//! A wait-flag-based thread parker. //! //! Some operating systems provide low-level parking primitives like wait counts, //! event flags or semaphores which are not susceptible to race conditions (meaning //! the wakeup can occur before the wait operation). To implement the `std` thread //! parker on top of these primitives, we only have to ensure that parking is fast //! when the thread token is available, the atomic ordering guarantees are maintained //! and spurious wakeups are minimized. //! //! To achieve this, this parker uses an atomic variable with three states: `EMPTY`, //! `PARKED` and `NOTIFIED`: //! * `EMPTY` means the token has not been made available, but the thread is not //! currently waiting on it. //! * `PARKED` means the token is not available and the thread is parked. //! * `NOTIFIED` means the token is available. //! //! `park` and `park_timeout` change the state from `EMPTY` to `PARKED` and from //! `NOTIFIED` to `EMPTY`. If the state was `NOTIFIED`, the thread was unparked and //! execution can continue without calling into the OS. If the state was `EMPTY`, //! the token is not available and the thread waits on the primitive (here called //! "wait flag"). //! //! `unpark` changes the state to `NOTIFIED`. If the state was `PARKED`, the thread //! is or will be sleeping on the wait flag, so we raise it. use crate::pin::Pin; use crate::sync::atomic::AtomicI8; use crate::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, Relaxed, Release}; use crate::sys::wait_flag::WaitFlag; use crate::time::Duration; const EMPTY: i8 = 0; const PARKED: i8 = -1; const NOTIFIED: i8 = 1; pub struct Parker { state: AtomicI8, wait_flag: WaitFlag, } impl Parker { /// Construct a parker for the current thread. The UNIX parker /// implementation requires this to happen in-place. pub unsafe fn new(parker: *mut Parker) { parker.write(Parker { state: AtomicI8::new(EMPTY), wait_flag: WaitFlag::new() }) } // This implementation doesn't require `unsafe` and `Pin`, but other implementations do. pub unsafe fn park(self: Pin<&Self>) { match self.state.fetch_sub(1, Acquire) { // NOTIFIED => EMPTY NOTIFIED => return, // EMPTY => PARKED EMPTY => (), _ => panic!("inconsistent park state"), } // Avoid waking up from spurious wakeups (these are quite likely, see below). loop { self.wait_flag.wait(); match self.state.compare_exchange(NOTIFIED, EMPTY, Acquire, Relaxed) { Ok(_) => return, Err(PARKED) => (), Err(_) => panic!("inconsistent park state"), } } } // This implementation doesn't require `unsafe` and `Pin`, but other implementations do. pub unsafe fn park_timeout(self: Pin<&Self>, dur: Duration) { match self.state.fetch_sub(1, Acquire) { NOTIFIED => return, EMPTY => (), _ => panic!("inconsistent park state"), } self.wait_flag.wait_timeout(dur); // Either a wakeup or a timeout occurred. Wakeups may be spurious, as there can be // a race condition when `unpark` is performed between receiving the timeout and // resetting the state, resulting in the eventflag being set unnecessarily. `park` // is protected against this by looping until the token is actually given, but // here we cannot easily tell. // Use `swap` to provide acquire ordering. match self.state.swap(EMPTY, Acquire) { NOTIFIED => (), PARKED => (), _ => panic!("inconsistent park state"), } } // This implementation doesn't require `Pin`, but other implementations do. pub fn unpark(self: Pin<&Self>) { let state = self.state.swap(NOTIFIED, Release); if state == PARKED { self.wait_flag.raise(); } } }