//! Implementation of the various distribution aspects of the compiler. //! //! This module is responsible for creating tarballs of the standard library, //! compiler, and documentation. This ends up being what we distribute to //! everyone as well. //! //! No tarball is actually created literally in this file, but rather we shell //! out to `rust-installer` still. This may one day be replaced with bits and //! pieces of `rustup.rs`! use std::collections::HashSet; use std::env; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use object::read::archive::ArchiveFile; use object::BinaryFormat; use sha2::Digest; use crate::bolt::{instrument_with_bolt, optimize_with_bolt}; use crate::builder::{Builder, Kind, RunConfig, ShouldRun, Step}; use crate::cache::{Interned, INTERNER}; use crate::channel; use crate::compile; use crate::config::TargetSelection; use crate::doc::DocumentationFormat; use crate::llvm; use crate::tarball::{GeneratedTarball, OverlayKind, Tarball}; use crate::tool::{self, Tool}; use crate::util::{exe, is_dylib, output, t, timeit}; use crate::{Compiler, DependencyType, Mode, LLVM_TOOLS}; pub fn pkgname(builder: &Builder<'_>, component: &str) -> String { format!("{}-{}", component, builder.rust_package_vers()) } pub(crate) fn distdir(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf { builder.out.join("dist") } pub fn tmpdir(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf { builder.out.join("tmp/dist") } fn should_build_extended_tool(builder: &Builder<'_>, tool: &str) -> bool { if !builder.config.extended { return false; } builder.config.tools.as_ref().map_or(true, |tools| tools.contains(tool)) } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Docs { pub host: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Docs { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = run.builder.config.docs; run.alias("rust-docs").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Docs { host: run.target }); } /// Builds the `rust-docs` installer component. fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let host = self.host; builder.default_doc(&[]); let dest = "share/doc/rust/html"; let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-docs", &host.triple); tarball.set_product_name("Rust Documentation"); tarball.add_bulk_dir(&builder.doc_out(host), dest); tarball.add_file(&builder.src.join("src/doc/robots.txt"), dest, 0o644); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct JsonDocs { pub host: TargetSelection, } impl Step for JsonDocs { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = run.builder.config.docs; run.alias("rust-docs-json").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(JsonDocs { host: run.target }); } /// Builds the `rust-docs-json` installer component. fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let host = self.host; builder.ensure(crate::doc::Std { stage: builder.top_stage, target: host, format: DocumentationFormat::JSON, }); let dest = "share/doc/rust/json"; let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-docs-json", &host.triple); tarball.set_product_name("Rust Documentation In JSON Format"); tarball.is_preview(true); tarball.add_bulk_dir(&builder.json_doc_out(host), dest); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct RustcDocs { pub host: TargetSelection, } impl Step for RustcDocs { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let builder = run.builder; run.alias("rustc-docs").default_condition(builder.config.compiler_docs) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(RustcDocs { host: run.target }); } /// Builds the `rustc-docs` installer component. fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let host = self.host; builder.default_doc(&[]); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rustc-docs", &host.triple); tarball.set_product_name("Rustc Documentation"); tarball.add_bulk_dir(&builder.compiler_doc_out(host), "share/doc/rust/html/rustc"); Some(tarball.generate()) } } fn find_files(files: &[&str], path: &[PathBuf]) -> Vec { let mut found = Vec::with_capacity(files.len()); for file in files { let file_path = path.iter().map(|dir| dir.join(file)).find(|p| p.exists()); if let Some(file_path) = file_path { found.push(file_path); } else { panic!("Could not find '{}' in {:?}", file, path); } } found } fn make_win_dist( rust_root: &Path, plat_root: &Path, target: TargetSelection, builder: &Builder<'_>, ) { //Ask gcc where it keeps its stuff let mut cmd = Command::new(builder.cc(target)); cmd.arg("-print-search-dirs"); let gcc_out = output(&mut cmd); let mut bin_path: Vec<_> = env::split_paths(&env::var_os("PATH").unwrap_or_default()).collect(); let mut lib_path = Vec::new(); for line in gcc_out.lines() { let idx = line.find(':').unwrap(); let key = &line[..idx]; let trim_chars: &[_] = &[' ', '=']; let value = env::split_paths(line[(idx + 1)..].trim_start_matches(trim_chars)); if key == "programs" { bin_path.extend(value); } else if key == "libraries" { lib_path.extend(value); } } let compiler = if target == "i686-pc-windows-gnu" { "i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe" } else if target == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" { "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe" } else { "gcc.exe" }; let target_tools = [compiler, "ld.exe", "dlltool.exe", "libwinpthread-1.dll"]; let mut rustc_dlls = vec!["libwinpthread-1.dll"]; if target.starts_with("i686-") { rustc_dlls.push("libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"); } else { rustc_dlls.push("libgcc_s_seh-1.dll"); } // Libraries necessary to link the windows-gnu toolchains. // System libraries will be preferred if they are available (see #67429). let target_libs = [ //MinGW libs "libgcc.a", "libgcc_eh.a", "libgcc_s.a", "libm.a", "libmingw32.a", "libmingwex.a", "libstdc++.a", "libiconv.a", "libmoldname.a", "libpthread.a", //Windows import libs //This should contain only the set of libraries necessary to link the standard library. "libadvapi32.a", "libbcrypt.a", "libcomctl32.a", "libcomdlg32.a", "libcredui.a", "libcrypt32.a", "libdbghelp.a", "libgdi32.a", "libimagehlp.a", "libiphlpapi.a", "libkernel32.a", "libmsimg32.a", "libmsvcrt.a", "libntdll.a", "libodbc32.a", "libole32.a", "liboleaut32.a", "libopengl32.a", "libpsapi.a", "librpcrt4.a", "libsecur32.a", "libsetupapi.a", "libshell32.a", "libsynchronization.a", "libuser32.a", "libuserenv.a", "libuuid.a", "libwinhttp.a", "libwinmm.a", "libwinspool.a", "libws2_32.a", "libwsock32.a", ]; //Find mingw artifacts we want to bundle let target_tools = find_files(&target_tools, &bin_path); let rustc_dlls = find_files(&rustc_dlls, &bin_path); let target_libs = find_files(&target_libs, &lib_path); // Copy runtime dlls next to rustc.exe let dist_bin_dir = rust_root.join("bin/"); fs::create_dir_all(&dist_bin_dir).expect("creating dist_bin_dir failed"); for src in rustc_dlls { builder.copy_to_folder(&src, &dist_bin_dir); } //Copy platform tools to platform-specific bin directory let target_bin_dir = plat_root .join("lib") .join("rustlib") .join(target.triple) .join("bin") .join("self-contained"); fs::create_dir_all(&target_bin_dir).expect("creating target_bin_dir failed"); for src in target_tools { builder.copy_to_folder(&src, &target_bin_dir); } // Warn windows-gnu users that the bundled GCC cannot compile C files builder.create( &target_bin_dir.join("GCC-WARNING.txt"), "gcc.exe contained in this folder cannot be used for compiling C files - it is only \ used as a linker. In order to be able to compile projects containing C code use \ the GCC provided by MinGW or Cygwin.", ); //Copy platform libs to platform-specific lib directory let target_lib_dir = plat_root .join("lib") .join("rustlib") .join(target.triple) .join("lib") .join("self-contained"); fs::create_dir_all(&target_lib_dir).expect("creating target_lib_dir failed"); for src in target_libs { builder.copy_to_folder(&src, &target_lib_dir); } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Mingw { pub host: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Mingw { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("rust-mingw") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Mingw { host: run.target }); } /// Builds the `rust-mingw` installer component. /// /// This contains all the bits and pieces to run the MinGW Windows targets /// without any extra installed software (e.g., we bundle gcc, libraries, etc). fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let host = self.host; if !host.ends_with("pc-windows-gnu") || !builder.config.dist_include_mingw_linker { return None; } let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-mingw", &host.triple); tarball.set_product_name("Rust MinGW"); // The first argument is a "temporary directory" which is just // thrown away (this contains the runtime DLLs included in the rustc package // above) and the second argument is where to place all the MinGW components // (which is what we want). make_win_dist(&tmpdir(builder), tarball.image_dir(), host, &builder); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Rustc { pub compiler: Compiler, } impl Step for Rustc { type Output = GeneratedTarball; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("rustc") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder .ensure(Rustc { compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.target) }); } /// Creates the `rustc` installer component. fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> GeneratedTarball { let compiler = self.compiler; let host = self.compiler.host; let tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rustc", &host.triple); // Prepare the rustc "image", what will actually end up getting installed prepare_image(builder, compiler, tarball.image_dir()); // On MinGW we've got a few runtime DLL dependencies that we need to // include. The first argument to this script is where to put these DLLs // (the image we're creating), and the second argument is a junk directory // to ignore all other MinGW stuff the script creates. // // On 32-bit MinGW we're always including a DLL which needs some extra // licenses to distribute. On 64-bit MinGW we don't actually distribute // anything requiring us to distribute a license, but it's likely the // install will *also* include the rust-mingw package, which also needs // licenses, so to be safe we just include it here in all MinGW packages. if host.ends_with("pc-windows-gnu") && builder.config.dist_include_mingw_linker { make_win_dist(tarball.image_dir(), &tmpdir(builder), host, builder); tarball.add_dir(builder.src.join("src/etc/third-party"), "share/doc"); } return tarball.generate(); fn prepare_image(builder: &Builder<'_>, compiler: Compiler, image: &Path) { let host = compiler.host; let src = builder.sysroot(compiler); // Copy rustc/rustdoc binaries t!(fs::create_dir_all(image.join("bin"))); builder.cp_r(&src.join("bin"), &image.join("bin")); if builder .config .tools .as_ref() .map_or(true, |tools| tools.iter().any(|tool| tool == "rustdoc")) { let rustdoc = builder.rustdoc(compiler); builder.install(&rustdoc, &image.join("bin"), 0o755); } if let Some(ra_proc_macro_srv) = builder.ensure_if_default( tool::RustAnalyzerProcMacroSrv { compiler: builder.compiler_for( compiler.stage, builder.config.build, compiler.host, ), target: compiler.host, }, builder.kind, ) { builder.install(&ra_proc_macro_srv, &image.join("libexec"), 0o755); } let libdir_relative = builder.libdir_relative(compiler); // Copy runtime DLLs needed by the compiler if libdir_relative.to_str() != Some("bin") { let libdir = builder.rustc_libdir(compiler); for entry in builder.read_dir(&libdir) { let name = entry.file_name(); if let Some(s) = name.to_str() { if is_dylib(s) { // Don't use custom libdir here because ^lib/ will be resolved again // with installer builder.install(&entry.path(), &image.join("lib"), 0o644); } } } } // Copy over the codegen backends let backends_src = builder.sysroot_codegen_backends(compiler); let backends_rel = backends_src .strip_prefix(&src) .unwrap() .strip_prefix(builder.sysroot_libdir_relative(compiler)) .unwrap(); // Don't use custom libdir here because ^lib/ will be resolved again with installer let backends_dst = image.join("lib").join(&backends_rel); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&backends_dst)); builder.cp_r(&backends_src, &backends_dst); // Copy libLLVM.so to the lib dir as well, if needed. While not // technically needed by rustc itself it's needed by lots of other // components like the llvm tools and LLD. LLD is included below and // tools/LLDB come later, so let's just throw it in the rustc // component for now. maybe_install_llvm_runtime(builder, host, image); let dst_dir = image.join("lib/rustlib").join(&*host.triple).join("bin"); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dst_dir)); // Copy over lld if it's there if builder.config.lld_enabled { let src_dir = builder.sysroot_libdir(compiler, host).parent().unwrap().join("bin"); let rust_lld = exe("rust-lld", compiler.host); builder.copy(&src_dir.join(&rust_lld), &dst_dir.join(&rust_lld)); // for `-Z gcc-ld=lld` let gcc_lld_src_dir = src_dir.join("gcc-ld"); let gcc_lld_dst_dir = dst_dir.join("gcc-ld"); t!(fs::create_dir(&gcc_lld_dst_dir)); for name in crate::LLD_FILE_NAMES { let exe_name = exe(name, compiler.host); builder .copy(&gcc_lld_src_dir.join(&exe_name), &gcc_lld_dst_dir.join(&exe_name)); } } // Man pages t!(fs::create_dir_all(image.join("share/man/man1"))); let man_src = builder.src.join("src/doc/man"); let man_dst = image.join("share/man/man1"); // don't use our `bootstrap::util::{copy, cp_r}`, because those try // to hardlink, and we don't want to edit the source templates for file_entry in builder.read_dir(&man_src) { let page_src = file_entry.path(); let page_dst = man_dst.join(file_entry.file_name()); let src_text = t!(std::fs::read_to_string(&page_src)); let new_text = src_text.replace("", &builder.version); t!(std::fs::write(&page_dst, &new_text)); t!(fs::copy(&page_src, &page_dst)); } // Debugger scripts builder .ensure(DebuggerScripts { sysroot: INTERNER.intern_path(image.to_owned()), host }); // Misc license info let cp = |file: &str| { builder.install(&builder.src.join(file), &image.join("share/doc/rust"), 0o644); }; cp("COPYRIGHT"); cp("LICENSE-APACHE"); cp("LICENSE-MIT"); cp("README.md"); } } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct DebuggerScripts { pub sysroot: Interned, pub host: TargetSelection, } impl Step for DebuggerScripts { type Output = (); fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.never() } /// Copies debugger scripts for `target` into the `sysroot` specified. fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) { let host = self.host; let sysroot = self.sysroot; let dst = sysroot.join("lib/rustlib/etc"); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dst)); let cp_debugger_script = |file: &str| { builder.install(&builder.src.join("src/etc/").join(file), &dst, 0o644); }; if host.contains("windows-msvc") { // windbg debugger scripts builder.install( &builder.src.join("src/etc/rust-windbg.cmd"), &sysroot.join("bin"), 0o755, ); cp_debugger_script("natvis/intrinsic.natvis"); cp_debugger_script("natvis/liballoc.natvis"); cp_debugger_script("natvis/libcore.natvis"); cp_debugger_script("natvis/libstd.natvis"); } else { cp_debugger_script("rust_types.py"); // gdb debugger scripts builder.install(&builder.src.join("src/etc/rust-gdb"), &sysroot.join("bin"), 0o755); builder.install(&builder.src.join("src/etc/rust-gdbgui"), &sysroot.join("bin"), 0o755); cp_debugger_script("gdb_load_rust_pretty_printers.py"); cp_debugger_script("gdb_lookup.py"); cp_debugger_script("gdb_providers.py"); // lldb debugger scripts builder.install(&builder.src.join("src/etc/rust-lldb"), &sysroot.join("bin"), 0o755); cp_debugger_script("lldb_lookup.py"); cp_debugger_script("lldb_providers.py"); cp_debugger_script("lldb_commands") } } } fn skip_host_target_lib(builder: &Builder<'_>, compiler: Compiler) -> bool { // The only true set of target libraries came from the build triple, so // let's reduce redundant work by only producing archives from that host. if compiler.host != builder.config.build { builder.info("\tskipping, not a build host"); true } else { false } } /// Check that all objects in rlibs for UEFI targets are COFF. This /// ensures that the C compiler isn't producing ELF objects, which would /// not link correctly with the COFF objects. fn verify_uefi_rlib_format(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, stamp: &Path) { if !target.ends_with("-uefi") { return; } for (path, _) in builder.read_stamp_file(stamp) { if path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("rlib")) { continue; } let data = t!(fs::read(&path)); let data = data.as_slice(); let archive = t!(ArchiveFile::parse(data)); for member in archive.members() { let member = t!(member); let member_data = t!(member.data(data)); let is_coff = match object::File::parse(member_data) { Ok(member_file) => member_file.format() == BinaryFormat::Coff, Err(_) => false, }; if !is_coff { let member_name = String::from_utf8_lossy(member.name()); panic!("member {} in {} is not COFF", member_name, path.display()); } } } } /// Copy stamped files into an image's `target/lib` directory. fn copy_target_libs(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, image: &Path, stamp: &Path) { let dst = image.join("lib/rustlib").join(target.triple).join("lib"); let self_contained_dst = dst.join("self-contained"); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dst)); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&self_contained_dst)); for (path, dependency_type) in builder.read_stamp_file(stamp) { if dependency_type == DependencyType::TargetSelfContained { builder.copy(&path, &self_contained_dst.join(path.file_name().unwrap())); } else if dependency_type == DependencyType::Target || builder.config.build == target { builder.copy(&path, &dst.join(path.file_name().unwrap())); } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Std { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Std { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("rust-std") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Std { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; if skip_host_target_lib(builder, compiler) { return None; } builder.ensure(compile::Std::new(compiler, target)); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-std", &target.triple); tarball.include_target_in_component_name(true); let compiler_to_use = builder.compiler_for(compiler.stage, compiler.host, target); let stamp = compile::libstd_stamp(builder, compiler_to_use, target); verify_uefi_rlib_format(builder, target, &stamp); copy_target_libs(builder, target, &tarball.image_dir(), &stamp); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct RustcDev { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for RustcDev { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("rustc-dev") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(RustcDev { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; if skip_host_target_lib(builder, compiler) { return None; } builder.ensure(compile::Rustc::new(compiler, target)); let tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rustc-dev", &target.triple); let compiler_to_use = builder.compiler_for(compiler.stage, compiler.host, target); let stamp = compile::librustc_stamp(builder, compiler_to_use, target); copy_target_libs(builder, target, tarball.image_dir(), &stamp); let src_files = &["Cargo.lock"]; // This is the reduced set of paths which will become the rustc-dev component // (essentially the compiler crates and all of their path dependencies). copy_src_dirs( builder, &builder.src, &["compiler"], &[], &tarball.image_dir().join("lib/rustlib/rustc-src/rust"), ); for file in src_files { tarball.add_file(builder.src.join(file), "lib/rustlib/rustc-src/rust", 0o644); } Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Analysis { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Analysis { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "analysis"); run.alias("rust-analysis").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Analysis { // Find the actual compiler (handling the full bootstrap option) which // produced the save-analysis data because that data isn't copied // through the sysroot uplifting. compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } /// Creates a tarball of (degenerate) save-analysis metadata, if available. fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; if compiler.host != builder.config.build { return None; } let src = builder .stage_out(compiler, Mode::Std) .join(target.triple) .join(builder.cargo_dir()) .join("deps") .join("save-analysis"); // Write a file indicating that this component has been removed. t!(std::fs::create_dir_all(&src)); let mut removed = src.clone(); removed.push("removed.json"); let mut f = t!(std::fs::File::create(removed)); t!(write!(f, r#"{{ "warning": "The `rust-analysis` component has been removed." }}"#)); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-analysis", &target.triple); tarball.include_target_in_component_name(true); tarball.add_dir(src, format!("lib/rustlib/{}/analysis", target.triple)); Some(tarball.generate()) } } /// Use the `builder` to make a filtered copy of `base`/X for X in (`src_dirs` - `exclude_dirs`) to /// `dst_dir`. fn copy_src_dirs( builder: &Builder<'_>, base: &Path, src_dirs: &[&str], exclude_dirs: &[&str], dst_dir: &Path, ) { fn filter_fn(exclude_dirs: &[&str], dir: &str, path: &Path) -> bool { let spath = match path.to_str() { Some(path) => path, None => return false, }; if spath.ends_with('~') || spath.ends_with(".pyc") { return false; } const LLVM_PROJECTS: &[&str] = &[ "llvm-project/clang", "llvm-project\\clang", "llvm-project/libunwind", "llvm-project\\libunwind", "llvm-project/lld", "llvm-project\\lld", "llvm-project/lldb", "llvm-project\\lldb", "llvm-project/llvm", "llvm-project\\llvm", "llvm-project/compiler-rt", "llvm-project\\compiler-rt", "llvm-project/cmake", "llvm-project\\cmake", ]; if spath.contains("llvm-project") && !spath.ends_with("llvm-project") && !LLVM_PROJECTS.iter().any(|path| spath.contains(path)) { return false; } const LLVM_TEST: &[&str] = &["llvm-project/llvm/test", "llvm-project\\llvm\\test"]; if LLVM_TEST.iter().any(|path| spath.contains(path)) && (spath.ends_with(".ll") || spath.ends_with(".td") || spath.ends_with(".s")) { return false; } let full_path = Path::new(dir).join(path); if exclude_dirs.iter().any(|excl| full_path == Path::new(excl)) { return false; } let excludes = [ "CVS", "RCS", "SCCS", ".git", ".gitignore", ".gitmodules", ".gitattributes", ".cvsignore", ".svn", ".arch-ids", "{arch}", "=RELEASE-ID", "=meta-update", "=update", ".bzr", ".bzrignore", ".bzrtags", ".hg", ".hgignore", ".hgrags", "_darcs", ]; !path.iter().map(|s| s.to_str().unwrap()).any(|s| excludes.contains(&s)) } // Copy the directories using our filter for item in src_dirs { let dst = &dst_dir.join(item); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst)); builder.cp_filtered(&base.join(item), dst, &|path| filter_fn(exclude_dirs, item, path)); } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Src; impl Step for Src { /// The output path of the src installer tarball type Output = GeneratedTarball; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("rust-src") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Src); } /// Creates the `rust-src` installer component fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> GeneratedTarball { builder.update_submodule(&Path::new("src/llvm-project")); let tarball = Tarball::new_targetless(builder, "rust-src"); // A lot of tools expect the rust-src component to be entirely in this directory, so if you // change that (e.g. by adding another directory `lib/rustlib/src/foo` or // `lib/rustlib/src/rust/foo`), you will need to go around hunting for implicit assumptions // and fix them... // // NOTE: if you update the paths here, you also should update the "virtual" path // translation code in `imported_source_files` in `src/librustc_metadata/rmeta/decoder.rs` let dst_src = tarball.image_dir().join("lib/rustlib/src/rust"); let src_files = ["Cargo.lock"]; // This is the reduced set of paths which will become the rust-src component // (essentially libstd and all of its path dependencies). copy_src_dirs( builder, &builder.src, &["library", "src/llvm-project/libunwind"], &[ // not needed and contains symlinks which rustup currently // chokes on when unpacking. "library/backtrace/crates", // these are 30MB combined and aren't necessary for building // the standard library. "library/stdarch/Cargo.toml", "library/stdarch/crates/stdarch-verify", "library/stdarch/crates/intrinsic-test", ], &dst_src, ); for file in src_files.iter() { builder.copy(&builder.src.join(file), &dst_src.join(file)); } tarball.generate() } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct PlainSourceTarball; impl Step for PlainSourceTarball { /// Produces the location of the tarball generated type Output = GeneratedTarball; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let builder = run.builder; run.alias("rustc-src").default_condition(builder.config.rust_dist_src) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(PlainSourceTarball); } /// Creates the plain source tarball fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> GeneratedTarball { // NOTE: This is a strange component in a lot of ways. It uses `src` as the target, which // means neither rustup nor rustup-toolchain-install-master know how to download it. // It also contains symbolic links, unlike other any other dist tarball. // It's used for distros building rustc from source in a pre-vendored environment. let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rustc", "src"); tarball.permit_symlinks(true); let plain_dst_src = tarball.image_dir(); // This is the set of root paths which will become part of the source package let src_files = [ "COPYRIGHT", "LICENSE-APACHE", "LICENSE-MIT", "CONTRIBUTING.md", "README.md", "RELEASES.md", "configure", "x.py", "config.example.toml", "Cargo.toml", "Cargo.lock", ".gitmodules", ]; let src_dirs = ["src", "compiler", "library", "tests"]; copy_src_dirs(builder, &builder.src, &src_dirs, &[], &plain_dst_src); // Copy the files normally for item in &src_files { builder.copy(&builder.src.join(item), &plain_dst_src.join(item)); } // Create the version file builder.create(&plain_dst_src.join("version"), &builder.rust_version()); if let Some(info) = builder.rust_info().info() { channel::write_commit_hash_file(&plain_dst_src, &info.sha); channel::write_commit_info_file(&plain_dst_src, info); } // If we're building from git sources, we need to vendor a complete distribution. if builder.rust_info().is_managed_git_subrepository() { // Ensure we have the submodules checked out. builder.update_submodule(Path::new("src/tools/rust-analyzer")); // Vendor all Cargo dependencies let mut cmd = Command::new(&builder.initial_cargo); cmd.arg("vendor") .arg("--sync") .arg(builder.src.join("./src/tools/rust-analyzer/Cargo.toml")) .arg("--sync") .arg(builder.src.join("./compiler/rustc_codegen_cranelift/Cargo.toml")) .arg("--sync") .arg(builder.src.join("./src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml")) .current_dir(&plain_dst_src); let config = if !builder.config.dry_run() { t!(String::from_utf8(t!(cmd.output()).stdout)) } else { String::new() }; let cargo_config_dir = plain_dst_src.join(".cargo"); builder.create_dir(&cargo_config_dir); builder.create(&cargo_config_dir.join("config.toml"), &config); } tarball.bare() } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Cargo { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Cargo { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "cargo"); run.alias("cargo").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Cargo { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; let cargo = builder.ensure(tool::Cargo { compiler, target }); let src = builder.src.join("src/tools/cargo"); let etc = src.join("src/etc"); // Prepare the image directory let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "cargo", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::Cargo); tarball.add_file(&cargo, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_file(etc.join("_cargo"), "share/zsh/site-functions", 0o644); tarball.add_renamed_file(etc.join("cargo.bashcomp.sh"), "etc/bash_completion.d", "cargo"); tarball.add_dir(etc.join("man"), "share/man/man1"); tarball.add_legal_and_readme_to("share/doc/cargo"); for dirent in fs::read_dir(cargo.parent().unwrap()).expect("read_dir") { let dirent = dirent.expect("read dir entry"); if dirent.file_name().to_str().expect("utf8").starts_with("cargo-credential-") { tarball.add_file(&dirent.path(), "libexec", 0o755); } } Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Rls { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Rls { type Output = Option; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "rls"); run.alias("rls").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Rls { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; let rls = builder .ensure(tool::Rls { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() }) .expect("rls expected to build"); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rls", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::RLS); tarball.is_preview(true); tarball.add_file(rls, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_legal_and_readme_to("share/doc/rls"); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct RustAnalyzer { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for RustAnalyzer { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "rust-analyzer"); run.alias("rust-analyzer").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(RustAnalyzer { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; let rust_analyzer = builder .ensure(tool::RustAnalyzer { compiler, target }) .expect("rust-analyzer always builds"); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-analyzer", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::RustAnalyzer); tarball.is_preview(true); tarball.add_file(rust_analyzer, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_legal_and_readme_to("share/doc/rust-analyzer"); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Clippy { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Clippy { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "clippy"); run.alias("clippy").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Clippy { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; // Prepare the image directory // We expect clippy to build, because we've exited this step above if tool // state for clippy isn't testing. let clippy = builder .ensure(tool::Clippy { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() }) .expect("clippy expected to build - essential tool"); let cargoclippy = builder .ensure(tool::CargoClippy { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() }) .expect("clippy expected to build - essential tool"); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "clippy", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::Clippy); tarball.is_preview(true); tarball.add_file(clippy, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_file(cargoclippy, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_legal_and_readme_to("share/doc/clippy"); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Miri { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Miri { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "miri"); run.alias("miri").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Miri { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { // This prevents miri from being built for "dist" or "install" // on the stable/beta channels. It is a nightly-only tool and should // not be included. if !builder.build.unstable_features() { return None; } let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; let miri = builder.ensure(tool::Miri { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() })?; let cargomiri = builder.ensure(tool::CargoMiri { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() })?; let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "miri", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::Miri); tarball.is_preview(true); tarball.add_file(miri, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_file(cargomiri, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_legal_and_readme_to("share/doc/miri"); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Rustfmt { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Rustfmt { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "rustfmt"); run.alias("rustfmt").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Rustfmt { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; let rustfmt = builder .ensure(tool::Rustfmt { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() }) .expect("rustfmt expected to build - essential tool"); let cargofmt = builder .ensure(tool::Cargofmt { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() }) .expect("cargo fmt expected to build - essential tool"); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rustfmt", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::Rustfmt); tarball.is_preview(true); tarball.add_file(rustfmt, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_file(cargofmt, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_legal_and_readme_to("share/doc/rustfmt"); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct RustDemangler { pub compiler: Compiler, pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for RustDemangler { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { // While other tools use `should_build_extended_tool` to decide whether to be run by // default or not, `rust-demangler` must be build when *either* it's enabled as a tool like // the other ones or if `profiler = true`. Because we don't know the target at this stage // we run the step by default when only `extended = true`, and decide whether to actually // run it or not later. let default = run.builder.config.extended; run.alias("rust-demangler").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(RustDemangler { compiler: run.builder.compiler_for( run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build, run.target, ), target: run.target, }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let compiler = self.compiler; let target = self.target; // Only build this extended tool if explicitly included in `tools`, or if `profiler = true` let condition = should_build_extended_tool(builder, "rust-demangler") || builder.config.profiler_enabled(target); if builder.config.extended && !condition { return None; } let rust_demangler = builder .ensure(tool::RustDemangler { compiler, target, extra_features: Vec::new() }) .expect("rust-demangler expected to build - in-tree tool"); // Prepare the image directory let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-demangler", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::RustDemangler); tarball.is_preview(true); tarball.add_file(&rust_demangler, "bin", 0o755); tarball.add_legal_and_readme_to("share/doc/rust-demangler"); Some(tarball.generate()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Extended { stage: u32, host: TargetSelection, target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Extended { type Output = (); const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let builder = run.builder; run.alias("extended").default_condition(builder.config.extended) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Extended { stage: run.builder.top_stage, host: run.builder.config.build, target: run.target, }); } /// Creates a combined installer for the specified target in the provided stage. fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) { let target = self.target; let stage = self.stage; let compiler = builder.compiler_for(self.stage, self.host, self.target); builder.info(&format!("Dist extended stage{} ({})", compiler.stage, target)); let mut tarballs = Vec::new(); let mut built_tools = HashSet::new(); macro_rules! add_component { ($name:expr => $step:expr) => { if let Some(tarball) = builder.ensure_if_default($step, Kind::Dist) { tarballs.push(tarball); built_tools.insert($name); } }; } // When rust-std package split from rustc, we needed to ensure that during // upgrades rustc was upgraded before rust-std. To avoid rustc clobbering // the std files during uninstall. To do this ensure that rustc comes // before rust-std in the list below. tarballs.push(builder.ensure(Rustc { compiler: builder.compiler(stage, target) })); tarballs.push(builder.ensure(Std { compiler, target }).expect("missing std")); if target.ends_with("windows-gnu") { tarballs.push(builder.ensure(Mingw { host: target }).expect("missing mingw")); } add_component!("rust-docs" => Docs { host: target }); add_component!("rust-json-docs" => JsonDocs { host: target }); add_component!("rust-demangler"=> RustDemangler { compiler, target }); add_component!("cargo" => Cargo { compiler, target }); add_component!("rustfmt" => Rustfmt { compiler, target }); add_component!("rls" => Rls { compiler, target }); add_component!("rust-analyzer" => RustAnalyzer { compiler, target }); add_component!("llvm-components" => LlvmTools { target }); add_component!("clippy" => Clippy { compiler, target }); add_component!("miri" => Miri { compiler, target }); add_component!("analysis" => Analysis { compiler, target }); let etc = builder.src.join("src/etc/installer"); // Avoid producing tarballs during a dry run. if builder.config.dry_run() { return; } let tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust", &target.triple); let generated = tarball.combine(&tarballs); let tmp = tmpdir(builder).join("combined-tarball"); let work = generated.work_dir(); let mut license = String::new(); license += &builder.read(&builder.src.join("COPYRIGHT")); license += &builder.read(&builder.src.join("LICENSE-APACHE")); license += &builder.read(&builder.src.join("LICENSE-MIT")); license.push('\n'); license.push('\n'); let rtf = r"{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}\nowwrap\fs18"; let mut rtf = rtf.to_string(); rtf.push('\n'); for line in license.lines() { rtf.push_str(line); rtf.push_str("\\line "); } rtf.push('}'); fn filter(contents: &str, marker: &str) -> String { let start = format!("tool-{}-start", marker); let end = format!("tool-{}-end", marker); let mut lines = Vec::new(); let mut omitted = false; for line in contents.lines() { if line.contains(&start) { omitted = true; } else if line.contains(&end) { omitted = false; } else if !omitted { lines.push(line); } } lines.join("\n") } let xform = |p: &Path| { let mut contents = t!(fs::read_to_string(p)); for tool in &["rust-demangler", "miri", "rust-docs"] { if !built_tools.contains(tool) { contents = filter(&contents, tool); } } let ret = tmp.join(p.file_name().unwrap()); t!(fs::write(&ret, &contents)); ret }; if target.contains("apple-darwin") { builder.info("building pkg installer"); let pkg = tmp.join("pkg"); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&pkg); let pkgbuild = |component: &str| { let mut cmd = Command::new("pkgbuild"); cmd.arg("--identifier") .arg(format!("org.rust-lang.{}", component)) .arg("--scripts") .arg(pkg.join(component)) .arg("--nopayload") .arg(pkg.join(component).with_extension("pkg")); builder.run(&mut cmd); }; let prepare = |name: &str| { builder.create_dir(&pkg.join(name)); builder.cp_r( &work.join(&format!("{}-{}", pkgname(builder, name), target.triple)), &pkg.join(name), ); builder.install(&etc.join("pkg/postinstall"), &pkg.join(name), 0o755); pkgbuild(name); }; prepare("rustc"); prepare("cargo"); prepare("rust-std"); prepare("rust-analysis"); prepare("clippy"); prepare("rust-analyzer"); for tool in &["rust-docs", "rust-demangler", "miri"] { if built_tools.contains(tool) { prepare(tool); } } // create an 'uninstall' package builder.install(&etc.join("pkg/postinstall"), &pkg.join("uninstall"), 0o755); pkgbuild("uninstall"); builder.create_dir(&pkg.join("res")); builder.create(&pkg.join("res/LICENSE.txt"), &license); builder.install(&etc.join("gfx/rust-logo.png"), &pkg.join("res"), 0o644); let mut cmd = Command::new("productbuild"); cmd.arg("--distribution") .arg(xform(&etc.join("pkg/Distribution.xml"))) .arg("--resources") .arg(pkg.join("res")) .arg(distdir(builder).join(format!( "{}-{}.pkg", pkgname(builder, "rust"), target.triple ))) .arg("--package-path") .arg(&pkg); let _time = timeit(builder); builder.run(&mut cmd); } if target.contains("windows") { let exe = tmp.join("exe"); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&exe); let prepare = |name: &str| { builder.create_dir(&exe.join(name)); let dir = if name == "rust-std" || name == "rust-analysis" { format!("{}-{}", name, target.triple) } else if name == "rust-analyzer" { "rust-analyzer-preview".to_string() } else if name == "clippy" { "clippy-preview".to_string() } else if name == "rust-demangler" { "rust-demangler-preview".to_string() } else if name == "miri" { "miri-preview".to_string() } else { name.to_string() }; builder.cp_r( &work.join(&format!("{}-{}", pkgname(builder, name), target.triple)).join(dir), &exe.join(name), ); builder.remove(&exe.join(name).join("manifest.in")); }; prepare("rustc"); prepare("cargo"); prepare("rust-analysis"); prepare("rust-std"); prepare("clippy"); prepare("rust-analyzer"); for tool in &["rust-docs", "rust-demangler", "miri"] { if built_tools.contains(tool) { prepare(tool); } } if target.ends_with("windows-gnu") { prepare("rust-mingw"); } builder.install(&etc.join("gfx/rust-logo.ico"), &exe, 0o644); // Generate msi installer let wix_path = env::var_os("WIX") .expect("`WIX` environment variable must be set for generating MSI installer(s)."); let wix = PathBuf::from(wix_path); let heat = wix.join("bin/heat.exe"); let candle = wix.join("bin/candle.exe"); let light = wix.join("bin/light.exe"); let heat_flags = ["-nologo", "-gg", "-sfrag", "-srd", "-sreg"]; builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("rustc") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("RustcGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Rustc") .arg("-var") .arg("var.RustcDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("RustcGroup.wxs")), ); if built_tools.contains("rust-docs") { builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("rust-docs") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("DocsGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Docs") .arg("-var") .arg("var.DocsDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("DocsGroup.wxs")) .arg("-t") .arg(etc.join("msi/squash-components.xsl")), ); } builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("cargo") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("CargoGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Cargo") .arg("-var") .arg("var.CargoDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("CargoGroup.wxs")) .arg("-t") .arg(etc.join("msi/remove-duplicates.xsl")), ); builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("rust-std") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("StdGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Std") .arg("-var") .arg("var.StdDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("StdGroup.wxs")), ); builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("rust-analyzer") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("RustAnalyzerGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("RustAnalyzer") .arg("-var") .arg("var.RustAnalyzerDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("RustAnalyzerGroup.wxs")) .arg("-t") .arg(etc.join("msi/remove-duplicates.xsl")), ); builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("clippy") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("ClippyGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Clippy") .arg("-var") .arg("var.ClippyDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("ClippyGroup.wxs")) .arg("-t") .arg(etc.join("msi/remove-duplicates.xsl")), ); if built_tools.contains("rust-demangler") { builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("rust-demangler") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("RustDemanglerGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("RustDemangler") .arg("-var") .arg("var.RustDemanglerDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("RustDemanglerGroup.wxs")) .arg("-t") .arg(etc.join("msi/remove-duplicates.xsl")), ); } if built_tools.contains("miri") { builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("miri") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("MiriGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Miri") .arg("-var") .arg("var.MiriDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("MiriGroup.wxs")) .arg("-t") .arg(etc.join("msi/remove-duplicates.xsl")), ); } builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("rust-analysis") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("AnalysisGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Analysis") .arg("-var") .arg("var.AnalysisDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("AnalysisGroup.wxs")) .arg("-t") .arg(etc.join("msi/remove-duplicates.xsl")), ); if target.ends_with("windows-gnu") { builder.run( Command::new(&heat) .current_dir(&exe) .arg("dir") .arg("rust-mingw") .args(&heat_flags) .arg("-cg") .arg("GccGroup") .arg("-dr") .arg("Gcc") .arg("-var") .arg("var.GccDir") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join("GccGroup.wxs")), ); } let candle = |input: &Path| { let output = exe.join(input.file_stem().unwrap()).with_extension("wixobj"); let arch = if target.contains("x86_64") { "x64" } else { "x86" }; let mut cmd = Command::new(&candle); cmd.current_dir(&exe) .arg("-nologo") .arg("-dRustcDir=rustc") .arg("-dCargoDir=cargo") .arg("-dStdDir=rust-std") .arg("-dAnalysisDir=rust-analysis") .arg("-dClippyDir=clippy") .arg("-arch") .arg(&arch) .arg("-out") .arg(&output) .arg(&input); add_env(builder, &mut cmd, target); if built_tools.contains("rust-docs") { cmd.arg("-dDocsDir=rust-docs"); } if built_tools.contains("rust-demangler") { cmd.arg("-dRustDemanglerDir=rust-demangler"); } if built_tools.contains("rust-analyzer") { cmd.arg("-dRustAnalyzerDir=rust-analyzer"); } if built_tools.contains("miri") { cmd.arg("-dMiriDir=miri"); } if target.ends_with("windows-gnu") { cmd.arg("-dGccDir=rust-mingw"); } builder.run(&mut cmd); }; candle(&xform(&etc.join("msi/rust.wxs"))); candle(&etc.join("msi/ui.wxs")); candle(&etc.join("msi/rustwelcomedlg.wxs")); candle("RustcGroup.wxs".as_ref()); if built_tools.contains("rust-docs") { candle("DocsGroup.wxs".as_ref()); } candle("CargoGroup.wxs".as_ref()); candle("StdGroup.wxs".as_ref()); candle("ClippyGroup.wxs".as_ref()); if built_tools.contains("miri") { candle("MiriGroup.wxs".as_ref()); } if built_tools.contains("rust-demangler") { candle("RustDemanglerGroup.wxs".as_ref()); } if built_tools.contains("rust-analyzer") { candle("RustAnalyzerGroup.wxs".as_ref()); } candle("AnalysisGroup.wxs".as_ref()); if target.ends_with("windows-gnu") { candle("GccGroup.wxs".as_ref()); } builder.create(&exe.join("LICENSE.rtf"), &rtf); builder.install(&etc.join("gfx/banner.bmp"), &exe, 0o644); builder.install(&etc.join("gfx/dialogbg.bmp"), &exe, 0o644); builder.info(&format!("building `msi` installer with {:?}", light)); let filename = format!("{}-{}.msi", pkgname(builder, "rust"), target.triple); let mut cmd = Command::new(&light); cmd.arg("-nologo") .arg("-ext") .arg("WixUIExtension") .arg("-ext") .arg("WixUtilExtension") .arg("-out") .arg(exe.join(&filename)) .arg("rust.wixobj") .arg("ui.wixobj") .arg("rustwelcomedlg.wixobj") .arg("RustcGroup.wixobj") .arg("CargoGroup.wixobj") .arg("StdGroup.wixobj") .arg("AnalysisGroup.wixobj") .arg("ClippyGroup.wixobj") .current_dir(&exe); if built_tools.contains("miri") { cmd.arg("MiriGroup.wixobj"); } if built_tools.contains("rust-analyzer") { cmd.arg("RustAnalyzerGroup.wixobj"); } if built_tools.contains("rust-demangler") { cmd.arg("RustDemanglerGroup.wixobj"); } if built_tools.contains("rust-docs") { cmd.arg("DocsGroup.wixobj"); } if target.ends_with("windows-gnu") { cmd.arg("GccGroup.wixobj"); } // ICE57 wrongly complains about the shortcuts cmd.arg("-sice:ICE57"); let _time = timeit(builder); builder.run(&mut cmd); if !builder.config.dry_run() { t!(fs::rename(exe.join(&filename), distdir(builder).join(&filename))); } } } } fn add_env(builder: &Builder<'_>, cmd: &mut Command, target: TargetSelection) { let mut parts = builder.version.split('.'); cmd.env("CFG_RELEASE_INFO", builder.rust_version()) .env("CFG_RELEASE_NUM", &builder.version) .env("CFG_RELEASE", builder.rust_release()) .env("CFG_VER_MAJOR", parts.next().unwrap()) .env("CFG_VER_MINOR", parts.next().unwrap()) .env("CFG_VER_PATCH", parts.next().unwrap()) .env("CFG_VER_BUILD", "0") // just needed to build .env("CFG_PACKAGE_VERS", builder.rust_package_vers()) .env("CFG_PACKAGE_NAME", pkgname(builder, "rust")) .env("CFG_BUILD", target.triple) .env("CFG_CHANNEL", &builder.config.channel); if target.contains("windows-gnullvm") { cmd.env("CFG_MINGW", "1").env("CFG_ABI", "LLVM"); } else if target.contains("windows-gnu") { cmd.env("CFG_MINGW", "1").env("CFG_ABI", "GNU"); } else { cmd.env("CFG_MINGW", "0").env("CFG_ABI", "MSVC"); } } fn install_llvm_file(builder: &Builder<'_>, source: &Path, destination: &Path) { if builder.config.dry_run() { return; } // After LLVM is built, we modify (instrument or optimize) the libLLVM.so library file. // This is not done in-place so that the built LLVM files are not "tainted" with BOLT. // We perform the instrumentation/optimization here, on the fly, just before they are being // packaged into some destination directory. let postprocessed = if builder.config.llvm_bolt_profile_generate { builder.ensure(BoltInstrument::new(source.to_path_buf())) } else if let Some(path) = &builder.config.llvm_bolt_profile_use { builder.ensure(BoltOptimize::new(source.to_path_buf(), path.into())) } else { source.to_path_buf() }; builder.install(&postprocessed, destination, 0o644); } /// Maybe add LLVM object files to the given destination lib-dir. Allows either static or dynamic linking. /// /// Returns whether the files were actually copied. fn maybe_install_llvm(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, dst_libdir: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(config) = builder.config.target_config.get(&target) { if config.llvm_config.is_some() && !builder.config.llvm_from_ci { // If the LLVM was externally provided, then we don't currently copy // artifacts into the sysroot. This is not necessarily the right // choice (in particular, it will require the LLVM dylib to be in // the linker's load path at runtime), but the common use case for // external LLVMs is distribution provided LLVMs, and in that case // they're usually in the standard search path (e.g., /usr/lib) and // copying them here is going to cause problems as we may end up // with the wrong files and isn't what distributions want. // // This behavior may be revisited in the future though. // // If the LLVM is coming from ourselves (just from CI) though, we // still want to install it, as it otherwise won't be available. return false; } } // FIXME: for reasons I don't understand, the LLVM so in the `rustc` component is different than the one in `rust-dev`. // Only the one in `rustc` works with the downloaded compiler. if builder.download_rustc() && target == builder.build.build { let src_libdir = builder.ci_rustc_dir(target).join("lib"); for entry in t!(std::fs::read_dir(&src_libdir)) { let entry = t!(entry); if entry.file_name().to_str().unwrap().starts_with("libLLVM-") { install_llvm_file(builder, &entry.path(), dst_libdir); return !builder.config.dry_run(); } } panic!("libLLVM.so not found in src_libdir {}!", src_libdir.display()); } // On macOS, rustc (and LLVM tools) link to an unversioned libLLVM.dylib // instead of libLLVM-11-rust-....dylib, as on linux. It's not entirely // clear why this is the case, though. llvm-config will emit the versioned // paths and we don't want those in the sysroot (as we're expecting // unversioned paths). if target.contains("apple-darwin") && builder.llvm_link_shared() { let src_libdir = builder.llvm_out(target).join("lib"); let llvm_dylib_path = src_libdir.join("libLLVM.dylib"); if llvm_dylib_path.exists() { builder.install(&llvm_dylib_path, dst_libdir, 0o644); } !builder.config.dry_run() } else if let Ok(llvm::LlvmResult { llvm_config, .. }) = llvm::prebuilt_llvm_config(builder, target) { let mut cmd = Command::new(llvm_config); cmd.arg("--libfiles"); builder.verbose(&format!("running {:?}", cmd)); let files = if builder.config.dry_run() { "".into() } else { output(&mut cmd) }; let build_llvm_out = &builder.llvm_out(builder.config.build); let target_llvm_out = &builder.llvm_out(target); for file in files.trim_end().split(' ') { // If we're not using a custom LLVM, make sure we package for the target. let file = if let Ok(relative_path) = Path::new(file).strip_prefix(build_llvm_out) { target_llvm_out.join(relative_path) } else { PathBuf::from(file) }; install_llvm_file(builder, &file, dst_libdir); } !builder.config.dry_run() } else { false } } /// Maybe add libLLVM.so to the target lib-dir for linking. pub fn maybe_install_llvm_target(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, sysroot: &Path) { let dst_libdir = sysroot.join("lib/rustlib").join(&*target.triple).join("lib"); // We do not need to copy LLVM files into the sysroot if it is not // dynamically linked; it is already included into librustc_llvm // statically. if builder.llvm_link_shared() { maybe_install_llvm(builder, target, &dst_libdir); } } /// Maybe add libLLVM.so to the runtime lib-dir for rustc itself. pub fn maybe_install_llvm_runtime(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, sysroot: &Path) { let dst_libdir = sysroot.join(builder.sysroot_libdir_relative(Compiler { stage: 1, host: target })); // We do not need to copy LLVM files into the sysroot if it is not // dynamically linked; it is already included into librustc_llvm // statically. if builder.llvm_link_shared() { maybe_install_llvm(builder, target, &dst_libdir); } } /// Creates an output path to a BOLT-manipulated artifact for the given `file`. /// The hash of the file is used to make sure that we don't mix BOLT artifacts amongst different /// files with the same name. /// /// We need to keep the file-name the same though, to make sure that copying the manipulated file /// to a directory will not change the final file path. fn create_bolt_output_path(builder: &Builder<'_>, file: &Path, hash: &str) -> PathBuf { let directory = builder.out.join("bolt").join(hash); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&directory)); directory.join(file.file_name().unwrap()) } /// Instrument the provided file with BOLT. /// Returns a path to the instrumented artifact. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct BoltInstrument { file: PathBuf, hash: String, } impl BoltInstrument { fn new(file: PathBuf) -> Self { let mut hasher = sha2::Sha256::new(); hasher.update(t!(fs::read(&file))); let hash = hex::encode(hasher.finalize().as_slice()); Self { file, hash } } } impl Step for BoltInstrument { type Output = PathBuf; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = false; const DEFAULT: bool = false; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.never() } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf { if builder.build.config.dry_run() { return self.file.clone(); } if builder.build.config.llvm_from_ci { println!("warning: trying to use BOLT with LLVM from CI, this will probably not work"); } println!("Instrumenting {} with BOLT", self.file.display()); let output_path = create_bolt_output_path(builder, &self.file, &self.hash); if !output_path.is_file() { instrument_with_bolt(&self.file, &output_path); } output_path } } /// Optimize the provided file with BOLT. /// Returns a path to the optimized artifact. /// /// The hash is stored in the step to make sure that we don't optimize the same file /// twice (even under different file paths). #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct BoltOptimize { file: PathBuf, profile: PathBuf, hash: String, } impl BoltOptimize { fn new(file: PathBuf, profile: PathBuf) -> Self { let mut hasher = sha2::Sha256::new(); hasher.update(t!(fs::read(&file))); hasher.update(t!(fs::read(&profile))); let hash = hex::encode(hasher.finalize().as_slice()); Self { file, profile, hash } } } impl Step for BoltOptimize { type Output = PathBuf; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = false; const DEFAULT: bool = false; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.never() } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf { if builder.build.config.dry_run() { return self.file.clone(); } if builder.build.config.llvm_from_ci { println!("warning: trying to use BOLT with LLVM from CI, this will probably not work"); } println!("Optimizing {} with BOLT", self.file.display()); let output_path = create_bolt_output_path(builder, &self.file, &self.hash); if !output_path.is_file() { optimize_with_bolt(&self.file, &self.profile, &output_path); } output_path } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct LlvmTools { pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for LlvmTools { type Output = Option; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; const DEFAULT: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { let default = should_build_extended_tool(&run.builder, "llvm-tools"); // FIXME: allow using the names of the tools themselves? run.alias("llvm-tools").default_condition(default) } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(LlvmTools { target: run.target }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let target = self.target; /* run only if llvm-config isn't used */ if let Some(config) = builder.config.target_config.get(&target) { if let Some(ref _s) = config.llvm_config { builder.info(&format!("Skipping LlvmTools ({}): external LLVM", target)); return None; } } builder.ensure(crate::llvm::Llvm { target }); let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "llvm-tools", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::LLVM); tarball.is_preview(true); // Prepare the image directory let src_bindir = builder.llvm_out(target).join("bin"); let dst_bindir = format!("lib/rustlib/{}/bin", target.triple); for tool in LLVM_TOOLS { let exe = src_bindir.join(exe(tool, target)); tarball.add_file(&exe, &dst_bindir, 0o755); } // Copy libLLVM.so to the target lib dir as well, so the RPATH like // `$ORIGIN/../lib` can find it. It may also be used as a dependency // of `rustc-dev` to support the inherited `-lLLVM` when using the // compiler libraries. maybe_install_llvm_target(builder, target, tarball.image_dir()); Some(tarball.generate()) } } // Tarball intended for internal consumption to ease rustc/std development. // // Should not be considered stable by end users. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct RustDev { pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for RustDev { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("rust-dev") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(RustDev { target: run.target }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let target = self.target; /* run only if llvm-config isn't used */ if let Some(config) = builder.config.target_config.get(&target) { if let Some(ref _s) = config.llvm_config { builder.info(&format!("Skipping RustDev ({}): external LLVM", target)); return None; } } let mut tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "rust-dev", &target.triple); tarball.set_overlay(OverlayKind::LLVM); builder.ensure(crate::llvm::Llvm { target }); // We want to package `lld` to use it with `download-ci-llvm`. builder.ensure(crate::llvm::Lld { target }); let src_bindir = builder.llvm_out(target).join("bin"); // If updating this list, you likely want to change // src/bootstrap/download-ci-llvm-stamp as well, otherwise local users // will not pick up the extra file until LLVM gets bumped. for bin in &[ "llvm-config", "llvm-ar", "llvm-objdump", "llvm-profdata", "llvm-bcanalyzer", "llvm-cov", "llvm-dwp", "llvm-nm", "llvm-dwarfdump", "llvm-dis", "llvm-tblgen", ] { tarball.add_file(src_bindir.join(exe(bin, target)), "bin", 0o755); } // We don't build LLD on some platforms, so only add it if it exists let lld_path = builder.lld_out(target).join("bin").join(exe("lld", target)); if lld_path.exists() { tarball.add_file(lld_path, "bin", 0o755); } tarball.add_file(&builder.llvm_filecheck(target), "bin", 0o755); // Copy the include directory as well; needed mostly to build // librustc_llvm properly (e.g., llvm-config.h is in here). But also // just broadly useful to be able to link against the bundled LLVM. tarball.add_dir(&builder.llvm_out(target).join("include"), "include"); // Copy libLLVM.so to the target lib dir as well, so the RPATH like // `$ORIGIN/../lib` can find it. It may also be used as a dependency // of `rustc-dev` to support the inherited `-lLLVM` when using the // compiler libraries. let dst_libdir = tarball.image_dir().join("lib"); maybe_install_llvm(builder, target, &dst_libdir); let link_type = if builder.llvm_link_shared() { "dynamic" } else { "static" }; t!(std::fs::write(tarball.image_dir().join("link-type.txt"), link_type), dst_libdir); Some(tarball.generate()) } } // Tarball intended for internal consumption to ease rustc/std development. // // Should not be considered stable by end users. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct Bootstrap { pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for Bootstrap { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = false; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("bootstrap") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(Bootstrap { target: run.target }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option { let target = self.target; let tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "bootstrap", &target.triple); let bootstrap_outdir = &builder.bootstrap_out; for file in &["bootstrap", "rustc", "rustdoc", "sccache-plus-cl"] { tarball.add_file(bootstrap_outdir.join(exe(file, target)), "bootstrap/bin", 0o755); } Some(tarball.generate()) } } /// Tarball containing a prebuilt version of the build-manifest tool, intended to be used by the /// release process to avoid cloning the monorepo and building stuff. /// /// Should not be considered stable by end users. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct BuildManifest { pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for BuildManifest { type Output = GeneratedTarball; const DEFAULT: bool = false; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("build-manifest") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(BuildManifest { target: run.target }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> GeneratedTarball { let build_manifest = builder.tool_exe(Tool::BuildManifest); let tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "build-manifest", &self.target.triple); tarball.add_file(&build_manifest, "bin", 0o755); tarball.generate() } } /// Tarball containing artifacts necessary to reproduce the build of rustc. /// /// Currently this is the PGO profile data. /// /// Should not be considered stable by end users. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct ReproducibleArtifacts { pub target: TargetSelection, } impl Step for ReproducibleArtifacts { type Output = Option; const DEFAULT: bool = true; const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true; fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> { run.alias("reproducible-artifacts") } fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) { run.builder.ensure(ReproducibleArtifacts { target: run.target }); } fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Self::Output { let mut added_anything = false; let tarball = Tarball::new(builder, "reproducible-artifacts", &self.target.triple); if let Some(path) = builder.config.rust_profile_use.as_ref() { tarball.add_file(path, ".", 0o644); added_anything = true; } if let Some(path) = builder.config.llvm_profile_use.as_ref() { tarball.add_file(path, ".", 0o644); added_anything = true; } if let Some(path) = builder.config.llvm_bolt_profile_use.as_ref() { tarball.add_file(path, ".", 0o644); added_anything = true; } if added_anything { Some(tarball.generate()) } else { None } } }