (Vec::new(), Vec::new()); match (pipes.stdout.take(), pipes.stderr.take()) { (None, None) => {} (Some(out), None) => { let res = out.read_to_end(&mut stdout); res.unwrap(); } (None, Some(err)) => { let res = err.read_to_end(&mut stderr); res.unwrap(); } (Some(out), Some(err)) => { let res = read2(out, &mut stdout, err, &mut stderr); res.unwrap(); } } let status = process.wait()?; Ok((status, stdout, stderr)) }