#![allow(bad_style)] #![allow(unused)] #![allow( clippy::shadow_reuse, clippy::cast_lossless, clippy::match_same_arms, clippy::nonminimal_bool, clippy::print_stdout, clippy::use_debug, clippy::eq_op, clippy::useless_format )] use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use serde::Deserialize; const PRINT_INSTRUCTION_VIOLATIONS: bool = false; const PRINT_MISSING_LISTS: bool = false; const PRINT_MISSING_LISTS_MARKDOWN: bool = false; struct Function { name: &'static str, arguments: &'static [&'static Type], ret: Option<&'static Type>, target_feature: Option<&'static str>, instrs: &'static [&'static str], file: &'static str, required_const: &'static [usize], has_test: bool, } static F32: Type = Type::PrimFloat(32); static F64: Type = Type::PrimFloat(64); static I8: Type = Type::PrimSigned(8); static I16: Type = Type::PrimSigned(16); static I32: Type = Type::PrimSigned(32); static I64: Type = Type::PrimSigned(64); static U8: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(8); static U16: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(16); static U32: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(32); static U64: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(64); static U128: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(128); static ORDERING: Type = Type::Ordering; static M64: Type = Type::M64; static M128: Type = Type::M128; static M128BH: Type = Type::M128BH; static M128I: Type = Type::M128I; static M128D: Type = Type::M128D; static M256: Type = Type::M256; static M256BH: Type = Type::M256BH; static M256I: Type = Type::M256I; static M256D: Type = Type::M256D; static M512: Type = Type::M512; static M512BH: Type = Type::M512BH; static M512I: Type = Type::M512I; static M512D: Type = Type::M512D; static MMASK8: Type = Type::MMASK8; static MMASK16: Type = Type::MMASK16; static MMASK32: Type = Type::MMASK32; static MMASK64: Type = Type::MMASK64; static MM_CMPINT_ENUM: Type = Type::MM_CMPINT_ENUM; static MM_MANTISSA_NORM_ENUM: Type = Type::MM_MANTISSA_NORM_ENUM; static MM_MANTISSA_SIGN_ENUM: Type = Type::MM_MANTISSA_SIGN_ENUM; static MM_PERM_ENUM: Type = Type::MM_PERM_ENUM; static TUPLE: Type = Type::Tuple; static CPUID: Type = Type::CpuidResult; static NEVER: Type = Type::Never; #[derive(Debug)] enum Type { PrimFloat(u8), PrimSigned(u8), PrimUnsigned(u8), MutPtr(&'static Type), ConstPtr(&'static Type), M64, M128, M128BH, M128D, M128I, M256, M256BH, M256D, M256I, M512, M512BH, M512D, M512I, MMASK8, MMASK16, MMASK32, MMASK64, MM_CMPINT_ENUM, MM_MANTISSA_NORM_ENUM, MM_MANTISSA_SIGN_ENUM, MM_PERM_ENUM, Tuple, CpuidResult, Never, Ordering, } stdarch_verify::x86_functions!(static FUNCTIONS); #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Data { #[serde(rename = "intrinsic", default)] intrinsics: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Intrinsic { #[serde(rename = "return")] return_: Return, name: String, #[serde(rename = "CPUID", default)] cpuid: Vec, #[serde(rename = "parameter", default)] parameters: Vec, #[serde(default)] instruction: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Parameter { #[serde(rename = "type")] type_: String, #[serde(default)] etype: String, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Return { #[serde(rename = "type")] type_: String, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Instruction { name: String, } macro_rules! bail { ($($t:tt)*) => (return Err(format!($($t)*))) } #[test] fn verify_all_signatures() { // This XML document was downloaded from Intel's site. To update this you // can visit intel's intrinsics guide online documentation: // // https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/IntrinsicsGuide/# // // Open up the network console and you'll see an xml file was downloaded // (currently called data-3.4.xml). That's the file we downloaded // here. let xml = include_bytes!("../x86-intel.xml"); let xml = &xml[..]; let data: Data = serde_xml_rs::from_reader(xml).expect("failed to deserialize xml"); let mut map = HashMap::new(); for intrinsic in &data.intrinsics { map.entry(&intrinsic.name[..]) .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(intrinsic); } let mut all_valid = true; 'outer: for rust in FUNCTIONS { if !rust.has_test { // FIXME: this list should be almost empty let skip = [ "__readeflags", "__readeflags", "__writeeflags", "__writeeflags", "_mm_comige_ss", "_mm_cvt_ss2si", "_mm_cvtt_ss2si", "_mm_cvt_si2ss", "_mm_set_ps1", "_mm_load_ps1", "_mm_store_ps1", "_mm_getcsr", "_mm_setcsr", "_MM_GET_EXCEPTION_MASK", "_MM_GET_EXCEPTION_STATE", "_MM_GET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE", "_MM_GET_ROUNDING_MODE", "_MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK", "_MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE", "_MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE", "_MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE", "_mm_prefetch", "_mm_undefined_ps", "_m_pmaxsw", "_m_pmaxub", "_m_pminsw", "_m_pminub", "_m_pavgb", "_m_pavgw", "_m_psadbw", "_mm_cvt_pi2ps", "_m_maskmovq", "_m_pextrw", "_m_pinsrw", "_m_pmovmskb", "_m_pshufw", "_mm_cvtt_ps2pi", "_mm_cvt_ps2pi", "__cpuid_count", "__cpuid", "__get_cpuid_max", "_xsave", "_xrstor", "_xsetbv", "_xgetbv", "_xsaveopt", "_xsavec", "_xsaves", "_xrstors", "_mm_bslli_si128", "_mm_bsrli_si128", "_mm_undefined_pd", "_mm_undefined_si128", "_mm_cvtps_ph", "_mm256_cvtps_ph", "_rdtsc", "__rdtscp", "_mm256_castps128_ps256", "_mm256_castpd128_pd256", "_mm256_castsi128_si256", "_mm256_undefined_ps", "_mm256_undefined_pd", "_mm256_undefined_si256", "_bextr2_u32", "_mm_tzcnt_32", "_m_paddb", "_m_paddw", "_m_paddd", "_m_paddsb", "_m_paddsw", "_m_paddusb", "_m_paddusw", "_m_psubb", "_m_psubw", "_m_psubd", "_m_psubsb", "_m_psubsw", "_m_psubusb", "_m_psubusw", "_mm_set_pi16", "_mm_set_pi32", "_mm_set_pi8", "_mm_set1_pi16", "_mm_set1_pi32", "_mm_set1_pi8", "_mm_setr_pi16", "_mm_setr_pi32", "_mm_setr_pi8", "ud2", "_mm_min_epi8", "_mm_min_epi32", "_xbegin", "_xend", "_rdrand16_step", "_rdrand32_step", "_rdseed16_step", "_rdseed32_step", "_fxsave", "_fxrstor", "_t1mskc_u64", "_mm256_shuffle_epi32", "_mm256_bslli_epi128", "_mm256_bsrli_epi128", "_mm256_unpackhi_epi8", "_mm256_unpacklo_epi8", "_mm256_unpackhi_epi16", "_mm256_unpacklo_epi16", "_mm256_unpackhi_epi32", "_mm256_unpacklo_epi32", "_mm256_unpackhi_epi64", "_mm256_unpacklo_epi64", "_xsave64", "_xrstor64", "_xsaveopt64", "_xsavec64", "_xsaves64", "_xrstors64", "_mm_cvtsi64x_si128", "_mm_cvtsi128_si64x", "_mm_cvtsi64x_sd", "cmpxchg16b", "_rdrand64_step", "_rdseed64_step", "_bextr2_u64", "_mm_tzcnt_64", "_fxsave64", "_fxrstor64", "_mm512_undefined_ps", "_mm512_undefined_pd", "_mm512_undefined_epi32", "_mm512_undefined", ]; if !skip.contains(&rust.name) { println!( "missing run-time test named `test_{}` for `{}`", { let mut id = rust.name; while id.starts_with('_') { id = &id[1..]; } id }, rust.name ); all_valid = false; } } match rust.name { // These aren't defined by Intel but they're defined by what appears // to be all other compilers. For more information see // rust-lang/stdarch#307, and otherwise these signatures // have all been manually verified. "__readeflags" | "__writeeflags" | "__cpuid_count" | "__cpuid" | "__get_cpuid_max" | // Not listed with intel, but manually verified "cmpxchg16b" | // The UD2 intrinsic is not defined by Intel, but it was agreed on // in the RFC Issue 2512: // https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/2512 "ud2" => continue, // Intel requires the mask argument for _mm_shuffle_ps to be an // unsigned integer, but all other _mm_shuffle_.. intrinsics // take a signed-integer. This breaks `_MM_SHUFFLE` for // `_mm_shuffle_ps`: "_mm_shuffle_ps" => continue, _ => {} } // these are all AMD-specific intrinsics if let Some(feature) = rust.target_feature { if feature.contains("sse4a") || feature.contains("tbm") { continue; } } let intel = match map.remove(rust.name) { Some(i) => i, None => panic!("missing intel definition for {}", rust.name), }; let mut errors = Vec::new(); for intel in intel { match matches(rust, intel) { Ok(()) => continue 'outer, Err(e) => errors.push(e), } } println!("failed to verify `{}`", rust.name); for error in errors { println!(" * {}", error); } all_valid = false; } assert!(all_valid); let mut missing = BTreeMap::new(); for (name, intel) in &map { // currently focused mainly on missing SIMD intrinsics, but there's // definitely some other assorted ones that we're missing. if !name.starts_with("_mm") { continue; } // we'll get to avx-512 later // let avx512 = intel.iter().any(|i| { // i.name.starts_with("_mm512") || i.cpuid.iter().any(|c| { // c.contains("512") // }) // }); // if avx512 { // continue // } for intel in intel { missing .entry(&intel.cpuid) .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(intel); } } // generate a bulleted list of missing intrinsics if PRINT_MISSING_LISTS || PRINT_MISSING_LISTS_MARKDOWN { for (k, v) in missing { if PRINT_MISSING_LISTS_MARKDOWN { println!("\n

\n", k); for intel in v { let url = format!( "https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage\ /IntrinsicsGuide/#text={}&expand=5236", intel.name ); println!(" * [ ] [`{}`]({})", intel.name, url); } println!("

\n"); } else { println!("\n{:?}\n", k); for intel in v { println!("\t{}", intel.name); } } } } } fn matches(rust: &Function, intel: &Intrinsic) -> Result<(), String> { // Verify that all `#[target_feature]` annotations are correct, // ensuring that we've actually enabled the right instruction // set for this intrinsic. match rust.name { "_bswap" | "_bswap64" => {} // These don't actually have a target feature unlike their brethren with // the `x` inside the name which requires adx "_addcarry_u32" | "_addcarry_u64" | "_subborrow_u32" | "_subborrow_u64" => {} "_bittest" | "_bittestandset" | "_bittestandreset" | "_bittestandcomplement" | "_bittest64" | "_bittestandset64" | "_bittestandreset64" | "_bittestandcomplement64" => {} _ => { if intel.cpuid.is_empty() { bail!("missing cpuid for {}", rust.name); } } } for cpuid in &intel.cpuid { // The pause intrinsic is in the SSE2 module, but it is backwards // compatible with CPUs without SSE2, and it therefore does not need the // target-feature attribute. if rust.name == "_mm_pause" { continue; } // this is needed by _xsave and probably some related intrinsics, // but let's just skip it for now. if *cpuid == "XSS" { continue; } // these flags on the rdtsc/rtdscp intrinsics we don't test for right // now, but we may wish to add these one day! // // For more info see #308 if *cpuid == "TSC" || *cpuid == "RDTSCP" { continue; } let cpuid = cpuid .chars() .flat_map(|c| c.to_lowercase()) .collect::(); // Fix mismatching feature names: let fixup_cpuid = |cpuid: String| match cpuid.as_ref() { // The XML file names IFMA as "avx512ifma52", while Rust calls // it "avx512ifma". "avx512ifma52" => String::from("avx512ifma"), // The XML file names BITALG as "avx512_bitalg", while Rust calls // it "avx512bitalg". "avx512_bitalg" => String::from("avx512bitalg"), // The XML file names VBMI as "avx512_vbmi", while Rust calls // it "avx512vbmi". "avx512_vbmi" => String::from("avx512vbmi"), // The XML file names VBMI2 as "avx512_vbmi2", while Rust calls // it "avx512vbmi2". "avx512_vbmi2" => String::from("avx512vbmi2"), // The XML file names VNNI as "avx512_vnni", while Rust calls // it "avx512vnni". "avx512_vnni" => String::from("avx512vnni"), // Some AVX512f intrinsics are also supported by Knight's Corner. // The XML lists them as avx512f/kncni, but we are solely gating // them behind avx512f since we don't have a KNC feature yet. "avx512f/kncni" => String::from("avx512f"), // See: https://github.com/rust-lang/stdarch/issues/738 // The intrinsics guide calls `f16c` `fp16c` in disagreement with // Intel's architecture manuals. "fp16c" => String::from("f16c"), "avx512_bf16" => String::from("avx512bf16"), // The XML file names VNNI as "avx512_bf16", while Rust calls // it "avx512bf16". _ => cpuid, }; let fixed_cpuid = fixup_cpuid(cpuid); let rust_feature = rust .target_feature .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no target feature listed for {}", rust.name)); if rust_feature.contains(&fixed_cpuid) { continue; } bail!( "intel cpuid `{}` not in `{}` for {}", fixed_cpuid, rust_feature, rust.name ) } if PRINT_INSTRUCTION_VIOLATIONS { if rust.instrs.is_empty() { if !intel.instruction.is_empty() { println!( "instruction not listed for `{}`, but intel lists {:?}", rust.name, intel.instruction ); } // If intel doesn't list any instructions and we do then don't // bother trying to look for instructions in intel, we've just got // some extra assertions on our end. } else if !intel.instruction.is_empty() { for instr in rust.instrs { let asserting = intel.instruction.iter().any(|a| a.name.starts_with(instr)); if !asserting { println!( "intel failed to list `{}` as an instruction for `{}`", instr, rust.name ); } } } } // Make sure we've got the right return type. if let Some(t) = rust.ret { equate(t, &intel.return_.type_, "", rust.name, false)?; } else if intel.return_.type_ != "" && intel.return_.type_ != "void" { bail!( "{} returns `{}` with intel, void in rust", rust.name, intel.return_.type_ ) } // If there's no arguments on Rust's side intel may list one "void" // argument, so handle that here. if rust.arguments.is_empty() && intel.parameters.len() == 1 { if intel.parameters[0].type_ != "void" { bail!("rust has 0 arguments, intel has one for") } } else { // Otherwise we want all parameters to be exactly the same if rust.arguments.len() != intel.parameters.len() { bail!("wrong number of arguments on {}", rust.name) } for (i, (a, b)) in intel.parameters.iter().zip(rust.arguments).enumerate() { let is_const = rust.required_const.contains(&i); equate(b, &a.type_, &a.etype, &intel.name, is_const)?; } } let any_i64 = rust .arguments .iter() .cloned() .chain(rust.ret) .any(|arg| matches!(*arg, Type::PrimSigned(64) | Type::PrimUnsigned(64))); let any_i64_exempt = match rust.name { // These intrinsics have all been manually verified against Clang's // headers to be available on x86, and the u64 arguments seem // spurious I guess? "_xsave" | "_xrstor" | "_xsetbv" | "_xgetbv" | "_xsaveopt" | "_xsavec" | "_xsaves" | "_xrstors" => true, // Apparently all of clang/msvc/gcc accept these intrinsics on // 32-bit, so let's do the same "_mm_set_epi64x" | "_mm_set1_epi64x" | "_mm256_set_epi64x" | "_mm256_setr_epi64x" | "_mm256_set1_epi64x" | "_mm512_set1_epi64" | "_mm256_mask_set1_epi64" | "_mm256_maskz_set1_epi64" | "_mm_mask_set1_epi64" | "_mm_maskz_set1_epi64" | "_mm512_set4_epi64" | "_mm512_setr4_epi64" | "_mm512_set_epi64" | "_mm512_setr_epi64" | "_mm512_reduce_add_epi64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_add_epi64" | "_mm512_reduce_mul_epi64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_mul_epi64" | "_mm512_reduce_max_epi64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_max_epi64" | "_mm512_reduce_max_epu64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_max_epu64" | "_mm512_reduce_min_epi64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_min_epi64" | "_mm512_reduce_min_epu64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_min_epu64" | "_mm512_reduce_and_epi64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_and_epi64" | "_mm512_reduce_or_epi64" | "_mm512_mask_reduce_or_epi64" | "_mm512_mask_set1_epi64" | "_mm512_maskz_set1_epi64" | "_mm_cvt_roundss_si64" | "_mm_cvt_roundss_i64" | "_mm_cvt_roundss_u64" | "_mm_cvtss_i64" | "_mm_cvtss_u64" | "_mm_cvt_roundsd_si64" | "_mm_cvt_roundsd_i64" | "_mm_cvt_roundsd_u64" | "_mm_cvtsd_i64" | "_mm_cvtsd_u64" | "_mm_cvt_roundi64_ss" | "_mm_cvt_roundi64_sd" | "_mm_cvt_roundsi64_ss" | "_mm_cvt_roundsi64_sd" | "_mm_cvt_roundu64_ss" | "_mm_cvt_roundu64_sd" | "_mm_cvti64_ss" | "_mm_cvti64_sd" | "_mm_cvtt_roundss_si64" | "_mm_cvtt_roundss_i64" | "_mm_cvtt_roundss_u64" | "_mm_cvttss_i64" | "_mm_cvttss_u64" | "_mm_cvtt_roundsd_si64" | "_mm_cvtt_roundsd_i64" | "_mm_cvtt_roundsd_u64" | "_mm_cvttsd_i64" | "_mm_cvttsd_u64" | "_mm_cvtu64_ss" | "_mm_cvtu64_sd" => true, // These return a 64-bit argument but they're assembled from other // 32-bit registers, so these work on 32-bit just fine. See #308 for // more info. "_rdtsc" | "__rdtscp" => true, _ => false, }; if any_i64 && !any_i64_exempt && !rust.file.contains("x86_64") { bail!( "intrinsic `{}` uses a 64-bit bare type but may be \ available on 32-bit platforms", rust.name ) } Ok(()) } fn equate( t: &Type, intel: &str, etype: &str, intrinsic: &str, is_const: bool, ) -> Result<(), String> { // Make pointer adjacent to the type: float * foo => float* foo let mut intel = intel.replace(" *", "*"); // Make mutability modifier adjacent to the pointer: // float const * foo => float const* foo intel = intel.replace("const *", "const*"); // Normalize mutability modifier to after the type: // const float* foo => float const* if intel.starts_with("const") && intel.ends_with('*') { intel = intel.replace("const ", ""); intel = intel.replace("*", " const*"); } if etype == "IMM" { // The _bittest intrinsics claim to only accept immediates but actually // accept run-time values as well. if !is_const && !intrinsic.starts_with("_bittest") { return bail!("argument required to be const but isn't"); } } else { // const int must be an IMM assert_ne!(intel, "const int"); if is_const { return bail!("argument is const but shouldn't be"); } } match (t, &intel[..]) { (&Type::PrimFloat(32), "float") => {} (&Type::PrimFloat(64), "double") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(16), "__int16") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(16), "short") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(32), "__int32") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(32), "const int") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(32), "int") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(64), "__int64") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(64), "long long") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(8), "__int8") => {} (&Type::PrimSigned(8), "char") => {} (&Type::PrimUnsigned(16), "unsigned short") => {} (&Type::PrimUnsigned(32), "unsigned int") => {} (&Type::PrimUnsigned(32), "const unsigned int") => {} (&Type::PrimUnsigned(64), "unsigned __int64") => {} (&Type::PrimUnsigned(8), "unsigned char") => {} (&Type::M64, "__m64") => {} (&Type::M128, "__m128") => {} (&Type::M128BH, "__m128bh") => {} (&Type::M128I, "__m128i") => {} (&Type::M128D, "__m128d") => {} (&Type::M256, "__m256") => {} (&Type::M256BH, "__m256bh") => {} (&Type::M256I, "__m256i") => {} (&Type::M256D, "__m256d") => {} (&Type::M512, "__m512") => {} (&Type::M512BH, "__m512bh") => {} (&Type::M512I, "__m512i") => {} (&Type::M512D, "__m512d") => {} (&Type::MMASK64, "__mmask64") => {} (&Type::MMASK32, "__mmask32") => {} (&Type::MMASK16, "__mmask16") => {} (&Type::MMASK8, "__mmask8") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(32)), "float*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(64)), "double*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(32)), "void*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(64)), "void*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "void*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(16)), "void*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(8)), "void*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "int*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "__int32*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "void*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "__int64*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(8)), "char*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(16)), "unsigned short*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(32)), "unsigned int*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(64)), "unsigned __int64*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(8)), "void*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(32)), "__mmask32*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(64)), "__mmask64*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M64), "__m64*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128), "__m128*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128BH), "__m128bh*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128I), "__m128i*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128D), "__m128d*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M256), "__m256*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M256BH), "__m256bh*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M256I), "__m256i*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M256D), "__m256d*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M512), "__m512*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M512BH), "__m512bh*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M512I), "__m512i*") => {} (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M512D), "__m512d*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(32)), "float const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(64)), "double const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(32)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(64)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "int const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "__int32 const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(8)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(16)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "__int64 const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(8)), "char const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(16)), "unsigned short const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(32)), "unsigned int const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(64)), "unsigned __int64 const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(8)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(32)), "void const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M64), "__m64 const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M128), "__m128 const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M128BH), "__m128bh const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M128I), "__m128i const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M128D), "__m128d const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M256), "__m256 const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M256BH), "__m256bh const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M256I), "__m256i const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M256D), "__m256d const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M512), "__m512 const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M512BH), "__m512bh const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M512I), "__m512i const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M512D), "__m512d const*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(32)), "__mmask32*") => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(64)), "__mmask64*") => {} (&Type::MM_CMPINT_ENUM, "_MM_CMPINT_ENUM") => {} (&Type::MM_MANTISSA_NORM_ENUM, "_MM_MANTISSA_NORM_ENUM") => {} (&Type::MM_MANTISSA_SIGN_ENUM, "_MM_MANTISSA_SIGN_ENUM") => {} (&Type::MM_PERM_ENUM, "_MM_PERM_ENUM") => {} // This is a macro (?) in C which seems to mutate its arguments, but // that means that we're taking pointers to arguments in rust // as we're not exposing it as a macro. (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128), "__m128") if intrinsic == "_MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS" => {} // The _rdtsc intrinsic uses a __int64 return type, but this is a bug in // the intrinsics guide: https://github.com/rust-lang/stdarch/issues/559 // We have manually fixed the bug by changing the return type to `u64`. (&Type::PrimUnsigned(64), "__int64") if intrinsic == "_rdtsc" => {} // The _bittest and _bittest64 intrinsics takes a mutable pointer in the // intrinsics guide even though it never writes through the pointer: (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "__int32*") if intrinsic == "_bittest" => {} (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "__int64*") if intrinsic == "_bittest64" => {} // The _xrstor, _fxrstor, _xrstor64, _fxrstor64 intrinsics take a // mutable pointer in the intrinsics guide even though they never write // through the pointer: (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(8)), "void*") if intrinsic == "_xrstor" || intrinsic == "_xrstor64" || intrinsic == "_fxrstor" || intrinsic == "_fxrstor64" => {} _ => bail!( "failed to equate: `{}` and {:?} for {}", intel, t, intrinsic ), } Ok(()) }