//! Command-line interface of the rustbuild build system. //! //! This module implements the command-line parsing of the build system which //! has various flags to configure how it's run. use std::path::PathBuf; use getopts::Options; use crate::builder::{Builder, Kind}; use crate::config::{Config, TargetSelection}; use crate::setup::Profile; use crate::util::t; use crate::{Build, DocTests}; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Color { Always, Never, Auto, } impl Default for Color { fn default() -> Self { Self::Auto } } impl std::str::FromStr for Color { type Err = (); fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s.to_lowercase().as_str() { "always" => Ok(Self::Always), "never" => Ok(Self::Never), "auto" => Ok(Self::Auto), _ => Err(()), } } } /// Deserialized version of all flags for this compile. pub struct Flags { pub verbose: usize, // number of -v args; each extra -v after the first is passed to Cargo pub on_fail: Option, pub stage: Option, pub keep_stage: Vec, pub keep_stage_std: Vec, pub host: Option>, pub target: Option>, pub config: Option, pub build_dir: Option, pub jobs: Option, pub cmd: Subcommand, pub incremental: bool, pub exclude: Vec, pub include_default_paths: bool, pub rustc_error_format: Option, pub json_output: bool, pub dry_run: bool, pub color: Color, // This overrides the deny-warnings configuration option, // which passes -Dwarnings to the compiler invocations. // // true => deny, false => warn pub deny_warnings: Option, pub rust_profile_use: Option, pub rust_profile_generate: Option, pub llvm_profile_use: Option, // LLVM doesn't support a custom location for generating profile // information. // // llvm_out/build/profiles/ is the location this writes to. pub llvm_profile_generate: bool, pub llvm_bolt_profile_generate: bool, pub llvm_bolt_profile_use: Option, /// Arguments appearing after `--` to be forwarded to tools, /// e.g. `--fix-broken` or test arguments. pub free_args: Option>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Subcommand { Build { paths: Vec, }, Check { paths: Vec, }, Clippy { fix: bool, paths: Vec, clippy_lint_allow: Vec, clippy_lint_deny: Vec, clippy_lint_warn: Vec, clippy_lint_forbid: Vec, }, Fix { paths: Vec, }, Format { paths: Vec, check: bool, }, Doc { paths: Vec, open: bool, json: bool, }, Test { paths: Vec, /// Whether to automatically update stderr/stdout files bless: bool, force_rerun: bool, compare_mode: Option, pass: Option, run: Option, test_args: Vec, rustc_args: Vec, fail_fast: bool, doc_tests: DocTests, rustfix_coverage: bool, only_modified: bool, }, Bench { paths: Vec, test_args: Vec, }, Clean { paths: Vec, all: bool, }, Dist { paths: Vec, }, Install { paths: Vec, }, Run { paths: Vec, args: Vec, }, Setup { profile: Option, }, Suggest { run: bool, }, } impl Default for Subcommand { fn default() -> Subcommand { Subcommand::Build { paths: vec![PathBuf::from("nowhere")] } } } impl Flags { pub fn parse(args: &[String]) -> Flags { let (args, free_args) = if let Some(pos) = args.iter().position(|s| s == "--") { let (args, free) = args.split_at(pos); (args, Some(free[1..].to_vec())) } else { (args, None) }; let mut subcommand_help = String::from( "\ Usage: x.py [options] [...] Subcommands: build, b Compile either the compiler or libraries check, c Compile either the compiler or libraries, using cargo check clippy Run clippy (uses rustup/cargo-installed clippy binary) fix Run cargo fix fmt Run rustfmt test, t Build and run some test suites bench Build and run some benchmarks doc, d Build documentation clean Clean out build directories dist Build distribution artifacts install Install distribution artifacts run, r Run tools contained in this repository setup Create a config.toml (making it easier to use `x.py` itself) suggest Suggest a subset of tests to run, based on modified files To learn more about a subcommand, run `./x.py -h`", ); let mut opts = Options::new(); // Options common to all subcommands opts.optflagmulti("v", "verbose", "use verbose output (-vv for very verbose)"); opts.optflag("i", "incremental", "use incremental compilation"); opts.optopt("", "config", "TOML configuration file for build", "FILE"); opts.optopt( "", "build-dir", "Build directory, overrides `build.build-dir` in `config.toml`", "DIR", ); opts.optopt("", "build", "build target of the stage0 compiler", "BUILD"); opts.optmulti("", "host", "host targets to build", "HOST"); opts.optmulti("", "target", "target targets to build", "TARGET"); opts.optmulti("", "exclude", "build paths to exclude", "PATH"); opts.optflag( "", "include-default-paths", "include default paths in addition to the provided ones", ); opts.optopt("", "on-fail", "command to run on failure", "CMD"); opts.optflag("", "dry-run", "dry run; don't build anything"); opts.optopt( "", "stage", "stage to build (indicates compiler to use/test, e.g., stage 0 uses the \ bootstrap compiler, stage 1 the stage 0 rustc artifacts, etc.)", "N", ); opts.optmulti( "", "keep-stage", "stage(s) to keep without recompiling \ (pass multiple times to keep e.g., both stages 0 and 1)", "N", ); opts.optmulti( "", "keep-stage-std", "stage(s) of the standard library to keep without recompiling \ (pass multiple times to keep e.g., both stages 0 and 1)", "N", ); opts.optopt("", "src", "path to the root of the rust checkout", "DIR"); let j_msg = format!( "number of jobs to run in parallel; \ defaults to {} (this host's logical CPU count)", std::thread::available_parallelism().map_or(1, std::num::NonZeroUsize::get) ); opts.optopt("j", "jobs", &j_msg, "JOBS"); opts.optflag("h", "help", "print this help message"); opts.optopt( "", "warnings", "if value is deny, will deny warnings, otherwise use default", "VALUE", ); opts.optopt("", "error-format", "rustc error format", "FORMAT"); opts.optflag("", "json-output", "use message-format=json"); opts.optopt("", "color", "whether to use color in cargo and rustc output", "STYLE"); opts.optopt( "", "rust-profile-generate", "generate PGO profile with rustc build", "PROFILE", ); opts.optopt("", "rust-profile-use", "use PGO profile for rustc build", "PROFILE"); opts.optflag("", "llvm-profile-generate", "generate PGO profile with llvm built for rustc"); opts.optopt("", "llvm-profile-use", "use PGO profile for llvm build", "PROFILE"); opts.optmulti("A", "", "allow certain clippy lints", "OPT"); opts.optmulti("D", "", "deny certain clippy lints", "OPT"); opts.optmulti("W", "", "warn about certain clippy lints", "OPT"); opts.optmulti("F", "", "forbid certain clippy lints", "OPT"); opts.optflag("", "llvm-bolt-profile-generate", "generate BOLT profile for LLVM build"); opts.optopt("", "llvm-bolt-profile-use", "use BOLT profile for LLVM build", "PROFILE"); // We can't use getopt to parse the options until we have completed specifying which // options are valid, but under the current implementation, some options are conditional on // the subcommand. Therefore we must manually identify the subcommand first, so that we can // complete the definition of the options. Then we can use the getopt::Matches object from // there on out. let subcommand = match args.iter().find_map(|s| Kind::parse(&s)) { Some(s) => s, None => { // No or an invalid subcommand -- show the general usage and subcommand help // An exit code will be 0 when no subcommand is given, and 1 in case of an invalid // subcommand. println!("{}\n", subcommand_help); let exit_code = if args.is_empty() { 0 } else { 1 }; crate::detail_exit(exit_code); } }; // Some subcommands get extra options match subcommand { Kind::Test => { opts.optflag("", "no-fail-fast", "Run all tests regardless of failure"); opts.optmulti("", "skip", "skips tests matching SUBSTRING, if supported by test tool. May be passed multiple times", "SUBSTRING"); opts.optmulti( "", "test-args", "extra arguments to be passed for the test tool being used \ (e.g. libtest, compiletest or rustdoc)", "ARGS", ); opts.optmulti( "", "rustc-args", "extra options to pass the compiler when running tests", "ARGS", ); opts.optflag("", "no-doc", "do not run doc tests"); opts.optflag("", "doc", "only run doc tests"); opts.optflag("", "bless", "update all stderr/stdout files of failing ui tests"); opts.optflag("", "force-rerun", "rerun tests even if the inputs are unchanged"); opts.optflag("", "only-modified", "only run tests that result has been changed"); opts.optopt( "", "compare-mode", "mode describing what file the actual ui output will be compared to", "COMPARE MODE", ); opts.optopt( "", "pass", "force {check,build,run}-pass tests to this mode.", "check | build | run", ); opts.optopt("", "run", "whether to execute run-* tests", "auto | always | never"); opts.optflag( "", "rustfix-coverage", "enable this to generate a Rustfix coverage file, which is saved in \ `//rustfix_missing_coverage.txt`", ); } Kind::Check => { opts.optflag("", "all-targets", "Check all targets"); } Kind::Bench => { opts.optmulti("", "test-args", "extra arguments", "ARGS"); } Kind::Clippy => { opts.optflag("", "fix", "automatically apply lint suggestions"); } Kind::Doc => { opts.optflag("", "open", "open the docs in a browser"); opts.optflag( "", "json", "render the documentation in JSON format in addition to the usual HTML format", ); } Kind::Clean => { opts.optflag("", "all", "clean all build artifacts"); } Kind::Format => { opts.optflag("", "check", "check formatting instead of applying."); } Kind::Run => { opts.optmulti("", "args", "arguments for the tool", "ARGS"); } Kind::Suggest => { opts.optflag("", "run", "run suggested tests"); } _ => {} }; // fn usage() let usage = |exit_code: i32, opts: &Options, verbose: bool, subcommand_help: &str| -> ! { println!("{}", opts.usage(subcommand_help)); if verbose { // We have an unfortunate situation here: some Steps use `builder.in_tree_crates` to determine their paths. // To determine those crates, we need to run `cargo metadata`, which means we need all submodules to be checked out. // That takes a while to run, so only do it when paths were explicitly requested, not on all CLI errors. // `Build::new` won't load submodules for the `setup` command. let cmd = if verbose { println!("note: updating submodules before printing available paths"); "build" } else { "setup" }; let config = Config::parse(&[cmd.to_string()]); let build = Build::new(config); let paths = Builder::get_help(&build, subcommand); if let Some(s) = paths { println!("{}", s); } else { panic!("No paths available for subcommand `{}`", subcommand.as_str()); } } else { println!( "Run `./x.py {} -h -v` to see a list of available paths.", subcommand.as_str() ); } crate::detail_exit(exit_code); }; // Done specifying what options are possible, so do the getopts parsing let matches = opts.parse(args).unwrap_or_else(|e| { // Invalid argument/option format println!("\n{}\n", e); usage(1, &opts, false, &subcommand_help); }); // Extra sanity check to make sure we didn't hit this crazy corner case: // // ./x.py --frobulate clean build // ^-- option ^ ^- actual subcommand // \_ arg to option could be mistaken as subcommand let mut pass_sanity_check = true; match matches.free.get(0).and_then(|s| Kind::parse(&s)) { Some(check_subcommand) => { if check_subcommand != subcommand { pass_sanity_check = false; } } None => { pass_sanity_check = false; } } if !pass_sanity_check { eprintln!("{}\n", subcommand_help); eprintln!( "Sorry, I couldn't figure out which subcommand you were trying to specify.\n\ You may need to move some options to after the subcommand.\n" ); crate::detail_exit(1); } // Extra help text for some commands match subcommand { Kind::Build => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand accepts a number of paths to directories to the crates and/or artifacts to compile. For example, for a quick build of a usable compiler: ./x.py build --stage 1 library/std This will build a compiler and standard library from the local source code. Once this is done, build/$ARCH/stage1 contains a usable compiler. If no arguments are passed then the default artifacts for that stage are compiled. For example: ./x.py build --stage 0 ./x.py build ", ); } Kind::Check => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand accepts a number of paths to directories to the crates and/or artifacts to compile. For example: ./x.py check library/std If no arguments are passed then many artifacts are checked.", ); } Kind::Clippy => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand accepts a number of paths to directories to the crates and/or artifacts to run clippy against. For example: ./x.py clippy library/core ./x.py clippy library/core library/proc_macro", ); } Kind::Fix => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand accepts a number of paths to directories to the crates and/or artifacts to run `cargo fix` against. For example: ./x.py fix library/core ./x.py fix library/core library/proc_macro", ); } Kind::Format => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand optionally accepts a `--check` flag which succeeds if formatting is correct and fails if it is not. For example: ./x.py fmt ./x.py fmt --check", ); } Kind::Test => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand accepts a number of paths to test directories that should be compiled and run. For example: ./x.py test tests/ui ./x.py test library/std --test-args hash_map ./x.py test library/std --stage 0 --no-doc ./x.py test tests/ui --bless ./x.py test tests/ui --compare-mode chalk Note that `test tests/* --stage N` does NOT depend on `build compiler/rustc --stage N`; just like `build library/std --stage N` it tests the compiler produced by the previous stage. Execute tool tests with a tool name argument: ./x.py test tidy If no arguments are passed then the complete artifacts for that stage are compiled and tested. ./x.py test ./x.py test --stage 1", ); } Kind::Doc => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand accepts a number of paths to directories of documentation to build. For example: ./x.py doc src/doc/book ./x.py doc src/doc/nomicon ./x.py doc src/doc/book library/std ./x.py doc library/std --json ./x.py doc library/std --open If no arguments are passed then everything is documented: ./x.py doc ./x.py doc --stage 1", ); } Kind::Run => { subcommand_help.push_str( "\n Arguments: This subcommand accepts a number of paths to tools to build and run. For example: ./x.py run src/tools/expand-yaml-anchors At least a tool needs to be called.", ); } Kind::Setup => { subcommand_help.push_str(&format!( "\n x.py setup creates a `config.toml` which changes the defaults for x.py itself, as well as setting up a git pre-push hook, VS code config and toolchain link. Arguments: This subcommand accepts a 'profile' to use for builds. For example: ./x.py setup library The profile is optional and you will be prompted interactively if it is not given. The following profiles are available: {} To only set up the git hook, VS code or toolchain link, you may use ./x.py setup hook ./x.py setup vscode ./x.py setup link ", Profile::all_for_help(" ").trim_end() )); } Kind::Bench | Kind::Clean | Kind::Dist | Kind::Install | Kind::Suggest => {} }; // Get any optional paths which occur after the subcommand let mut paths = matches.free[1..].iter().map(|p| p.into()).collect::>(); let verbose = matches.opt_present("verbose"); // User passed in -h/--help? if matches.opt_present("help") { usage(0, &opts, verbose, &subcommand_help); } let cmd = match subcommand { Kind::Build => Subcommand::Build { paths }, Kind::Check => { if matches.opt_present("all-targets") { println!( "Warning: --all-targets is now on by default and does not need to be passed explicitly." ); } Subcommand::Check { paths } } Kind::Clippy => Subcommand::Clippy { paths, fix: matches.opt_present("fix"), clippy_lint_allow: matches.opt_strs("A"), clippy_lint_warn: matches.opt_strs("W"), clippy_lint_deny: matches.opt_strs("D"), clippy_lint_forbid: matches.opt_strs("F"), }, Kind::Fix => Subcommand::Fix { paths }, Kind::Test => Subcommand::Test { paths, bless: matches.opt_present("bless"), force_rerun: matches.opt_present("force-rerun"), compare_mode: matches.opt_str("compare-mode"), pass: matches.opt_str("pass"), run: matches.opt_str("run"), test_args: matches.opt_strs("test-args"), rustc_args: matches.opt_strs("rustc-args"), fail_fast: !matches.opt_present("no-fail-fast"), rustfix_coverage: matches.opt_present("rustfix-coverage"), only_modified: matches.opt_present("only-modified"), doc_tests: if matches.opt_present("doc") { DocTests::Only } else if matches.opt_present("no-doc") { DocTests::No } else { DocTests::Yes }, }, Kind::Bench => Subcommand::Bench { paths, test_args: matches.opt_strs("test-args") }, Kind::Doc => Subcommand::Doc { paths, open: matches.opt_present("open"), json: matches.opt_present("json"), }, Kind::Clean => Subcommand::Clean { all: matches.opt_present("all"), paths }, Kind::Format => Subcommand::Format { check: matches.opt_present("check"), paths }, Kind::Dist => Subcommand::Dist { paths }, Kind::Install => Subcommand::Install { paths }, Kind::Suggest => Subcommand::Suggest { run: matches.opt_present("run") }, Kind::Run => { if paths.is_empty() { println!("\nrun requires at least a path!\n"); usage(1, &opts, verbose, &subcommand_help); } Subcommand::Run { paths, args: matches.opt_strs("args") } } Kind::Setup => { let profile = if paths.len() > 1 { eprintln!("\nerror: At most one option can be passed to setup\n"); usage(1, &opts, verbose, &subcommand_help) } else if let Some(path) = paths.pop() { let profile_string = t!(path.into_os_string().into_string().map_err( |path| format!("{} is not a valid UTF8 string", path.to_string_lossy()) )); let profile = profile_string.parse().unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("error: {}", err); eprintln!("help: the available profiles are:"); eprint!("{}", Profile::all_for_help("- ")); crate::detail_exit(1); }); Some(profile) } else { None }; Subcommand::Setup { profile } } }; Flags { verbose: matches.opt_count("verbose"), stage: matches.opt_str("stage").map(|j| j.parse().expect("`stage` should be a number")), dry_run: matches.opt_present("dry-run"), on_fail: matches.opt_str("on-fail"), rustc_error_format: matches.opt_str("error-format"), json_output: matches.opt_present("json-output"), keep_stage: matches .opt_strs("keep-stage") .into_iter() .map(|j| j.parse().expect("`keep-stage` should be a number")) .collect(), keep_stage_std: matches .opt_strs("keep-stage-std") .into_iter() .map(|j| j.parse().expect("`keep-stage-std` should be a number")) .collect(), host: if matches.opt_present("host") { Some( split(&matches.opt_strs("host")) .into_iter() .map(|x| TargetSelection::from_user(&x)) .collect::>(), ) } else { None }, target: if matches.opt_present("target") { Some( split(&matches.opt_strs("target")) .into_iter() .map(|x| TargetSelection::from_user(&x)) .collect::>(), ) } else { None }, config: matches.opt_str("config").map(PathBuf::from), build_dir: matches.opt_str("build-dir").map(PathBuf::from), jobs: matches.opt_str("jobs").map(|j| j.parse().expect("`jobs` should be a number")), cmd, incremental: matches.opt_present("incremental"), exclude: split(&matches.opt_strs("exclude")) .into_iter() .map(|p| p.into()) .collect::>(), include_default_paths: matches.opt_present("include-default-paths"), deny_warnings: parse_deny_warnings(&matches), color: matches .opt_get_default("color", Color::Auto) .expect("`color` should be `always`, `never`, or `auto`"), rust_profile_use: matches.opt_str("rust-profile-use"), rust_profile_generate: matches.opt_str("rust-profile-generate"), llvm_profile_use: matches.opt_str("llvm-profile-use"), llvm_profile_generate: matches.opt_present("llvm-profile-generate"), llvm_bolt_profile_generate: matches.opt_present("llvm-bolt-profile-generate"), llvm_bolt_profile_use: matches.opt_str("llvm-bolt-profile-use"), free_args, } } } impl Subcommand { pub fn kind(&self) -> Kind { match self { Subcommand::Bench { .. } => Kind::Bench, Subcommand::Build { .. } => Kind::Build, Subcommand::Check { .. } => Kind::Check, Subcommand::Clippy { .. } => Kind::Clippy, Subcommand::Doc { .. } => Kind::Doc, Subcommand::Fix { .. } => Kind::Fix, Subcommand::Format { .. } => Kind::Format, Subcommand::Test { .. } => Kind::Test, Subcommand::Clean { .. } => Kind::Clean, Subcommand::Dist { .. } => Kind::Dist, Subcommand::Install { .. } => Kind::Install, Subcommand::Run { .. } => Kind::Run, Subcommand::Setup { .. } => Kind::Setup, Subcommand::Suggest { .. } => Kind::Suggest, } } pub fn test_args(&self) -> Vec<&str> { match *self { Subcommand::Test { ref test_args, .. } | Subcommand::Bench { ref test_args, .. } => { test_args.iter().flat_map(|s| s.split_whitespace()).collect() } _ => vec![], } } pub fn rustc_args(&self) -> Vec<&str> { match *self { Subcommand::Test { ref rustc_args, .. } => { rustc_args.iter().flat_map(|s| s.split_whitespace()).collect() } _ => vec![], } } pub fn args(&self) -> Vec<&str> { match *self { Subcommand::Run { ref args, .. } => { args.iter().flat_map(|s| s.split_whitespace()).collect() } _ => vec![], } } pub fn fail_fast(&self) -> bool { match *self { Subcommand::Test { fail_fast, .. } => fail_fast, _ => false, } } pub fn doc_tests(&self) -> DocTests { match *self { Subcommand::Test { doc_tests, .. } => doc_tests, _ => DocTests::Yes, } } pub fn bless(&self) -> bool { match *self { Subcommand::Test { bless, .. } => bless, _ => false, } } pub fn only_modified(&self) -> bool { match *self { Subcommand::Test { only_modified, .. } => only_modified, _ => false, } } pub fn force_rerun(&self) -> bool { match *self { Subcommand::Test { force_rerun, .. } => force_rerun, _ => false, } } pub fn rustfix_coverage(&self) -> bool { match *self { Subcommand::Test { rustfix_coverage, .. } => rustfix_coverage, _ => false, } } pub fn compare_mode(&self) -> Option<&str> { match *self { Subcommand::Test { ref compare_mode, .. } => compare_mode.as_ref().map(|s| &s[..]), _ => None, } } pub fn pass(&self) -> Option<&str> { match *self { Subcommand::Test { ref pass, .. } => pass.as_ref().map(|s| &s[..]), _ => None, } } pub fn run(&self) -> Option<&str> { match *self { Subcommand::Test { ref run, .. } => run.as_ref().map(|s| &s[..]), _ => None, } } pub fn open(&self) -> bool { match *self { Subcommand::Doc { open, .. } => open, _ => false, } } pub fn json(&self) -> bool { match *self { Subcommand::Doc { json, .. } => json, _ => false, } } } fn split(s: &[String]) -> Vec { s.iter().flat_map(|s| s.split(',')).filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).map(|s| s.to_string()).collect() } fn parse_deny_warnings(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Option { match matches.opt_str("warnings").as_deref() { Some("deny") => Some(true), Some("warn") => Some(false), Some(value) => { eprintln!(r#"invalid value for --warnings: {:?}, expected "warn" or "deny""#, value,); crate::detail_exit(1); } None => None, } }