#![feature(slice_partition_dedup)] #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate log; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::process::Command; use clap::{App, Arg}; use intrinsic::Intrinsic; use itertools::Itertools; use rayon::prelude::*; use types::TypeKind; use crate::acle_csv_parser::{get_acle_intrinsics, CsvMetadata}; use crate::argument::Argument; mod acle_csv_parser; mod argument; mod intrinsic; mod types; mod values; // The number of times each intrinsic will be called. const PASSES: u32 = 20; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Language { Rust, C, } fn gen_code_c( intrinsic: &Intrinsic, constraints: &[&Argument], name: String, p64_armv7_workaround: bool, ) -> String { if let Some((current, constraints)) = constraints.split_last() { let range = current .constraints .iter() .map(|c| c.to_range()) .flat_map(|r| r.into_iter()); range .map(|i| { format!( r#" {{ {ty} {name} = {val}; {pass} }}"#, name = current.name, ty = current.ty.c_type(), val = i, pass = gen_code_c( intrinsic, constraints, format!("{name}-{i}"), p64_armv7_workaround ) ) }) .collect() } else { intrinsic.generate_loop_c(&name, PASSES, p64_armv7_workaround) } } fn generate_c_program( notices: &str, header_files: &[&str], intrinsic: &Intrinsic, p64_armv7_workaround: bool, ) -> String { let constraints = intrinsic .arguments .iter() .filter(|i| i.has_constraint()) .collect_vec(); format!( r#"{notices}{header_files} #include #include #include #include template T1 cast(T2 x) {{ static_assert(sizeof(T1) == sizeof(T2), "sizeof T1 and T2 must be the same"); T1 ret{{}}; memcpy(&ret, &x, sizeof(T1)); return ret; }} #ifdef __aarch64__ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, poly128_t value) {{ std::stringstream temp; do {{ int n = value % 10; value /= 10; temp << n; }} while (value != 0); std::string tempstr(temp.str()); std::string res(tempstr.rbegin(), tempstr.rend()); os << res; return os; }} #endif {arglists} int main(int argc, char **argv) {{ {passes} return 0; }}"#, header_files = header_files .iter() .map(|header| format!("#include <{header}>")) .collect::>() .join("\n"), arglists = intrinsic.arguments.gen_arglists_c(PASSES), passes = gen_code_c( intrinsic, constraints.as_slice(), Default::default(), p64_armv7_workaround ), ) } fn gen_code_rust(intrinsic: &Intrinsic, constraints: &[&Argument], name: String) -> String { if let Some((current, constraints)) = constraints.split_last() { let range = current .constraints .iter() .map(|c| c.to_range()) .flat_map(|r| r.into_iter()); range .map(|i| { format!( r#" {{ const {name}: {ty} = {val}; {pass} }}"#, name = current.name, ty = current.ty.rust_type(), val = i, pass = gen_code_rust(intrinsic, constraints, format!("{name}-{i}")) ) }) .collect() } else { intrinsic.generate_loop_rust(&name, PASSES) } } fn generate_rust_program(notices: &str, intrinsic: &Intrinsic, a32: bool) -> String { let constraints = intrinsic .arguments .iter() .filter(|i| i.has_constraint()) .collect_vec(); format!( r#"{notices}#![feature(simd_ffi)] #![feature(link_llvm_intrinsics)] #![feature(stdsimd)] #![allow(overflowing_literals)] #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] use core_arch::arch::{target_arch}::*; {arglists} fn main() {{ {passes} }} "#, target_arch = if a32 { "arm" } else { "aarch64" }, arglists = intrinsic.arguments.gen_arglists_rust(PASSES), passes = gen_code_rust(intrinsic, &constraints, Default::default()) ) } fn compile_c(c_filename: &str, intrinsic: &Intrinsic, compiler: &str, a32: bool) -> bool { let flags = std::env::var("CPPFLAGS").unwrap_or("".into()); let output = Command::new("sh") .arg("-c") .arg(format!( "{cpp} {cppflags} {arch_flags} -Wno-narrowing -O2 -target {target} -o c_programs/{intrinsic} {filename}", target = if a32 { "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" } else { "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" }, arch_flags = if a32 { "-march=armv8.6-a+crypto+crc+dotprod" } else { "-march=armv8.6-a+crypto+sha3+crc+dotprod" }, filename = c_filename, intrinsic = intrinsic.name, cpp = compiler, cppflags = flags, )) .output(); if let Ok(output) = output { if output.status.success() { true } else { error!( "Failed to compile code for intrinsic: {}\n\nstdout:\n{}\n\nstderr:\n{}", intrinsic.name, std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap_or(""), std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap_or("") ); false } } else { error!("Command failed: {:#?}", output); false } } fn build_notices(csv_metadata: &CsvMetadata, line_prefix: &str) -> String { let mut notices = format!( "\ {line_prefix}This is a transient test file, not intended for distribution. Some aspects of the {line_prefix}test are derived from a CSV specification, published with the following notices: {line_prefix} " ); let lines = csv_metadata .notices_lines() .map(|line| format!("{line_prefix} {line}\n")); notices.extend(lines); notices.push_str("\n"); notices } fn build_c(notices: &str, intrinsics: &Vec, compiler: &str, a32: bool) -> bool { let _ = std::fs::create_dir("c_programs"); intrinsics .par_iter() .map(|i| { let c_filename = format!(r#"c_programs/{}.cpp"#, i.name); let mut file = File::create(&c_filename).unwrap(); let c_code = generate_c_program(notices, &["arm_neon.h", "arm_acle.h"], &i, a32); file.write_all(c_code.into_bytes().as_slice()).unwrap(); compile_c(&c_filename, &i, compiler, a32) }) .find_any(|x| !x) .is_none() } fn build_rust( notices: &str, spdx_lic: &str, intrinsics: &Vec, toolchain: &str, a32: bool, ) -> bool { intrinsics.iter().for_each(|i| { let rust_dir = format!(r#"rust_programs/{}"#, i.name); let _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(&rust_dir); let rust_filename = format!(r#"{rust_dir}/main.rs"#); let mut file = File::create(&rust_filename).unwrap(); let c_code = generate_rust_program(notices, &i, a32); file.write_all(c_code.into_bytes().as_slice()).unwrap(); }); let mut cargo = File::create("rust_programs/Cargo.toml").unwrap(); cargo .write_all( format!( r#"[package] name = "intrinsic-test-programs" version = "{version}" authors = ["{authors}"] license = "{spdx_lic}" edition = "2018" [workspace] [dependencies] core_arch = {{ path = "../crates/core_arch" }} {binaries}"#, version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), authors = env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"), binaries = intrinsics .iter() .map(|i| { format!( r#"[[bin]] name = "{intrinsic}" path = "{intrinsic}/main.rs""#, intrinsic = i.name ) }) .collect::>() .join("\n") ) .into_bytes() .as_slice(), ) .unwrap(); let output = Command::new("sh") .current_dir("rust_programs") .arg("-c") .arg(format!( "cargo {toolchain} build --target {target} --release", toolchain = toolchain, target = if a32 { "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" } else { "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" }, )) .env("RUSTFLAGS", "-Cdebuginfo=0") .output(); if let Ok(output) = output { if output.status.success() { true } else { error!( "Failed to compile code for intrinsics\n\nstdout:\n{}\n\nstderr:\n{}", std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap_or(""), std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap_or("") ); false } } else { error!("Command failed: {:#?}", output); false } } fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init(); let matches = App::new("Intrinsic test tool") .about("Generates Rust and C programs for intrinsics and compares the output") .arg( Arg::with_name("INPUT") .help("The input file containing the intrinsics") .required(true) .index(1), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("TOOLCHAIN") .takes_value(true) .long("toolchain") .help("The rust toolchain to use for building the rust code"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("CPPCOMPILER") .takes_value(true) .default_value("clang++") .long("cppcompiler") .help("The C++ compiler to use for compiling the c++ code"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("RUNNER") .takes_value(true) .long("runner") .help("Run the C programs under emulation with this command"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("SKIP") .takes_value(true) .long("skip") .help("Filename for a list of intrinsics to skip (one per line)"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("A32") .takes_value(false) .long("a32") .help("Run tests for A32 instrinsics instead of A64"), ) .get_matches(); let filename = matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap(); let toolchain = matches .value_of("TOOLCHAIN") .map_or("".into(), |t| format!("+{t}")); let cpp_compiler = matches.value_of("CPPCOMPILER").unwrap(); let c_runner = matches.value_of("RUNNER").unwrap_or(""); let skip = if let Some(filename) = matches.value_of("SKIP") { let data = std::fs::read_to_string(&filename).expect("Failed to open file"); data.lines() .map(str::trim) .filter(|s| !s.contains('#')) .map(String::from) .collect_vec() } else { Default::default() }; let a32 = matches.is_present("A32"); let (csv_metadata, intrinsics) = get_acle_intrinsics(filename); let mut intrinsics = intrinsics .into_iter() // Not sure how we would compare intrinsic that returns void. .filter(|i| i.results.kind() != TypeKind::Void) .filter(|i| i.results.kind() != TypeKind::BFloat) .filter(|i| !(i.results.kind() == TypeKind::Float && i.results.inner_size() == 16)) .filter(|i| !i.arguments.iter().any(|a| a.ty.kind() == TypeKind::BFloat)) .filter(|i| { !i.arguments .iter() .any(|a| a.ty.kind() == TypeKind::Float && a.ty.inner_size() == 16) }) // Skip pointers for now, we would probably need to look at the return // type to work out how many elements we need to point to. .filter(|i| !i.arguments.iter().any(|a| a.is_ptr())) .filter(|i| !i.arguments.iter().any(|a| a.ty.inner_size() == 128)) .filter(|i| !skip.contains(&i.name)) .filter(|i| !(a32 && i.a64_only)) .collect::>(); intrinsics.dedup(); let notices = build_notices(&csv_metadata, "// "); let spdx_lic = csv_metadata.spdx_license_identifier(); if !build_c(¬ices, &intrinsics, cpp_compiler, a32) { std::process::exit(2); } if !build_rust(¬ices, spdx_lic, &intrinsics, &toolchain, a32) { std::process::exit(3); } if !compare_outputs(&intrinsics, &toolchain, &c_runner, a32) { std::process::exit(1) } } enum FailureReason { RunC(String), RunRust(String), Difference(String, String, String), } fn compare_outputs(intrinsics: &Vec, toolchain: &str, runner: &str, a32: bool) -> bool { let intrinsics = intrinsics .par_iter() .filter_map(|intrinsic| { let c = Command::new("sh") .arg("-c") .arg(format!( "{runner} ./c_programs/{intrinsic}", runner = runner, intrinsic = intrinsic.name, )) .output(); let rust = Command::new("sh") .current_dir("rust_programs") .arg("-c") .arg(format!( "cargo {toolchain} run --target {target} --bin {intrinsic} --release", intrinsic = intrinsic.name, toolchain = toolchain, target = if a32 { "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" } else { "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" }, )) .env("RUSTFLAGS", "-Cdebuginfo=0") .output(); let (c, rust) = match (c, rust) { (Ok(c), Ok(rust)) => (c, rust), a => panic!("{a:#?}"), }; if !c.status.success() { error!("Failed to run C program for intrinsic {}", intrinsic.name); return Some(FailureReason::RunC(intrinsic.name.clone())); } if !rust.status.success() { error!( "Failed to run rust program for intrinsic {}", intrinsic.name ); return Some(FailureReason::RunRust(intrinsic.name.clone())); } info!("Comparing intrinsic: {}", intrinsic.name); let c = std::str::from_utf8(&c.stdout) .unwrap() .to_lowercase() .replace("-nan", "nan"); let rust = std::str::from_utf8(&rust.stdout) .unwrap() .to_lowercase() .replace("-nan", "nan"); if c == rust { None } else { Some(FailureReason::Difference(intrinsic.name.clone(), c, rust)) } }) .collect::>(); intrinsics.iter().for_each(|reason| match reason { FailureReason::Difference(intrinsic, c, rust) => { println!("Difference for intrinsic: {intrinsic}"); let diff = diff::lines(c, rust); diff.iter().for_each(|diff| match diff { diff::Result::Left(c) => println!("C: {c}"), diff::Result::Right(rust) => println!("Rust: {rust}"), diff::Result::Both(_, _) => (), }); println!("****************************************************************"); } FailureReason::RunC(intrinsic) => { println!("Failed to run C program for intrinsic {intrinsic}") } FailureReason::RunRust(intrinsic) => { println!("Failed to run rust program for intrinsic {intrinsic}") } }); println!("{} differences found", intrinsics.len()); intrinsics.is_empty() }