#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ The Rust toolchain test runner for Fuchsia. For instructions on running the compiler test suite, see https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rustc/platform-support/fuchsia.html#aarch64-fuchsia-and-x86_64-fuchsia """ import argparse from dataclasses import dataclass import glob import hashlib import json import os import platform import re import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys from typing import ClassVar, List @dataclass class TestEnvironment: rust_dir: str sdk_dir: str target_arch: str package_server_pid: int = None emu_addr: str = None libstd_name: str = None libtest_name: str = None verbose: bool = False @staticmethod def tmp_dir(): tmp_dir = os.environ.get("TEST_TOOLCHAIN_TMP_DIR") if tmp_dir is not None: return os.path.abspath(tmp_dir) return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tmp~") @classmethod def env_file_path(cls): return os.path.join(cls.tmp_dir(), "test_env.json") @classmethod def from_args(cls, args): return cls( os.path.abspath(args.rust), os.path.abspath(args.sdk), args.target_arch, verbose=args.verbose, ) @classmethod def read_from_file(cls): with open(cls.env_file_path(), encoding="utf-8") as f: test_env = json.loads(f.read()) return cls( test_env["rust_dir"], test_env["sdk_dir"], test_env["target_arch"], libstd_name=test_env["libstd_name"], libtest_name=test_env["libtest_name"], emu_addr=test_env["emu_addr"], package_server_pid=test_env["package_server_pid"], verbose=test_env["verbose"], ) def image_name(self): if self.target_arch == "x64": return "qemu-x64" if self.target_arch == "arm64": return "qemu-arm64" raise Exception(f"Unrecognized target architecture {self.target_arch}") def write_to_file(self): with open(self.env_file_path(), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.__dict__)) def ssh_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "ssh") def ssh_keyfile_path(self): return os.path.join(self.ssh_dir(), "fuchsia_ed25519") def ssh_authfile_path(self): return os.path.join(self.ssh_dir(), "fuchsia_authorized_keys") def vdl_output_path(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "vdl_output") def package_server_log_path(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "package_server_log") def emulator_log_path(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "emulator_log") def packages_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "packages") def output_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "output") TEST_REPO_NAME: ClassVar[str] = "rust-testing" def repo_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), self.TEST_REPO_NAME) def rustlib_dir(self): if self.target_arch == "x64": return "x86_64-fuchsia" if self.target_arch == "arm64": return "aarch64-fuchsia" raise Exception(f"Unrecognized target architecture {self.target_arch}") def libs_dir(self): return os.path.join( self.rust_dir, "lib", ) def rustlibs_dir(self): return os.path.join( self.libs_dir(), "rustlib", self.rustlib_dir(), "lib", ) def sdk_arch(self): machine = platform.machine() if machine == "x86_64": return "x64" if machine == "arm": return "a64" raise Exception(f"Unrecognized host architecture {machine}") def tool_path(self, tool): return os.path.join(self.sdk_dir, "tools", self.sdk_arch(), tool) def host_arch_triple(self): machine = platform.machine() if machine == "x86_64": return "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" if machine == "arm": return "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" raise Exception(f"Unrecognized host architecture {machine}") def zxdb_script_path(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "zxdb_script") def log_info(self, msg): print(msg) def log_debug(self, msg): if self.verbose: print(msg) def subprocess_output(self): if self.verbose: return sys.stdout return subprocess.DEVNULL def ffx_daemon_log_path(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "ffx_daemon_log") def ffx_isolate_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.tmp_dir(), "ffx_isolate") def ffx_home_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.ffx_isolate_dir(), "user-home") def ffx_tmp_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.ffx_isolate_dir(), "tmp") def ffx_log_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.ffx_isolate_dir(), "log") def ffx_user_config_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.ffx_xdg_config_home(), "Fuchsia", "ffx", "config") def ffx_user_config_path(self): return os.path.join(self.ffx_user_config_dir(), "config.json") def ffx_xdg_config_home(self): if platform.system() == "Darwin": return os.path.join(self.ffx_home_dir(), "Library", "Preferences") return os.path.join(self.ffx_home_dir(), ".local", "share") def ffx_ascendd_path(self): return os.path.join(self.ffx_tmp_dir(), "ascendd") def start_ffx_isolation(self): # Most of this is translated directly from ffx's isolate library os.mkdir(self.ffx_isolate_dir()) os.mkdir(self.ffx_home_dir()) os.mkdir(self.ffx_tmp_dir()) os.mkdir(self.ffx_log_dir()) fuchsia_dir = os.path.join(self.ffx_home_dir(), ".fuchsia") os.mkdir(fuchsia_dir) fuchsia_debug_dir = os.path.join(fuchsia_dir, "debug") os.mkdir(fuchsia_debug_dir) metrics_dir = os.path.join(fuchsia_dir, "metrics") os.mkdir(metrics_dir) analytics_path = os.path.join(metrics_dir, "analytics-status") with open(analytics_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as analytics_file: print("0", file=analytics_file) ffx_path = os.path.join(metrics_dir, "ffx") with open(ffx_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as ffx_file: print("1", file=ffx_file) os.makedirs(self.ffx_user_config_dir()) with open( self.ffx_user_config_path(), "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as config_json_file: user_config_for_test = { "log": { "enabled": True, "dir": self.ffx_log_dir(), }, "overnet": { "socket": self.ffx_ascendd_path(), }, "ssh": { "pub": self.ssh_authfile_path(), "priv": self.ssh_keyfile_path(), }, "test": { "is_isolated": True, "experimental_structured_output": True, }, } print(json.dumps(user_config_for_test), file=config_json_file) ffx_env_path = os.path.join(self.ffx_user_config_dir(), ".ffx_env") with open(ffx_env_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as ffx_env_file: ffx_env_config_for_test = { "user": self.ffx_user_config_path(), "build": None, "global": None, } print(json.dumps(ffx_env_config_for_test), file=ffx_env_file) # Start ffx daemon # We want this to be a long-running process that persists after the script finishes # pylint: disable=consider-using-with with open( self.ffx_daemon_log_path(), "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as ffx_daemon_log_file: subprocess.Popen( [ self.tool_path("ffx"), "--config", self.ffx_user_config_path(), "daemon", "start", ], env=self.ffx_cmd_env(), stdout=ffx_daemon_log_file, stderr=ffx_daemon_log_file, ) def ffx_cmd_env(self): result = { "HOME": self.ffx_home_dir(), "XDG_CONFIG_HOME": self.ffx_xdg_config_home(), "ASCENDD": self.ffx_ascendd_path(), "FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY": self.ssh_keyfile_path(), # We want to use our own specified temp directory "TMP": self.tmp_dir(), "TEMP": self.tmp_dir(), "TMPDIR": self.tmp_dir(), "TEMPDIR": self.tmp_dir(), } return result def stop_ffx_isolation(self): subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("ffx"), "--config", self.ffx_user_config_path(), "daemon", "stop", ], env=self.ffx_cmd_env(), stdout=self.subprocess_output(), stderr=self.subprocess_output(), ) def start(self): """Sets up the testing environment and prepares to run tests. Args: args: The command-line arguments to this command. During setup, this function will: - Locate necessary shared libraries - Create a new temp directory (this is where all temporary files are stored) - Start an emulator - Start an update server - Create a new package repo and register it with the emulator - Write test environment settings to a temporary file """ # Initialize temp directory if not os.path.exists(self.tmp_dir()): os.mkdir(self.tmp_dir()) elif len(os.listdir(self.tmp_dir())) != 0: raise Exception(f"Temp directory is not clean (in {self.tmp_dir()})") os.mkdir(self.ssh_dir()) os.mkdir(self.output_dir()) # Find libstd and libtest libstd_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.rustlibs_dir(), "libstd-*.so")) libtest_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.rustlibs_dir(), "libtest-*.so")) if not libstd_paths: raise Exception(f"Failed to locate libstd (in {self.rustlibs_dir()})") if not libtest_paths: raise Exception(f"Failed to locate libtest (in {self.rustlibs_dir()})") self.libstd_name = os.path.basename(libstd_paths[0]) self.libtest_name = os.path.basename(libtest_paths[0]) # Generate SSH keys for the emulator to use self.log_info("Generating SSH keys...") subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh-keygen", "-N", "", "-t", "ed25519", "-f", self.ssh_keyfile_path(), "-C", "Generated by test_toolchain.py", ], stdout=self.subprocess_output(), stderr=self.subprocess_output(), ) authfile_contents = subprocess.check_output( [ "ssh-keygen", "-y", "-f", self.ssh_keyfile_path(), ], stderr=self.subprocess_output(), ) with open(self.ssh_authfile_path(), "wb") as authfile: authfile.write(authfile_contents) # Start ffx isolation self.log_info("Starting ffx isolation...") self.start_ffx_isolation() # Start emulator (this will generate the vdl output) self.log_info("Starting emulator...") subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("fvdl"), "--sdk", "start", "--tuntap", "--headless", "--nointeractive", "--ssh", self.ssh_dir(), "--vdl-output", self.vdl_output_path(), "--emulator-log", self.emulator_log_path(), "--image-name", self.image_name(), ], stdout=self.subprocess_output(), stderr=self.subprocess_output(), ) # Parse vdl output for relevant information with open(self.vdl_output_path(), encoding="utf-8") as f: vdl_content = f.read() matches = re.search( r'network_address:\s+"\[([0-9a-f]{1,4}:(:[0-9a-f]{1,4}){4}%qemu)\]"', vdl_content, ) self.emu_addr = matches.group(1) # Create new package repo self.log_info("Creating package repo...") subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("pm"), "newrepo", "-repo", self.repo_dir(), ], stdout=self.subprocess_output(), stderr=self.subprocess_output(), ) # Start package server self.log_info("Starting package server...") with open( self.package_server_log_path(), "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as package_server_log: # We want this to be a long-running process that persists after the script finishes # pylint: disable=consider-using-with self.package_server_pid = subprocess.Popen( [ self.tool_path("pm"), "serve", "-vt", "-repo", self.repo_dir(), "-l", ":8084", ], stdout=package_server_log, stderr=package_server_log, ).pid # Register package server with emulator self.log_info("Registering package server...") ssh_client = subprocess.check_output( [ "ssh", "-i", self.ssh_keyfile_path(), "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new", self.emu_addr, "-f", "echo $SSH_CLIENT", ], text=True, ) repo_addr = ssh_client.split()[0].replace("%", "%25") repo_url = f"http://[{repo_addr}]:8084/config.json" subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh", "-i", self.ssh_keyfile_path(), "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new", self.emu_addr, "-f", f"pkgctl repo add url -f 1 -n {self.TEST_REPO_NAME} {repo_url}", ], stdout=self.subprocess_output(), stderr=self.subprocess_output(), ) # Write to file self.write_to_file() self.log_info("Success! Your environment is ready to run tests.") # FIXME: shardify this # `facet` statement required for TCP testing via # protocol `fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider`. See # https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/development/testing/components/test_runner_framework?hl=en#legacy_non-hermetic_tests CML_TEMPLATE: ClassVar[ str ] = """ {{ program: {{ runner: "elf_test_runner", binary: "bin/{exe_name}", forward_stderr_to: "log", forward_stdout_to: "log", environ: [{env_vars} ] }}, capabilities: [ {{ protocol: "fuchsia.test.Suite" }}, ], expose: [ {{ protocol: "fuchsia.test.Suite", from: "self", }}, ], use: [ {{ storage: "data", path: "/data" }}, {{ protocol: [ "fuchsia.process.Launcher" ] }}, {{ protocol: [ "fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider" ] }} ], facets: {{ "fuchsia.test": {{ type: "system" }}, }}, }} """ MANIFEST_TEMPLATE = """ meta/package={package_dir}/meta/package meta/{package_name}.cm={package_dir}/meta/{package_name}.cm bin/{exe_name}={bin_path} lib/{libstd_name}={rust_dir}/lib/rustlib/{rustlib_dir}/lib/{libstd_name} lib/{libtest_name}={rust_dir}/lib/rustlib/{rustlib_dir}/lib/{libtest_name} lib/ld.so.1={sdk_dir}/arch/{target_arch}/sysroot/lib/libc.so lib/libzircon.so={sdk_dir}/arch/{target_arch}/sysroot/lib/libzircon.so lib/libfdio.so={sdk_dir}/arch/{target_arch}/lib/libfdio.so """ TEST_ENV_VARS: ClassVar[List[str]] = [ "TEST_EXEC_ENV", "RUST_MIN_STACK", "RUST_BACKTRACE", "RUST_NEWRT", "RUST_LOG", "RUST_TEST_THREADS", ] def run(self, args): """Runs the requested test in the testing environment. Args: args: The command-line arguments to this command. Returns: The return code of the test (0 for success, else failure). To run a test, this function will: - Create, compile, archive, and publish a test package - Run the test package on the emulator - Forward the test's stdout and stderr as this script's stdout and stderr """ bin_path = os.path.abspath(args.bin_path) # Build a unique, deterministic name for the test using the name of the # binary and the last 6 hex digits of the hash of the full path def path_checksum(path): m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(path.encode("utf-8")) return m.hexdigest()[0:6] base_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(args.bin_path)) exe_name = base_name.lower().replace(".", "_") package_name = f"{exe_name}_{path_checksum(bin_path)}" package_dir = os.path.join(self.packages_dir(), package_name) cml_path = os.path.join(package_dir, "meta", f"{package_name}.cml") cm_path = os.path.join(package_dir, "meta", f"{package_name}.cm") manifest_path = os.path.join(package_dir, f"{package_name}.manifest") far_path = os.path.join(package_dir, f"{package_name}-0.far") shared_libs = args.shared_libs[: args.n] arguments = args.shared_libs[args.n :] test_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir(), package_name) # Clean and create temporary output directory if os.path.exists(test_output_dir): shutil.rmtree(test_output_dir) os.mkdir(test_output_dir) # Open log file log_path = os.path.join(test_output_dir, "log") with open(log_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as log_file: def log(msg): print(msg, file=log_file) log_file.flush() log(f"Bin path: {bin_path}") log("Setting up package...") # Set up package subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("pm"), "-o", package_dir, "-n", package_name, "init", ], stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file, ) log("Writing CML...") # Write and compile CML with open(cml_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as cml: # Collect environment variables env_vars = "" for var_name in self.TEST_ENV_VARS: var_value = os.getenv(var_name) if var_value is not None: env_vars += f'\n "{var_name}={var_value}",' # Default to no backtrace for test suite if os.getenv("RUST_BACKTRACE") == None: env_vars += f'\n "RUST_BACKTRACE=0",' cml.write( self.CML_TEMPLATE.format(env_vars=env_vars, exe_name=exe_name) ) log("Compiling CML...") subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("cmc"), "compile", cml_path, "--includepath", ".", "--output", cm_path, ], stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file, ) log("Writing manifest...") # Write, build, and archive manifest with open(manifest_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as manifest: manifest.write( self.MANIFEST_TEMPLATE.format( bin_path=bin_path, exe_name=exe_name, package_dir=package_dir, package_name=package_name, rust_dir=self.rust_dir, rustlib_dir=self.rustlib_dir(), sdk_dir=self.sdk_dir, libstd_name=self.libstd_name, libtest_name=self.libtest_name, target_arch=self.target_arch, ) ) for shared_lib in shared_libs: manifest.write(f"lib/{os.path.basename(shared_lib)}={shared_lib}\n") log("Compiling and archiving manifest...") subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("pm"), "-o", package_dir, "-m", manifest_path, "build", ], stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file, ) subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("pm"), "-o", package_dir, "-m", manifest_path, "archive", ], stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file, ) log("Publishing package to repo...") # Publish package to repo subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("pm"), "publish", "-a", "-repo", self.repo_dir(), "-f", far_path, ], stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file, ) log("Running ffx test...") # Run test on emulator subprocess.run( [ self.tool_path("ffx"), "--config", self.ffx_user_config_path(), "test", "run", f"fuchsia-pkg://{self.TEST_REPO_NAME}/{package_name}#meta/{package_name}.cm", "--min-severity-logs", "TRACE", "--output-directory", test_output_dir, "--", ] + arguments, env=self.ffx_cmd_env(), check=False, stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file, ) log("Reporting test suite output...") # Read test suite output run_summary_path = os.path.join(test_output_dir, "run_summary.json") if os.path.exists(run_summary_path): with open(run_summary_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: run_summary = json.loads(f.read()) suite = run_summary["data"]["suites"][0] case = suite["cases"][0] return_code = 0 if case["outcome"] == "PASSED" else 1 artifacts = case["artifacts"] artifact_dir = case["artifact_dir"] stdout_path = None stderr_path = None for path, artifact in artifacts.items(): artifact_path = os.path.join(test_output_dir, artifact_dir, path) artifact_type = artifact["artifact_type"] if artifact_type == "STDERR": stderr_path = artifact_path elif artifact_type == "STDOUT": stdout_path = artifact_path if stdout_path is not None and os.path.exists(stdout_path): with open(stdout_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: print(f.read(), file=sys.stdout, end="") if stderr_path is not None and os.path.exists(stderr_path): with open(stderr_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: print(f.read(), file=sys.stderr, end="") else: log("Failed to open test run summary") return_code = 254 log("Done!") return return_code def stop(self): """Shuts down and cleans up the testing environment. Args: args: The command-line arguments to this command. Returns: The return code of the test (0 for success, else failure). During cleanup, this function will stop the emulator, package server, and update server, then delete all temporary files. If an error is encountered while stopping any running processes, the temporary files will not be deleted. Passing --delete-tmp will force the process to delete the files anyway. """ self.log_debug("Reporting logs...") # Print test log files for test_dir in os.listdir(self.output_dir()): log_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir(), test_dir, "log") self.log_debug(f"\n---- Logs for test '{test_dir}' ----\n") if os.path.exists(log_path): with open(log_path, encoding="utf-8") as log: self.log_debug(log.read()) else: self.log_debug("No logs found") # Print the emulator log self.log_debug("\n---- Emulator logs ----\n") if os.path.exists(self.emulator_log_path()): with open(self.emulator_log_path(), encoding="utf-8") as log: self.log_debug(log.read()) else: self.log_debug("No emulator logs found") # Print the package server log self.log_debug("\n---- Package server log ----\n") if os.path.exists(self.package_server_log_path()): with open(self.package_server_log_path(), encoding="utf-8") as log: self.log_debug(log.read()) else: self.log_debug("No package server log found") # Print the ffx daemon log self.log_debug("\n---- ffx daemon log ----\n") if os.path.exists(self.ffx_daemon_log_path()): with open(self.ffx_daemon_log_path(), encoding="utf-8") as log: self.log_debug(log.read()) else: self.log_debug("No ffx daemon log found") # Stop package server self.log_info("Stopping package server...") os.kill(self.package_server_pid, signal.SIGTERM) # Shut down the emulator self.log_info("Stopping emulator...") subprocess.check_call( [ self.tool_path("fvdl"), "--sdk", "kill", "--launched-proto", self.vdl_output_path(), ], stdout=self.subprocess_output(), stderr=self.subprocess_output(), ) # Stop ffx isolation self.log_info("Stopping ffx isolation...") self.stop_ffx_isolation() def delete_tmp(self): # Remove temporary files self.log_info("Deleting temporary files...") shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir(), ignore_errors=True) def debug(self, args): command = [ self.tool_path("ffx"), "--config", self.ffx_user_config_path(), "debug", "connect", "--", "--build-id-dir", os.path.join(self.sdk_dir, ".build-id"), "--build-id-dir", os.path.join(self.libs_dir(), ".build-id"), ] # Add rust source if it's available if args.rust_src is not None: command += [ "--build-dir", args.rust_src, ] # Add fuchsia source if it's available if args.fuchsia_src is not None: command += [ "--build-dir", os.path.join(args.fuchsia_src, "out", "default"), ] # Load debug symbols for the test binary and automatically attach if args.test is not None: if args.rust_src is None: raise Exception( "A Rust source path is required with the `test` argument" ) test_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.test))[0] build_dir = os.path.join( args.rust_src, "fuchsia-build", self.host_arch_triple(), ) test_dir = os.path.join( build_dir, "test", os.path.dirname(args.test), test_name, ) with open(self.zxdb_script_path(), mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: print(f"attach {test_name[:31]}", file=f) command += [ "--symbol-path", test_dir, "-S", self.zxdb_script_path(), ] # Add any other zxdb arguments the user passed if args.zxdb_args is not None: command += args.zxdb_args # Connect to the running emulator with zxdb subprocess.run(command, env=self.ffx_cmd_env(), check=False) def start(args): test_env = TestEnvironment.from_args(args) test_env.start() return 0 def run(args): test_env = TestEnvironment.read_from_file() return test_env.run(args) def stop(args): test_env = TestEnvironment.read_from_file() test_env.stop() if not args.no_delete: test_env.delete_tmp() return 0 def delete_tmp(args): del args test_env = TestEnvironment.read_from_file() test_env.delete_tmp() return 0 def debug(args): test_env = TestEnvironment.read_from_file() test_env.debug(args) return 0 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() def print_help(args): del args parser.print_help() return 0 parser.set_defaults(func=print_help) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="valid sub-commands") start_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "start", help="initializes the testing environment" ) start_parser.add_argument( "--rust", help="the directory of the installed Rust compiler for Fuchsia", required=True, ) start_parser.add_argument( "--sdk", help="the directory of the fuchsia SDK", required=True, ) start_parser.add_argument( "--verbose", help="prints more output from executed processes", action="store_true", ) start_parser.add_argument( "--target-arch", help="the architecture of the image to test", required=True, ) start_parser.set_defaults(func=start) run_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "run", help="run a test in the testing environment" ) run_parser.add_argument( "n", help="the number of shared libs passed along with the executable", type=int ) run_parser.add_argument("bin_path", help="path to the binary to run") run_parser.add_argument( "shared_libs", help="the shared libs passed along with the binary", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, ) run_parser.set_defaults(func=run) stop_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "stop", help="shuts down and cleans up the testing environment" ) stop_parser.add_argument( "--no-delete", default=False, action="store_true", help="don't delete temporary files after stopping", ) stop_parser.set_defaults(func=stop) delete_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "delete-tmp", help="deletes temporary files after the testing environment has been manually cleaned up", ) delete_parser.set_defaults(func=delete_tmp) debug_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "debug", help="connect to the active testing environment with zxdb", ) debug_parser.add_argument( "--rust-src", default=None, help="the path to the Rust source being tested", ) debug_parser.add_argument( "--fuchsia-src", default=None, help="the path to the Fuchsia source", ) debug_parser.add_argument( "--test", default=None, help="the path to the test to debug (e.g. ui/box/new.rs)", ) debug_parser.add_argument( "zxdb_args", default=None, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="any additional arguments to pass to zxdb", ) debug_parser.set_defaults(func=debug) args = parser.parse_args() return args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())