#!/bin/bash # A quick smoke test to make sure publish_tooolstate.py works. set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' rm -rf rust-toolstate git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-toolstate.git cd rust-toolstate python3 "../../src/tools/publish_toolstate.py" "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \ "$(git log --format=%s -n1 HEAD)" "" "" # Only check maintainers if this build is supposed to publish toolstate. # Builds that are not supposed to publish don't have the access token. if [ -n "${TOOLSTATE_PUBLISH+is_set}" ]; then TOOLSTATE_VALIDATE_MAINTAINERS_REPO=rust-lang/rust python3 \ "../../src/tools/publish_toolstate.py" fi cd .. rm -rf rust-toolstate