use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; /// Uses the `llvm-bolt` binary to instrument the binary/library at the given `path` with BOLT. /// When the instrumented artifact is executed, it will generate BOLT profiles into /// `/tmp/prof.fdata..fdata`. pub fn instrument_with_bolt_inplace(path: &Path) { let dir = std::env::temp_dir(); let instrumented_path = dir.join(""); let status = Command::new("llvm-bolt") .arg("-instrument") .arg(&path) // Make sure that each process will write its profiles into a separate file .arg("--instrumentation-file-append-pid") .arg("-o") .arg(&instrumented_path) .status() .expect("Could not instrument artifact using BOLT"); if !status.success() { panic!("Could not instrument {} with BOLT, exit code {:?}", path.display(), status.code()); } std::fs::copy(&instrumented_path, path).expect("Cannot copy instrumented artifact"); std::fs::remove_file(instrumented_path).expect("Cannot delete instrumented artifact"); } /// Uses the `llvm-bolt` binary to optimize the binary/library at the given `path` with BOLT, /// using merged profiles from `profile_path`. /// /// The recorded profiles have to be merged using the `merge-fdata` tool from LLVM and the merged /// profile path should be then passed to this function. pub fn optimize_library_with_bolt_inplace(path: &Path, profile_path: &Path) { let dir = std::env::temp_dir(); let optimized_path = dir.join(""); let status = Command::new("llvm-bolt") .arg(&path) .arg("-data") .arg(&profile_path) .arg("-o") .arg(&optimized_path) // Reorder basic blocks within functions .arg("-reorder-blocks=ext-tsp") // Reorder functions within the binary .arg("-reorder-functions=hfsort+") // Split function code into hot and code regions .arg("-split-functions=2") // Split as many basic blocks as possible .arg("-split-all-cold") // Move jump tables to a separate section .arg("-jump-tables=move") // Use GNU_STACK program header for new segment (workaround for issues with strip/objcopy) .arg("-use-gnu-stack") // Fold functions with identical code .arg("-icf=1") // Update DWARF debug info in the final binary .arg("-update-debug-sections") // Print optimization statistics .arg("-dyno-stats") .status() .expect("Could not optimize artifact using BOLT"); if !status.success() { panic!("Could not optimize {} with BOLT, exit code {:?}", path.display(), status.code()); } std::fs::copy(&optimized_path, path).expect("Cannot copy optimized artifact"); std::fs::remove_file(optimized_path).expect("Cannot delete optimized artifact"); }