//! Serialized configuration of a build. //! //! This module implements parsing `config.toml` configuration files to tweak //! how the build runs. use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::cmp; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::env; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fmt; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::str::FromStr; use crate::builder::{Builder, TaskPath}; use crate::cache::{Interned, INTERNER}; use crate::channel::GitInfo; pub use crate::flags::Subcommand; use crate::flags::{Color, Flags}; use crate::util::{exe, output, program_out_of_date, t}; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer}; macro_rules! check_ci_llvm { ($name:expr) => { assert!( $name.is_none(), "setting {} is incompatible with download-ci-llvm.", stringify!($name) ); }; } /// Global configuration for the entire build and/or bootstrap. /// /// This structure is derived from a combination of both `config.toml` and /// `config.mk`. As of the time of this writing it's unlikely that `config.toml` /// is used all that much, so this is primarily filled out by `config.mk` which /// is generated from `./configure`. /// /// Note that this structure is not decoded directly into, but rather it is /// filled out from the decoded forms of the structs below. For documentation /// each field, see the corresponding fields in /// `config.toml.example`. #[derive(Default)] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone))] pub struct Config { pub changelog_seen: Option, pub ccache: Option, /// Call Build::ninja() instead of this. pub ninja_in_file: bool, pub verbose: usize, pub submodules: Option, pub compiler_docs: bool, pub docs_minification: bool, pub docs: bool, pub locked_deps: bool, pub vendor: bool, pub target_config: HashMap, pub full_bootstrap: bool, pub extended: bool, pub tools: Option>, pub sanitizers: bool, pub profiler: bool, pub ignore_git: bool, pub exclude: Vec, pub include_default_paths: bool, pub rustc_error_format: Option, pub json_output: bool, pub test_compare_mode: bool, pub color: Color, pub patch_binaries_for_nix: bool, pub stage0_metadata: Stage0Metadata, /// Whether to use the `c` feature of the `compiler_builtins` crate. pub optimized_compiler_builtins: bool, pub on_fail: Option, pub stage: u32, pub keep_stage: Vec, pub keep_stage_std: Vec, pub src: PathBuf, /// defaults to `config.toml` pub config: PathBuf, pub jobs: Option, pub cmd: Subcommand, pub incremental: bool, pub dry_run: bool, /// `None` if we shouldn't download CI compiler artifacts, or the commit to download if we should. #[cfg(not(test))] download_rustc_commit: Option, #[cfg(test)] pub download_rustc_commit: Option, pub deny_warnings: bool, pub backtrace_on_ice: bool, // llvm codegen options pub llvm_skip_rebuild: bool, pub llvm_assertions: bool, pub llvm_tests: bool, pub llvm_plugins: bool, pub llvm_optimize: bool, pub llvm_thin_lto: bool, pub llvm_release_debuginfo: bool, pub llvm_version_check: bool, pub llvm_static_stdcpp: bool, /// `None` if `llvm_from_ci` is true and we haven't yet downloaded llvm. #[cfg(not(test))] llvm_link_shared: Cell>, #[cfg(test)] pub llvm_link_shared: Cell>, pub llvm_clang_cl: Option, pub llvm_targets: Option, pub llvm_experimental_targets: Option, pub llvm_link_jobs: Option, pub llvm_version_suffix: Option, pub llvm_use_linker: Option, pub llvm_allow_old_toolchain: bool, pub llvm_polly: bool, pub llvm_clang: bool, pub llvm_from_ci: bool, pub llvm_build_config: HashMap, pub use_lld: bool, pub lld_enabled: bool, pub llvm_tools_enabled: bool, pub llvm_cflags: Option, pub llvm_cxxflags: Option, pub llvm_ldflags: Option, pub llvm_use_libcxx: bool, // rust codegen options pub rust_optimize: bool, pub rust_codegen_units: Option, pub rust_codegen_units_std: Option, pub rust_debug_assertions: bool, pub rust_debug_assertions_std: bool, pub rust_overflow_checks: bool, pub rust_overflow_checks_std: bool, pub rust_debug_logging: bool, pub rust_debuginfo_level_rustc: u32, pub rust_debuginfo_level_std: u32, pub rust_debuginfo_level_tools: u32, pub rust_debuginfo_level_tests: u32, pub rust_split_debuginfo: SplitDebuginfo, pub rust_rpath: bool, pub rustc_parallel: bool, pub rustc_default_linker: Option, pub rust_optimize_tests: bool, pub rust_dist_src: bool, pub rust_codegen_backends: Vec>, pub rust_verify_llvm_ir: bool, pub rust_thin_lto_import_instr_limit: Option, pub rust_remap_debuginfo: bool, pub rust_new_symbol_mangling: Option, pub rust_profile_use: Option, pub rust_profile_generate: Option, pub rust_lto: RustcLto, pub llvm_profile_use: Option, pub llvm_profile_generate: bool, pub llvm_libunwind_default: Option, pub llvm_bolt_profile_generate: bool, pub llvm_bolt_profile_use: Option, pub build: TargetSelection, pub hosts: Vec, pub targets: Vec, pub local_rebuild: bool, pub jemalloc: bool, pub control_flow_guard: bool, // dist misc pub dist_sign_folder: Option, pub dist_upload_addr: Option, pub dist_compression_formats: Option>, // libstd features pub backtrace: bool, // support for RUST_BACKTRACE // misc pub low_priority: bool, pub channel: String, pub description: Option, pub verbose_tests: bool, pub save_toolstates: Option, pub print_step_timings: bool, pub print_step_rusage: bool, pub missing_tools: bool, // Fallback musl-root for all targets pub musl_root: Option, pub prefix: Option, pub sysconfdir: Option, pub datadir: Option, pub docdir: Option, pub bindir: PathBuf, pub libdir: Option, pub mandir: Option, pub codegen_tests: bool, pub nodejs: Option, pub npm: Option, pub gdb: Option, pub python: Option, pub cargo_native_static: bool, pub configure_args: Vec, // These are either the stage0 downloaded binaries or the locally installed ones. pub initial_cargo: PathBuf, pub initial_rustc: PathBuf, #[cfg(not(test))] initial_rustfmt: RefCell, #[cfg(test)] pub initial_rustfmt: RefCell, pub out: PathBuf, } #[derive(Default, Deserialize)] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone))] pub struct Stage0Metadata { pub config: Stage0Config, pub checksums_sha256: HashMap, pub rustfmt: Option, } #[derive(Default, Deserialize)] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone))] pub struct Stage0Config { pub dist_server: String, pub artifacts_server: String, pub artifacts_with_llvm_assertions_server: String, pub git_merge_commit_email: String, pub nightly_branch: String, } #[derive(Default, Deserialize)] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone))] pub struct RustfmtMetadata { pub date: String, pub version: String, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum RustfmtState { SystemToolchain(PathBuf), Downloaded(PathBuf), Unavailable, LazyEvaluated, } impl Default for RustfmtState { fn default() -> Self { RustfmtState::LazyEvaluated } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum LlvmLibunwind { No, InTree, System, } impl Default for LlvmLibunwind { fn default() -> Self { Self::No } } impl FromStr for LlvmLibunwind { type Err = String; fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result { match value { "no" => Ok(Self::No), "in-tree" => Ok(Self::InTree), "system" => Ok(Self::System), invalid => Err(format!("Invalid value '{}' for rust.llvm-libunwind config.", invalid)), } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub enum SplitDebuginfo { Packed, Unpacked, Off, } impl Default for SplitDebuginfo { fn default() -> Self { SplitDebuginfo::Off } } impl std::str::FromStr for SplitDebuginfo { type Err = (); fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "packed" => Ok(SplitDebuginfo::Packed), "unpacked" => Ok(SplitDebuginfo::Unpacked), "off" => Ok(SplitDebuginfo::Off), _ => Err(()), } } } impl SplitDebuginfo { /// Returns the default `-Csplit-debuginfo` value for the current target. See the comment for /// `rust.split-debuginfo` in `config.toml.example`. fn default_for_platform(target: &str) -> Self { if target.contains("apple") { SplitDebuginfo::Unpacked } else if target.contains("windows") { SplitDebuginfo::Packed } else { SplitDebuginfo::Off } } } /// LTO mode used for compiling rustc itself. #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub enum RustcLto { #[default] ThinLocal, Thin, Fat, } impl std::str::FromStr for RustcLto { type Err = String; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "thin-local" => Ok(RustcLto::ThinLocal), "thin" => Ok(RustcLto::Thin), "fat" => Ok(RustcLto::Fat), _ => Err(format!("Invalid value for rustc LTO: {}", s)), } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct TargetSelection { pub triple: Interned, file: Option>, } impl TargetSelection { pub fn from_user(selection: &str) -> Self { let path = Path::new(selection); let (triple, file) = if path.exists() { let triple = path .file_stem() .expect("Target specification file has no file stem") .to_str() .expect("Target specification file stem is not UTF-8"); (triple, Some(selection)) } else { (selection, None) }; let triple = INTERNER.intern_str(triple); let file = file.map(|f| INTERNER.intern_str(f)); Self { triple, file } } pub fn rustc_target_arg(&self) -> &str { self.file.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.triple) } pub fn contains(&self, needle: &str) -> bool { self.triple.contains(needle) } pub fn starts_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool { self.triple.starts_with(needle) } pub fn ends_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool { self.triple.ends_with(needle) } } impl fmt::Display for TargetSelection { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.triple)?; if let Some(file) = self.file { write!(f, "({})", file)?; } Ok(()) } } impl fmt::Debug for TargetSelection { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self) } } impl PartialEq<&str> for TargetSelection { fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool { self.triple == *other } } /// Per-target configuration stored in the global configuration structure. #[derive(Default)] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone))] pub struct Target { /// Some(path to llvm-config) if using an external LLVM. pub llvm_config: Option, pub llvm_has_rust_patches: Option, /// Some(path to FileCheck) if one was specified. pub llvm_filecheck: Option, pub llvm_libunwind: Option, pub cc: Option, pub cxx: Option, pub ar: Option, pub ranlib: Option, pub default_linker: Option, pub linker: Option, pub ndk: Option, pub sanitizers: Option, pub profiler: Option, pub crt_static: Option, pub musl_root: Option, pub musl_libdir: Option, pub wasi_root: Option, pub qemu_rootfs: Option, pub no_std: bool, } impl Target { pub fn from_triple(triple: &str) -> Self { let mut target: Self = Default::default(); if triple.contains("-none") || triple.contains("nvptx") || triple.contains("switch") || triple.contains("-uefi") { target.no_std = true; } target } } /// Structure of the `config.toml` file that configuration is read from. /// /// This structure uses `Decodable` to automatically decode a TOML configuration /// file into this format, and then this is traversed and written into the above /// `Config` structure. #[derive(Deserialize, Default)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")] struct TomlConfig { changelog_seen: Option, build: Option, install: Option, llvm: Option, rust: Option, target: Option>, dist: Option, profile: Option, } trait Merge { fn merge(&mut self, other: Self); } impl Merge for TomlConfig { fn merge( &mut self, TomlConfig { build, install, llvm, rust, dist, target, profile: _, changelog_seen: _ }: Self, ) { fn do_merge(x: &mut Option, y: Option) { if let Some(new) = y { if let Some(original) = x { original.merge(new); } else { *x = Some(new); } } } do_merge(&mut self.build, build); do_merge(&mut self.install, install); do_merge(&mut self.llvm, llvm); do_merge(&mut self.rust, rust); do_merge(&mut self.dist, dist); assert!(target.is_none(), "merging target-specific config is not currently supported"); } } // We are using a decl macro instead of a derive proc macro here to reduce the compile time of // rustbuild. macro_rules! define_config { ($(#[$attr:meta])* struct $name:ident { $($field:ident: Option<$field_ty:ty> = $field_key:literal,)* }) => { $(#[$attr])* struct $name { $($field: Option<$field_ty>,)* } impl Merge for $name { fn merge(&mut self, other: Self) { $( if !self.$field.is_some() { self.$field = other.$field; } )* } } // The following is a trimmed version of what serde_derive generates. All parts not relevant // for toml deserialization have been removed. This reduces the binary size and improves // compile time of rustbuild. impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for $name { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { struct Field; impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Field { type Value = $name; fn expecting(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str(concat!("struct ", stringify!($name))) } #[inline] fn visit_map(self, mut map: A) -> Result where A: serde::de::MapAccess<'de>, { $(let mut $field: Option<$field_ty> = None;)* while let Some(key) = match serde::de::MapAccess::next_key::(&mut map) { Ok(val) => val, Err(err) => { return Err(err); } } { match &*key { $($field_key => { if $field.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field( $field_key, )); } $field = match serde::de::MapAccess::next_value::<$field_ty>( &mut map, ) { Ok(val) => Some(val), Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; })* key => { return Err(serde::de::Error::unknown_field(key, FIELDS)); } } } Ok($name { $($field),* }) } } const FIELDS: &'static [&'static str] = &[ $($field_key,)* ]; Deserializer::deserialize_struct( deserializer, stringify!($name), FIELDS, Field, ) } } } } define_config! { /// TOML representation of various global build decisions. #[derive(Default)] struct Build { build: Option = "build", host: Option> = "host", target: Option> = "target", build_dir: Option = "build-dir", cargo: Option = "cargo", rustc: Option = "rustc", rustfmt: Option = "rustfmt", docs: Option = "docs", compiler_docs: Option = "compiler-docs", docs_minification: Option = "docs-minification", submodules: Option = "submodules", gdb: Option = "gdb", nodejs: Option = "nodejs", npm: Option = "npm", python: Option = "python", locked_deps: Option = "locked-deps", vendor: Option = "vendor", full_bootstrap: Option = "full-bootstrap", extended: Option = "extended", tools: Option> = "tools", verbose: Option = "verbose", sanitizers: Option = "sanitizers", profiler: Option = "profiler", cargo_native_static: Option = "cargo-native-static", low_priority: Option = "low-priority", configure_args: Option> = "configure-args", local_rebuild: Option = "local-rebuild", print_step_timings: Option = "print-step-timings", print_step_rusage: Option = "print-step-rusage", check_stage: Option = "check-stage", doc_stage: Option = "doc-stage", build_stage: Option = "build-stage", test_stage: Option = "test-stage", install_stage: Option = "install-stage", dist_stage: Option = "dist-stage", bench_stage: Option = "bench-stage", patch_binaries_for_nix: Option = "patch-binaries-for-nix", metrics: Option = "metrics", optimized_compiler_builtins: Option = "optimized-compiler-builtins", } } define_config! { /// TOML representation of various global install decisions. struct Install { prefix: Option = "prefix", sysconfdir: Option = "sysconfdir", docdir: Option = "docdir", bindir: Option = "bindir", libdir: Option = "libdir", mandir: Option = "mandir", datadir: Option = "datadir", } } define_config! { /// TOML representation of how the LLVM build is configured. struct Llvm { skip_rebuild: Option = "skip-rebuild", optimize: Option = "optimize", thin_lto: Option = "thin-lto", release_debuginfo: Option = "release-debuginfo", assertions: Option = "assertions", tests: Option = "tests", plugins: Option = "plugins", ccache: Option = "ccache", version_check: Option = "version-check", static_libstdcpp: Option = "static-libstdcpp", ninja: Option = "ninja", targets: Option = "targets", experimental_targets: Option = "experimental-targets", link_jobs: Option = "link-jobs", link_shared: Option = "link-shared", version_suffix: Option = "version-suffix", clang_cl: Option = "clang-cl", cflags: Option = "cflags", cxxflags: Option = "cxxflags", ldflags: Option = "ldflags", use_libcxx: Option = "use-libcxx", use_linker: Option = "use-linker", allow_old_toolchain: Option = "allow-old-toolchain", polly: Option = "polly", clang: Option = "clang", download_ci_llvm: Option = "download-ci-llvm", build_config: Option> = "build-config", } } define_config! { struct Dist { sign_folder: Option = "sign-folder", gpg_password_file: Option = "gpg-password-file", upload_addr: Option = "upload-addr", src_tarball: Option = "src-tarball", missing_tools: Option = "missing-tools", compression_formats: Option> = "compression-formats", } } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged)] enum StringOrBool { String(String), Bool(bool), } impl Default for StringOrBool { fn default() -> StringOrBool { StringOrBool::Bool(false) } } define_config! { /// TOML representation of how the Rust build is configured. struct Rust { optimize: Option = "optimize", debug: Option = "debug", codegen_units: Option = "codegen-units", codegen_units_std: Option = "codegen-units-std", debug_assertions: Option = "debug-assertions", debug_assertions_std: Option = "debug-assertions-std", overflow_checks: Option = "overflow-checks", overflow_checks_std: Option = "overflow-checks-std", debug_logging: Option = "debug-logging", debuginfo_level: Option = "debuginfo-level", debuginfo_level_rustc: Option = "debuginfo-level-rustc", debuginfo_level_std: Option = "debuginfo-level-std", debuginfo_level_tools: Option = "debuginfo-level-tools", debuginfo_level_tests: Option = "debuginfo-level-tests", split_debuginfo: Option = "split-debuginfo", run_dsymutil: Option = "run-dsymutil", backtrace: Option = "backtrace", incremental: Option = "incremental", parallel_compiler: Option = "parallel-compiler", default_linker: Option = "default-linker", channel: Option = "channel", description: Option = "description", musl_root: Option = "musl-root", rpath: Option = "rpath", verbose_tests: Option = "verbose-tests", optimize_tests: Option = "optimize-tests", codegen_tests: Option = "codegen-tests", ignore_git: Option = "ignore-git", dist_src: Option = "dist-src", save_toolstates: Option = "save-toolstates", codegen_backends: Option> = "codegen-backends", lld: Option = "lld", use_lld: Option = "use-lld", llvm_tools: Option = "llvm-tools", deny_warnings: Option = "deny-warnings", backtrace_on_ice: Option = "backtrace-on-ice", verify_llvm_ir: Option = "verify-llvm-ir", thin_lto_import_instr_limit: Option = "thin-lto-import-instr-limit", remap_debuginfo: Option = "remap-debuginfo", jemalloc: Option = "jemalloc", test_compare_mode: Option = "test-compare-mode", llvm_libunwind: Option = "llvm-libunwind", control_flow_guard: Option = "control-flow-guard", new_symbol_mangling: Option = "new-symbol-mangling", profile_generate: Option = "profile-generate", profile_use: Option = "profile-use", // ignored; this is set from an env var set by bootstrap.py download_rustc: Option = "download-rustc", lto: Option = "lto", } } define_config! { /// TOML representation of how each build target is configured. struct TomlTarget { cc: Option = "cc", cxx: Option = "cxx", ar: Option = "ar", ranlib: Option = "ranlib", default_linker: Option = "default-linker", linker: Option = "linker", llvm_config: Option = "llvm-config", llvm_has_rust_patches: Option = "llvm-has-rust-patches", llvm_filecheck: Option = "llvm-filecheck", llvm_libunwind: Option = "llvm-libunwind", android_ndk: Option = "android-ndk", sanitizers: Option = "sanitizers", profiler: Option = "profiler", crt_static: Option = "crt-static", musl_root: Option = "musl-root", musl_libdir: Option = "musl-libdir", wasi_root: Option = "wasi-root", qemu_rootfs: Option = "qemu-rootfs", no_std: Option = "no-std", } } impl Config { pub fn default_opts() -> Config { let mut config = Config::default(); config.llvm_optimize = true; config.ninja_in_file = true; config.llvm_version_check = true; config.llvm_static_stdcpp = true; config.backtrace = true; config.rust_optimize = true; config.rust_optimize_tests = true; config.submodules = None; config.docs = true; config.docs_minification = true; config.rust_rpath = true; config.channel = "dev".to_string(); config.codegen_tests = true; config.rust_dist_src = true; config.rust_codegen_backends = vec![INTERNER.intern_str("llvm")]; config.deny_warnings = true; config.bindir = "bin".into(); // set by build.rs config.build = TargetSelection::from_user(&env!("BUILD_TRIPLE")); let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); // Undo `src/bootstrap` config.src = manifest_dir.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_owned(); config.out = PathBuf::from("build"); config } pub fn parse(args: &[String]) -> Config { let flags = Flags::parse(&args); let mut config = Config::default_opts(); // Set flags. config.exclude = flags.exclude.into_iter().map(|path| TaskPath::parse(path)).collect(); config.include_default_paths = flags.include_default_paths; config.rustc_error_format = flags.rustc_error_format; config.json_output = flags.json_output; config.on_fail = flags.on_fail; config.jobs = flags.jobs.map(threads_from_config); config.cmd = flags.cmd; config.incremental = flags.incremental; config.dry_run = flags.dry_run; config.keep_stage = flags.keep_stage; config.keep_stage_std = flags.keep_stage_std; config.color = flags.color; if let Some(value) = flags.deny_warnings { config.deny_warnings = value; } config.llvm_profile_use = flags.llvm_profile_use; config.llvm_profile_generate = flags.llvm_profile_generate; config.llvm_bolt_profile_generate = flags.llvm_bolt_profile_generate; config.llvm_bolt_profile_use = flags.llvm_bolt_profile_use; if config.llvm_bolt_profile_generate && config.llvm_bolt_profile_use.is_some() { eprintln!( "Cannot use both `llvm_bolt_profile_generate` and `llvm_bolt_profile_use` at the same time" ); crate::detail_exit(1); } // Infer the rest of the configuration. // Infer the source directory. This is non-trivial because we want to support a downloaded bootstrap binary, // running on a completely machine from where it was compiled. let mut cmd = Command::new("git"); // NOTE: we cannot support running from outside the repository because the only path we have available // is set at compile time, which can be wrong if bootstrap was downloaded from source. // We still support running outside the repository if we find we aren't in a git directory. cmd.arg("rev-parse").arg("--show-toplevel"); // Discard stderr because we expect this to fail when building from a tarball. let output = cmd .stderr(std::process::Stdio::null()) .output() .ok() .and_then(|output| if output.status.success() { Some(output) } else { None }); if let Some(output) = output { let git_root = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); // We need to canonicalize this path to make sure it uses backslashes instead of forward slashes. let git_root = PathBuf::from(git_root.trim()).canonicalize().unwrap(); let s = git_root.to_str().unwrap(); // Bootstrap is quite bad at handling /? in front of paths let src = match s.strip_prefix("\\\\?\\") { Some(p) => PathBuf::from(p), None => PathBuf::from(git_root), }; // If this doesn't have at least `stage0.json`, we guessed wrong. This can happen when, // for example, the build directory is inside of another unrelated git directory. // In that case keep the original `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` handling. // // NOTE: this implies that downloadable bootstrap isn't supported when the build directory is outside // the source directory. We could fix that by setting a variable from all three of python, ./x, and x.ps1. if src.join("src").join("stage0.json").exists() { config.src = src; } } else { // We're building from a tarball, not git sources. // We don't support pre-downloaded bootstrap in this case. } if cfg!(test) { // Use the build directory of the original x.py invocation, so that we can set `initial_rustc` properly. config.out = Path::new( &env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").expect("cargo test directly is not supported"), ) .parent() .unwrap() .to_path_buf(); } let stage0_json = t!(std::fs::read(&config.src.join("src").join("stage0.json"))); config.stage0_metadata = t!(serde_json::from_slice::(&stage0_json)); #[cfg(test)] let get_toml = |_| TomlConfig::default(); #[cfg(not(test))] let get_toml = |file: &Path| { let contents = t!(fs::read_to_string(file), format!("config file {} not found", file.display())); // Deserialize to Value and then TomlConfig to prevent the Deserialize impl of // TomlConfig and sub types to be monomorphized 5x by toml. match toml::from_str(&contents) .and_then(|table: toml::Value| TomlConfig::deserialize(table)) { Ok(table) => table, Err(err) => { eprintln!("failed to parse TOML configuration '{}': {}", file.display(), err); crate::detail_exit(2); } } }; // Read from `--config`, then `RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG`, then `./config.toml`, then `config.toml` in the root directory. let toml_path = flags .config .clone() .or_else(|| env::var_os("RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG").map(PathBuf::from)); let using_default_path = toml_path.is_none(); let mut toml_path = toml_path.unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from("config.toml")); if using_default_path && !toml_path.exists() { toml_path = config.src.join(toml_path); } // Give a hard error if `--config` or `RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG` are set to a missing path, // but not if `config.toml` hasn't been created. let mut toml = if !using_default_path || toml_path.exists() { get_toml(&toml_path) } else { TomlConfig::default() }; if let Some(include) = &toml.profile { let mut include_path = config.src.clone(); include_path.push("src"); include_path.push("bootstrap"); include_path.push("defaults"); include_path.push(format!("config.{}.toml", include)); let included_toml = get_toml(&include_path); toml.merge(included_toml); } config.changelog_seen = toml.changelog_seen; config.config = toml_path; let build = toml.build.unwrap_or_default(); set(&mut config.out, flags.build_dir.or_else(|| build.build_dir.map(PathBuf::from))); // NOTE: Bootstrap spawns various commands with different working directories. // To avoid writing to random places on the file system, `config.out` needs to be an absolute path. if !config.out.is_absolute() { // `canonicalize` requires the path to already exist. Use our vendored copy of `absolute` instead. config.out = crate::util::absolute(&config.out); } config.initial_rustc = build .rustc .map(PathBuf::from) .unwrap_or_else(|| config.out.join(config.build.triple).join("stage0/bin/rustc")); config.initial_cargo = build .cargo .map(PathBuf::from) .unwrap_or_else(|| config.out.join(config.build.triple).join("stage0/bin/cargo")); // NOTE: it's important this comes *after* we set `initial_rustc` just above. if config.dry_run { let dir = config.out.join("tmp-dry-run"); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dir)); config.out = dir; } config.hosts = if let Some(arg_host) = flags.host { arg_host } else if let Some(file_host) = build.host { file_host.iter().map(|h| TargetSelection::from_user(h)).collect() } else { vec![config.build] }; config.targets = if let Some(arg_target) = flags.target { arg_target } else if let Some(file_target) = build.target { file_target.iter().map(|h| TargetSelection::from_user(h)).collect() } else { // If target is *not* configured, then default to the host // toolchains. config.hosts.clone() }; config.nodejs = build.nodejs.map(PathBuf::from); config.npm = build.npm.map(PathBuf::from); config.gdb = build.gdb.map(PathBuf::from); config.python = build.python.map(PathBuf::from); config.submodules = build.submodules; set(&mut config.low_priority, build.low_priority); set(&mut config.compiler_docs, build.compiler_docs); set(&mut config.docs_minification, build.docs_minification); set(&mut config.docs, build.docs); set(&mut config.locked_deps, build.locked_deps); set(&mut config.vendor, build.vendor); set(&mut config.full_bootstrap, build.full_bootstrap); set(&mut config.extended, build.extended); config.tools = build.tools; set(&mut config.verbose, build.verbose); set(&mut config.sanitizers, build.sanitizers); set(&mut config.profiler, build.profiler); set(&mut config.cargo_native_static, build.cargo_native_static); set(&mut config.configure_args, build.configure_args); set(&mut config.local_rebuild, build.local_rebuild); set(&mut config.print_step_timings, build.print_step_timings); set(&mut config.print_step_rusage, build.print_step_rusage); set(&mut config.patch_binaries_for_nix, build.patch_binaries_for_nix); set(&mut config.optimized_compiler_builtins, build.optimized_compiler_builtins); config.verbose = cmp::max(config.verbose, flags.verbose); if let Some(install) = toml.install { config.prefix = install.prefix.map(PathBuf::from); config.sysconfdir = install.sysconfdir.map(PathBuf::from); config.datadir = install.datadir.map(PathBuf::from); config.docdir = install.docdir.map(PathBuf::from); set(&mut config.bindir, install.bindir.map(PathBuf::from)); config.libdir = install.libdir.map(PathBuf::from); config.mandir = install.mandir.map(PathBuf::from); } // We want the llvm-skip-rebuild flag to take precedence over the // skip-rebuild config.toml option so we store it separately // so that we can infer the right value let mut llvm_skip_rebuild = flags.llvm_skip_rebuild; // Store off these values as options because if they're not provided // we'll infer default values for them later let mut llvm_assertions = None; let mut llvm_tests = None; let mut llvm_plugins = None; let mut debug = None; let mut debug_assertions = None; let mut debug_assertions_std = None; let mut overflow_checks = None; let mut overflow_checks_std = None; let mut debug_logging = None; let mut debuginfo_level = None; let mut debuginfo_level_rustc = None; let mut debuginfo_level_std = None; let mut debuginfo_level_tools = None; let mut debuginfo_level_tests = None; let mut optimize = None; let mut ignore_git = None; if let Some(llvm) = toml.llvm { match llvm.ccache { Some(StringOrBool::String(ref s)) => config.ccache = Some(s.to_string()), Some(StringOrBool::Bool(true)) => { config.ccache = Some("ccache".to_string()); } Some(StringOrBool::Bool(false)) | None => {} } set(&mut config.ninja_in_file, llvm.ninja); llvm_assertions = llvm.assertions; llvm_tests = llvm.tests; llvm_plugins = llvm.plugins; llvm_skip_rebuild = llvm_skip_rebuild.or(llvm.skip_rebuild); set(&mut config.llvm_optimize, llvm.optimize); set(&mut config.llvm_thin_lto, llvm.thin_lto); set(&mut config.llvm_release_debuginfo, llvm.release_debuginfo); set(&mut config.llvm_version_check, llvm.version_check); set(&mut config.llvm_static_stdcpp, llvm.static_libstdcpp); if let Some(v) = llvm.link_shared { config.llvm_link_shared.set(Some(v)); } config.llvm_targets = llvm.targets.clone(); config.llvm_experimental_targets = llvm.experimental_targets.clone(); config.llvm_link_jobs = llvm.link_jobs; config.llvm_version_suffix = llvm.version_suffix.clone(); config.llvm_clang_cl = llvm.clang_cl.clone(); config.llvm_cflags = llvm.cflags.clone(); config.llvm_cxxflags = llvm.cxxflags.clone(); config.llvm_ldflags = llvm.ldflags.clone(); set(&mut config.llvm_use_libcxx, llvm.use_libcxx); config.llvm_use_linker = llvm.use_linker.clone(); config.llvm_allow_old_toolchain = llvm.allow_old_toolchain.unwrap_or(false); config.llvm_polly = llvm.polly.unwrap_or(false); config.llvm_clang = llvm.clang.unwrap_or(false); config.llvm_build_config = llvm.build_config.clone().unwrap_or(Default::default()); config.llvm_from_ci = match llvm.download_ci_llvm { Some(StringOrBool::String(s)) => { assert!(s == "if-available", "unknown option `{}` for download-ci-llvm", s); crate::native::is_ci_llvm_available(&config, llvm_assertions.unwrap_or(false)) } Some(StringOrBool::Bool(b)) => b, None => false, }; if config.llvm_from_ci { // None of the LLVM options, except assertions, are supported // when using downloaded LLVM. We could just ignore these but // that's potentially confusing, so force them to not be // explicitly set. The defaults and CI defaults don't // necessarily match but forcing people to match (somewhat // arbitrary) CI configuration locally seems bad/hard. check_ci_llvm!(llvm.optimize); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.thin_lto); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.release_debuginfo); // CI-built LLVM can be either dynamic or static. We won't know until we download it. check_ci_llvm!(llvm.link_shared); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.static_libstdcpp); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.targets); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.experimental_targets); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.link_jobs); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.clang_cl); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.version_suffix); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.cflags); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.cxxflags); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.ldflags); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.use_libcxx); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.use_linker); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.allow_old_toolchain); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.polly); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.clang); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.build_config); check_ci_llvm!(llvm.plugins); } // NOTE: can never be hit when downloading from CI, since we call `check_ci_llvm!(thin_lto)` above. if config.llvm_thin_lto && llvm.link_shared.is_none() { // If we're building with ThinLTO on, by default we want to link // to LLVM shared, to avoid re-doing ThinLTO (which happens in // the link step) with each stage. config.llvm_link_shared.set(Some(true)); } } if let Some(rust) = toml.rust { debug = rust.debug; debug_assertions = rust.debug_assertions; debug_assertions_std = rust.debug_assertions_std; overflow_checks = rust.overflow_checks; overflow_checks_std = rust.overflow_checks_std; debug_logging = rust.debug_logging; debuginfo_level = rust.debuginfo_level; debuginfo_level_rustc = rust.debuginfo_level_rustc; debuginfo_level_std = rust.debuginfo_level_std; debuginfo_level_tools = rust.debuginfo_level_tools; debuginfo_level_tests = rust.debuginfo_level_tests; config.rust_split_debuginfo = rust .split_debuginfo .as_deref() .map(SplitDebuginfo::from_str) .map(|v| v.expect("invalid value for rust.split_debuginfo")) .unwrap_or(SplitDebuginfo::default_for_platform(&config.build.triple)); optimize = rust.optimize; ignore_git = rust.ignore_git; config.rust_new_symbol_mangling = rust.new_symbol_mangling; set(&mut config.rust_optimize_tests, rust.optimize_tests); set(&mut config.codegen_tests, rust.codegen_tests); set(&mut config.rust_rpath, rust.rpath); set(&mut config.jemalloc, rust.jemalloc); set(&mut config.test_compare_mode, rust.test_compare_mode); set(&mut config.backtrace, rust.backtrace); set(&mut config.channel, rust.channel); config.description = rust.description; set(&mut config.rust_dist_src, rust.dist_src); set(&mut config.verbose_tests, rust.verbose_tests); // in the case "false" is set explicitly, do not overwrite the command line args if let Some(true) = rust.incremental { config.incremental = true; } set(&mut config.use_lld, rust.use_lld); set(&mut config.lld_enabled, rust.lld); set(&mut config.llvm_tools_enabled, rust.llvm_tools); config.rustc_parallel = rust.parallel_compiler.unwrap_or(false); config.rustc_default_linker = rust.default_linker; config.musl_root = rust.musl_root.map(PathBuf::from); config.save_toolstates = rust.save_toolstates.map(PathBuf::from); set(&mut config.deny_warnings, flags.deny_warnings.or(rust.deny_warnings)); set(&mut config.backtrace_on_ice, rust.backtrace_on_ice); set(&mut config.rust_verify_llvm_ir, rust.verify_llvm_ir); config.rust_thin_lto_import_instr_limit = rust.thin_lto_import_instr_limit; set(&mut config.rust_remap_debuginfo, rust.remap_debuginfo); set(&mut config.control_flow_guard, rust.control_flow_guard); config.llvm_libunwind_default = rust .llvm_libunwind .map(|v| v.parse().expect("failed to parse rust.llvm-libunwind")); if let Some(ref backends) = rust.codegen_backends { config.rust_codegen_backends = backends.iter().map(|s| INTERNER.intern_str(s)).collect(); } config.rust_codegen_units = rust.codegen_units.map(threads_from_config); config.rust_codegen_units_std = rust.codegen_units_std.map(threads_from_config); config.rust_profile_use = flags.rust_profile_use.or(rust.profile_use); config.rust_profile_generate = flags.rust_profile_generate.or(rust.profile_generate); config.download_rustc_commit = download_ci_rustc_commit(&config, rust.download_rustc); config.rust_lto = rust .lto .as_deref() .map(|value| RustcLto::from_str(value).unwrap()) .unwrap_or_default(); } else { config.rust_profile_use = flags.rust_profile_use; config.rust_profile_generate = flags.rust_profile_generate; } if let Some(t) = toml.target { for (triple, cfg) in t { let mut target = Target::from_triple(&triple); if let Some(ref s) = cfg.llvm_config { target.llvm_config = Some(config.src.join(s)); } target.llvm_has_rust_patches = cfg.llvm_has_rust_patches; if let Some(ref s) = cfg.llvm_filecheck { target.llvm_filecheck = Some(config.src.join(s)); } target.llvm_libunwind = cfg .llvm_libunwind .as_ref() .map(|v| v.parse().expect("failed to parse rust.llvm-libunwind")); if let Some(ref s) = cfg.android_ndk { target.ndk = Some(config.src.join(s)); } if let Some(s) = cfg.no_std { target.no_std = s; } target.cc = cfg.cc.map(PathBuf::from); target.cxx = cfg.cxx.map(PathBuf::from); target.ar = cfg.ar.map(PathBuf::from); target.ranlib = cfg.ranlib.map(PathBuf::from); target.linker = cfg.linker.map(PathBuf::from); target.crt_static = cfg.crt_static; target.musl_root = cfg.musl_root.map(PathBuf::from); target.musl_libdir = cfg.musl_libdir.map(PathBuf::from); target.wasi_root = cfg.wasi_root.map(PathBuf::from); target.qemu_rootfs = cfg.qemu_rootfs.map(PathBuf::from); target.sanitizers = cfg.sanitizers; target.profiler = cfg.profiler; config.target_config.insert(TargetSelection::from_user(&triple), target); } } if config.llvm_from_ci { let triple = &config.build.triple; let ci_llvm_bin = config.ci_llvm_root().join("bin"); let mut build_target = config .target_config .entry(config.build) .or_insert_with(|| Target::from_triple(&triple)); check_ci_llvm!(build_target.llvm_config); check_ci_llvm!(build_target.llvm_filecheck); build_target.llvm_config = Some(ci_llvm_bin.join(exe("llvm-config", config.build))); build_target.llvm_filecheck = Some(ci_llvm_bin.join(exe("FileCheck", config.build))); } if let Some(t) = toml.dist { config.dist_sign_folder = t.sign_folder.map(PathBuf::from); config.dist_upload_addr = t.upload_addr; config.dist_compression_formats = t.compression_formats; set(&mut config.rust_dist_src, t.src_tarball); set(&mut config.missing_tools, t.missing_tools); } if let Some(r) = build.rustfmt { *config.initial_rustfmt.borrow_mut() = if r.exists() { RustfmtState::SystemToolchain(r) } else { RustfmtState::Unavailable }; } else { // If using a system toolchain for bootstrapping, see if that has rustfmt available. let host = config.build; let rustfmt_path = config.initial_rustc.with_file_name(exe("rustfmt", host)); let bin_root = config.out.join(host.triple).join("stage0"); if !rustfmt_path.starts_with(&bin_root) { // Using a system-provided toolchain; we shouldn't download rustfmt. *config.initial_rustfmt.borrow_mut() = RustfmtState::SystemToolchain(rustfmt_path); } } // Now that we've reached the end of our configuration, infer the // default values for all options that we haven't otherwise stored yet. config.llvm_skip_rebuild = llvm_skip_rebuild.unwrap_or(false); config.llvm_assertions = llvm_assertions.unwrap_or(false); config.llvm_tests = llvm_tests.unwrap_or(false); config.llvm_plugins = llvm_plugins.unwrap_or(false); config.rust_optimize = optimize.unwrap_or(true); let default = debug == Some(true); config.rust_debug_assertions = debug_assertions.unwrap_or(default); config.rust_debug_assertions_std = debug_assertions_std.unwrap_or(config.rust_debug_assertions); config.rust_overflow_checks = overflow_checks.unwrap_or(default); config.rust_overflow_checks_std = overflow_checks_std.unwrap_or(config.rust_overflow_checks); config.rust_debug_logging = debug_logging.unwrap_or(config.rust_debug_assertions); let with_defaults = |debuginfo_level_specific: Option| { debuginfo_level_specific.or(debuginfo_level).unwrap_or(if debug == Some(true) { 1 } else { 0 }) }; config.rust_debuginfo_level_rustc = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_rustc); config.rust_debuginfo_level_std = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_std); config.rust_debuginfo_level_tools = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_tools); config.rust_debuginfo_level_tests = debuginfo_level_tests.unwrap_or(0); let default = config.channel == "dev"; config.ignore_git = ignore_git.unwrap_or(default); let download_rustc = config.download_rustc_commit.is_some(); // See https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/326 config.stage = match config.cmd { Subcommand::Check { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.check_stage).unwrap_or(0), // `download-rustc` only has a speed-up for stage2 builds. Default to stage2 unless explicitly overridden. Subcommand::Doc { .. } => { flags.stage.or(build.doc_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 0 }) } Subcommand::Build { .. } => { flags.stage.or(build.build_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 1 }) } Subcommand::Test { .. } => { flags.stage.or(build.test_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 1 }) } Subcommand::Bench { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.bench_stage).unwrap_or(2), Subcommand::Dist { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.dist_stage).unwrap_or(2), Subcommand::Install { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.install_stage).unwrap_or(2), // These are all bootstrap tools, which don't depend on the compiler. // The stage we pass shouldn't matter, but use 0 just in case. Subcommand::Clean { .. } | Subcommand::Clippy { .. } | Subcommand::Fix { .. } | Subcommand::Run { .. } | Subcommand::Setup { .. } | Subcommand::Format { .. } => flags.stage.unwrap_or(0), }; // CI should always run stage 2 builds, unless it specifically states otherwise #[cfg(not(test))] if flags.stage.is_none() && crate::CiEnv::current() != crate::CiEnv::None { match config.cmd { Subcommand::Test { .. } | Subcommand::Doc { .. } | Subcommand::Build { .. } | Subcommand::Bench { .. } | Subcommand::Dist { .. } | Subcommand::Install { .. } => { assert_eq!( config.stage, 2, "x.py should be run with `--stage 2` on CI, but was run with `--stage {}`", config.stage, ); } Subcommand::Clean { .. } | Subcommand::Check { .. } | Subcommand::Clippy { .. } | Subcommand::Fix { .. } | Subcommand::Run { .. } | Subcommand::Setup { .. } | Subcommand::Format { .. } => {} } } config } /// A git invocation which runs inside the source directory. /// /// Use this rather than `Command::new("git")` in order to support out-of-tree builds. pub(crate) fn git(&self) -> Command { let mut git = Command::new("git"); git.current_dir(&self.src); git } pub(crate) fn artifact_channel(&self, builder: &Builder<'_>, commit: &str) -> String { if builder.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository() { let mut channel = self.git(); channel.arg("show").arg(format!("{}:src/ci/channel", commit)); let channel = output(&mut channel); channel.trim().to_owned() } else if let Ok(channel) = fs::read_to_string(builder.src.join("src/ci/channel")) { channel.trim().to_owned() } else { let src = builder.src.display(); eprintln!("error: failed to determine artifact channel"); eprintln!( "help: either use git or ensure that {src}/src/ci/channel contains the name of the channel to use" ); panic!(); } } /// Try to find the relative path of `bindir`, otherwise return it in full. pub fn bindir_relative(&self) -> &Path { let bindir = &self.bindir; if bindir.is_absolute() { // Try to make it relative to the prefix. if let Some(prefix) = &self.prefix { if let Ok(stripped) = bindir.strip_prefix(prefix) { return stripped; } } } bindir } /// Try to find the relative path of `libdir`. pub fn libdir_relative(&self) -> Option<&Path> { let libdir = self.libdir.as_ref()?; if libdir.is_relative() { Some(libdir) } else { // Try to make it relative to the prefix. libdir.strip_prefix(self.prefix.as_ref()?).ok() } } /// The absolute path to the downloaded LLVM artifacts. pub(crate) fn ci_llvm_root(&self) -> PathBuf { assert!(self.llvm_from_ci); self.out.join(&*self.build.triple).join("ci-llvm") } /// Determine whether llvm should be linked dynamically. /// /// If `false`, llvm should be linked statically. /// This is computed on demand since LLVM might have to first be downloaded from CI. pub(crate) fn llvm_link_shared(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> bool { let mut opt = builder.config.llvm_link_shared.get(); if opt.is_none() && builder.config.dry_run { // just assume static for now - dynamic linking isn't supported on all platforms return false; } let llvm_link_shared = *opt.get_or_insert_with(|| { if builder.config.llvm_from_ci { crate::native::maybe_download_ci_llvm(builder); let ci_llvm = builder.config.ci_llvm_root(); let link_type = t!( std::fs::read_to_string(ci_llvm.join("link-type.txt")), format!("CI llvm missing: {}", ci_llvm.display()) ); link_type == "dynamic" } else { // unclear how thought-through this default is, but it maintains compatibility with // previous behavior false } }); builder.config.llvm_link_shared.set(opt); llvm_link_shared } /// Return whether we will use a downloaded, pre-compiled version of rustc, or just build from source. pub(crate) fn download_rustc(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> bool { static DOWNLOAD_RUSTC: OnceCell = OnceCell::new(); if builder.config.dry_run && DOWNLOAD_RUSTC.get().is_none() { // avoid trying to actually download the commit return false; } *DOWNLOAD_RUSTC.get_or_init(|| match &builder.config.download_rustc_commit { None => false, Some(commit) => { download_ci_rustc(builder, commit); true } }) } pub(crate) fn initial_rustfmt(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { match &mut *builder.config.initial_rustfmt.borrow_mut() { RustfmtState::SystemToolchain(p) | RustfmtState::Downloaded(p) => Some(p.clone()), RustfmtState::Unavailable => None, r @ RustfmtState::LazyEvaluated => { if builder.config.dry_run { return Some(PathBuf::new()); } let path = maybe_download_rustfmt(builder); *r = if let Some(p) = &path { RustfmtState::Downloaded(p.clone()) } else { RustfmtState::Unavailable }; path } } } pub fn verbose(&self) -> bool { self.verbose > 0 } pub fn sanitizers_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool { self.target_config.get(&target).map(|t| t.sanitizers).flatten().unwrap_or(self.sanitizers) } pub fn any_sanitizers_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.target_config.values().any(|t| t.sanitizers == Some(true)) || self.sanitizers } pub fn profiler_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool { self.target_config.get(&target).map(|t| t.profiler).flatten().unwrap_or(self.profiler) } pub fn any_profiler_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.target_config.values().any(|t| t.profiler == Some(true)) || self.profiler } pub fn llvm_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.rust_codegen_backends.contains(&INTERNER.intern_str("llvm")) } pub fn llvm_libunwind(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> LlvmLibunwind { self.target_config .get(&target) .and_then(|t| t.llvm_libunwind) .or(self.llvm_libunwind_default) .unwrap_or(if target.contains("fuchsia") { LlvmLibunwind::InTree } else { LlvmLibunwind::No }) } pub fn submodules(&self, rust_info: &GitInfo) -> bool { self.submodules.unwrap_or(rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository()) } } fn set(field: &mut T, val: Option) { if let Some(v) = val { *field = v; } } fn threads_from_config(v: u32) -> u32 { match v { 0 => std::thread::available_parallelism().map_or(1, std::num::NonZeroUsize::get) as u32, n => n, } } /// Returns the commit to download, or `None` if we shouldn't download CI artifacts. fn download_ci_rustc_commit( config: &Config, download_rustc: Option, ) -> Option { // If `download-rustc` is not set, default to rebuilding. let if_unchanged = match download_rustc { None | Some(StringOrBool::Bool(false)) => return None, Some(StringOrBool::Bool(true)) => false, Some(StringOrBool::String(s)) if s == "if-unchanged" => true, Some(StringOrBool::String(other)) => { panic!("unrecognized option for download-rustc: {}", other) } }; // Handle running from a directory other than the top level let top_level = output(config.git().args(&["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"])); let top_level = top_level.trim_end(); let compiler = format!("{top_level}/compiler/"); let library = format!("{top_level}/library/"); // Look for a version to compare to based on the current commit. // Only commits merged by bors will have CI artifacts. let merge_base = output( config .git() .arg("rev-list") .arg(format!("--author={}", config.stage0_metadata.config.git_merge_commit_email)) .args(&["-n1", "--first-parent", "HEAD"]), ); let commit = merge_base.trim_end(); if commit.is_empty() { println!("error: could not find commit hash for downloading rustc"); println!("help: maybe your repository history is too shallow?"); println!("help: consider disabling `download-rustc`"); println!("help: or fetch enough history to include one upstream commit"); crate::detail_exit(1); } // Warn if there were changes to the compiler or standard library since the ancestor commit. let has_changes = !t!(config .git() .args(&["diff-index", "--quiet", &commit, "--", &compiler, &library]) .status()) .success(); if has_changes { if if_unchanged { if config.verbose > 0 { println!( "warning: saw changes to compiler/ or library/ since {commit}; \ ignoring `download-rustc`" ); } return None; } println!( "warning: `download-rustc` is enabled, but there are changes to \ compiler/ or library/" ); } Some(commit.to_string()) } fn maybe_download_rustfmt(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let RustfmtMetadata { date, version } = builder.config.stage0_metadata.rustfmt.as_ref()?; let channel = format!("{version}-{date}"); let host = builder.config.build; let rustfmt_path = builder.config.initial_rustc.with_file_name(exe("rustfmt", host)); let bin_root = builder.config.out.join(host.triple).join("stage0"); let rustfmt_stamp = bin_root.join(".rustfmt-stamp"); if rustfmt_path.exists() && !program_out_of_date(&rustfmt_stamp, &channel) { return Some(rustfmt_path); } let filename = format!("rustfmt-{version}-{build}.tar.xz", build = host.triple); download_component(builder, DownloadSource::Dist, filename, "rustfmt-preview", &date, "stage0"); builder.fix_bin_or_dylib(&bin_root.join("bin").join("rustfmt")); builder.fix_bin_or_dylib(&bin_root.join("bin").join("cargo-fmt")); builder.create(&rustfmt_stamp, &channel); Some(rustfmt_path) } fn download_ci_rustc(builder: &Builder<'_>, commit: &str) { builder.verbose(&format!("using downloaded stage2 artifacts from CI (commit {commit})")); let channel = builder.config.artifact_channel(builder, commit); let host = builder.config.build.triple; let bin_root = builder.out.join(host).join("ci-rustc"); let rustc_stamp = bin_root.join(".rustc-stamp"); if !bin_root.join("bin").join("rustc").exists() || program_out_of_date(&rustc_stamp, commit) { if bin_root.exists() { t!(fs::remove_dir_all(&bin_root)); } let filename = format!("rust-std-{channel}-{host}.tar.xz"); let pattern = format!("rust-std-{host}"); download_ci_component(builder, filename, &pattern, commit); let filename = format!("rustc-{channel}-{host}.tar.xz"); download_ci_component(builder, filename, "rustc", commit); // download-rustc doesn't need its own cargo, it can just use beta's. let filename = format!("rustc-dev-{channel}-{host}.tar.xz"); download_ci_component(builder, filename, "rustc-dev", commit); builder.fix_bin_or_dylib(&bin_root.join("bin").join("rustc")); builder.fix_bin_or_dylib(&bin_root.join("bin").join("rustdoc")); let lib_dir = bin_root.join("lib"); for lib in t!(fs::read_dir(&lib_dir), lib_dir.display().to_string()) { let lib = t!(lib); if lib.path().extension() == Some(OsStr::new("so")) { builder.fix_bin_or_dylib(&lib.path()); } } t!(fs::write(rustc_stamp, commit)); } } pub(crate) enum DownloadSource { CI, Dist, } /// Download a single component of a CI-built toolchain (not necessarily a published nightly). // NOTE: intentionally takes an owned string to avoid downloading multiple times by accident fn download_ci_component(builder: &Builder<'_>, filename: String, prefix: &str, commit: &str) { download_component(builder, DownloadSource::CI, filename, prefix, commit, "ci-rustc") } fn download_component( builder: &Builder<'_>, mode: DownloadSource, filename: String, prefix: &str, key: &str, destination: &str, ) { let cache_dst = builder.out.join("cache"); let cache_dir = cache_dst.join(key); if !cache_dir.exists() { t!(fs::create_dir_all(&cache_dir)); } let bin_root = builder.out.join(builder.config.build.triple).join(destination); let tarball = cache_dir.join(&filename); let (base_url, url, should_verify) = match mode { DownloadSource::CI => ( builder.config.stage0_metadata.config.artifacts_server.clone(), format!("{key}/{filename}"), false, ), DownloadSource::Dist => { let dist_server = env::var("RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER") .unwrap_or(builder.config.stage0_metadata.config.dist_server.to_string()); // NOTE: make `dist` part of the URL because that's how it's stored in src/stage0.json (dist_server, format!("dist/{key}/{filename}"), true) } }; // For the beta compiler, put special effort into ensuring the checksums are valid. // FIXME: maybe we should do this for download-rustc as well? but it would be a pain to update // this on each and every nightly ... let checksum = if should_verify { let error = format!( "src/stage0.json doesn't contain a checksum for {url}. \ Pre-built artifacts might not be available for this \ target at this time, see https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly\ /rustc/platform-support.html for more information." ); let sha256 = builder.config.stage0_metadata.checksums_sha256.get(&url).expect(&error); if tarball.exists() { if builder.verify(&tarball, sha256) { builder.unpack(&tarball, &bin_root, prefix); return; } else { builder.verbose(&format!( "ignoring cached file {} due to failed verification", tarball.display() )); builder.remove(&tarball); } } Some(sha256) } else if tarball.exists() { builder.unpack(&tarball, &bin_root, prefix); return; } else { None }; builder.download_component(&format!("{base_url}/{url}"), &tarball, ""); if let Some(sha256) = checksum { if !builder.verify(&tarball, sha256) { panic!("failed to verify {}", tarball.display()); } } builder.unpack(&tarball, &bin_root, prefix); }