//! PowerPC Vector Scalar eXtensions (VSX) intrinsics. //! //! The references are: [POWER ISA v2.07B (for POWER8 & POWER8 with NVIDIA //! NVlink)] and [POWER ISA v3.0B (for POWER9)]. //! //! [POWER ISA v2.07B (for POWER8 & POWER8 with NVIDIA NVlink)]: https://ibm.box.com/s/jd5w15gz301s5b5dt375mshpq9c3lh4u //! [POWER ISA v3.0B (for POWER9)]: https://ibm.box.com/s/1hzcwkwf8rbju5h9iyf44wm94amnlcrv #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] use crate::core_arch::simd_llvm::*; #[cfg(test)] use stdarch_test::assert_instr; use crate::mem; types! { // pub struct vector_Float16 = f16x8; /// PowerPC-specific 128-bit wide vector of two packed `i64` pub struct vector_signed_long(i64, i64); /// PowerPC-specific 128-bit wide vector of two packed `u64` pub struct vector_unsigned_long(u64, u64); /// PowerPC-specific 128-bit wide vector mask of two `i64` pub struct vector_bool_long(i64, i64); /// PowerPC-specific 128-bit wide vector of two packed `f64` pub struct vector_double(f64, f64); // pub struct vector_signed_long_long = vector_signed_long; // pub struct vector_unsigned_long_long = vector_unsigned_long; // pub struct vector_bool_long_long = vector_bool_long; // pub struct vector_signed___int128 = i128x1; // pub struct vector_unsigned___int128 = i128x1; } mod sealed { use super::*; use crate::core_arch::simd::*; pub trait VectorPermDI { unsafe fn vec_xxpermdi(self, b: Self, dm: u8) -> Self; } // xxpermdi has an big-endian bias and extended mnemonics #[inline] #[target_feature(enable = "vsx")] #[cfg_attr(all(test, target_endian = "little"), assert_instr(xxmrgld, dm = 0x0))] #[cfg_attr(all(test, target_endian = "big"), assert_instr(xxspltd, dm = 0x0))] unsafe fn xxpermdi(a: i64x2, b: i64x2, dm: u8) -> i64x2 { match dm & 0b11 { 0 => simd_shuffle2!(a, b, [0b00, 0b10]), 1 => simd_shuffle2!(a, b, [0b01, 0b10]), 2 => simd_shuffle2!(a, b, [0b00, 0b11]), _ => simd_shuffle2!(a, b, [0b01, 0b11]), } } macro_rules! vec_xxpermdi { {$impl: ident} => { impl VectorPermDI for $impl { #[inline] #[target_feature(enable = "vsx")] unsafe fn vec_xxpermdi(self, b: Self, dm: u8) -> Self { mem::transmute(xxpermdi(mem::transmute(self), mem::transmute(b), dm)) } } } } vec_xxpermdi! { vector_unsigned_long } vec_xxpermdi! { vector_signed_long } vec_xxpermdi! { vector_bool_long } vec_xxpermdi! { vector_double } } /// Vector permute. #[inline] #[target_feature(enable = "vsx")] //#[rustc_legacy_const_generics(2)] pub unsafe fn vec_xxpermdi(a: T, b: T) -> T where T: sealed::VectorPermDI, { static_assert_imm2!(DM); a.vec_xxpermdi(b, DM as u8) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[cfg(target_arch = "powerpc")] use crate::core_arch::arch::powerpc::*; #[cfg(target_arch = "powerpc64")] use crate::core_arch::arch::powerpc64::*; use super::mem; use crate::core_arch::simd::*; use stdarch_test::simd_test; macro_rules! test_vec_xxpermdi { {$name:ident, $shorttype:ident, $longtype:ident, [$($a:expr),+], [$($b:expr),+], [$($c:expr),+], [$($d:expr),+]} => { #[simd_test(enable = "vsx")] unsafe fn $name() { let a: $longtype = mem::transmute($shorttype::new($($a),+, $($b),+)); let b = mem::transmute($shorttype::new($($c),+, $($d),+)); assert_eq!($shorttype::new($($a),+, $($c),+), mem::transmute(vec_xxpermdi::<_, 0>(a, b))); assert_eq!($shorttype::new($($b),+, $($c),+), mem::transmute(vec_xxpermdi::<_, 1>(a, b))); assert_eq!($shorttype::new($($a),+, $($d),+), mem::transmute(vec_xxpermdi::<_, 2>(a, b))); assert_eq!($shorttype::new($($b),+, $($d),+), mem::transmute(vec_xxpermdi::<_, 3>(a, b))); } } } test_vec_xxpermdi! {test_vec_xxpermdi_u64x2, u64x2, vector_unsigned_long, [0], [1], [2], [3]} test_vec_xxpermdi! {test_vec_xxpermdi_i64x2, i64x2, vector_signed_long, [0], [-1], [2], [-3]} test_vec_xxpermdi! {test_vec_xxpermdi_m64x2, m64x2, vector_bool_long, [false], [true], [false], [true]} test_vec_xxpermdi! {test_vec_xxpermdi_f64x2, f64x2, vector_double, [0.0], [1.0], [2.0], [3.0]} }