use std::any::Any; use super::bench::BenchSamples; use super::options::ShouldPanic; use super::time; use super::types::TestDesc; pub use self::TestResult::*; // Return codes for secondary process. // Start somewhere other than 0 so we know the return code means what we think // it means. pub const TR_OK: i32 = 50; pub const TR_FAILED: i32 = 51; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum TestResult { TrOk, TrFailed, TrFailedMsg(String), TrIgnored, TrBench(BenchSamples), TrTimedFail, } /// Creates a `TestResult` depending on the raw result of test execution /// and associated data. pub fn calc_result<'a>( desc: &TestDesc, task_result: Result<(), &'a (dyn Any + 'static + Send)>, time_opts: &Option, exec_time: &Option, ) -> TestResult { let result = match (&desc.should_panic, task_result) { (&ShouldPanic::No, Ok(())) | (&ShouldPanic::Yes, Err(_)) => TestResult::TrOk, (&ShouldPanic::YesWithMessage(msg), Err(err)) => { let maybe_panic_str = err .downcast_ref::() .map(|e| &**e) .or_else(|| err.downcast_ref::<&'static str>().copied()); if|e| e.contains(msg)).unwrap_or(false) { TestResult::TrOk } else if let Some(panic_str) = maybe_panic_str { TestResult::TrFailedMsg(format!( r#"panic did not contain expected string panic message: `{panic_str:?}`, expected substring: `{msg:?}`"# )) } else { TestResult::TrFailedMsg(format!( r#"expected panic with string value, found non-string value: `{:?}` expected substring: `{:?}`"#, (*err).type_id(), msg )) } } (&ShouldPanic::Yes, Ok(())) | (&ShouldPanic::YesWithMessage(_), Ok(())) => { TestResult::TrFailedMsg("test did not panic as expected".to_string()) } _ => TestResult::TrFailed, }; // If test is already failed (or allowed to fail), do not change the result. if result != TestResult::TrOk { return result; } // Check if test is failed due to timeout. if let (Some(opts), Some(time)) = (time_opts, exec_time) { if opts.error_on_excess && opts.is_critical(desc, time) { return TestResult::TrTimedFail; } } result } /// Creates a `TestResult` depending on the exit code of test subprocess. pub fn get_result_from_exit_code( desc: &TestDesc, code: i32, time_opts: &Option, exec_time: &Option, ) -> TestResult { let result = match code { TR_OK => TestResult::TrOk, TR_FAILED => TestResult::TrFailed, _ => TestResult::TrFailedMsg(format!("got unexpected return code {code}")), }; // If test is already failed (or allowed to fail), do not change the result. if result != TestResult::TrOk { return result; } // Check if test is failed due to timeout. if let (Some(opts), Some(time)) = (time_opts, exec_time) { if opts.error_on_excess && opts.is_critical(desc, time) { return TestResult::TrTimedFail; } } result }