[TOC] # Object-Oriented Programming Features of Rust Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a way of modeling programs. Objects as a programmatic concept were introduced in the programming language Simula in the 1960s. Those objects influenced Alan Kay’s programming architecture in which objects pass messages to each other. To describe this architecture, he coined the term *object-oriented programming* in 1967. Many competing definitions describe what OOP is, and by some of these definitions Rust is object-oriented, but by others it is not. In this chapter, we’ll explore certain characteristics that are commonly considered object-oriented and how those characteristics translate to idiomatic Rust. We’ll then show you how to implement an object-oriented design pattern in Rust and discuss the trade-offs of doing so versus implementing a solution using some of Rust’s strengths instead. ## Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages There is no consensus in the programming community about what features a language must have to be considered object-oriented. Rust is influenced by many programming paradigms, including OOP; for example, we explored the features that came from functional programming in Chapter 13. Arguably, OOP languages share certain common characteristics, namely objects, encapsulation, and inheritance. Let’s look at what each of those characteristics means and whether Rust supports it. ### Objects Contain Data and Behavior The book *Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software* by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994), colloquially referred to as *The Gang of Four* book, is a catalog of object-oriented design patterns. It defines OOP this way: > Object-oriented programs are made up of objects. An *object* packages both > data and the procedures that operate on that data. The procedures are > typically called *methods* or *operations*. Using this definition, Rust is object-oriented: structs and enums have data, and `impl` blocks provide methods on structs and enums. Even though structs and enums with methods aren’t *called* objects, they provide the same functionality, according to the Gang of Four’s definition of objects. ### Encapsulation that Hides Implementation Details Another aspect commonly associated with OOP is the idea of *encapsulation*, which means that the implementation details of an object aren’t accessible to code using that object. Therefore, the only way to interact with an object is through its public API; code using the object shouldn’t be able to reach into the object’s internals and change data or behavior directly. This enables the programmer to change and refactor an object’s internals without needing to change the code that uses the object. We discussed how to control encapsulation in Chapter 7: we can use the `pub` keyword to decide which modules, types, functions, and methods in our code should be public, and by default everything else is private. For example, we can define a struct `AveragedCollection` that has a field containing a vector of `i32` values. The struct can also have a field that contains the average of the values in the vector, meaning the average doesn’t have to be computed on demand whenever anyone needs it. In other words, `AveragedCollection` will cache the calculated average for us. Listing 17-1 has the definition of the `AveragedCollection` struct: Filename: src/lib.rs ``` pub struct AveragedCollection { list: Vec, average: f64, } ``` Listing 17-1: An `AveragedCollection` struct that maintains a list of integers and the average of the items in the collection The struct is marked `pub` so that other code can use it, but the fields within the struct remain private. This is important in this case because we want to ensure that whenever a value is added or removed from the list, the average is also updated. We do this by implementing `add`, `remove`, and `average` methods on the struct, as shown in Listing 17-2: Filename: src/lib.rs ``` impl AveragedCollection { pub fn add(&mut self, value: i32) { self.list.push(value); self.update_average(); } pub fn remove(&mut self) -> Option { let result = self.list.pop(); match result { Some(value) => { self.update_average(); Some(value) } None => None, } } pub fn average(&self) -> f64 { self.average } fn update_average(&mut self) { let total: i32 = self.list.iter().sum(); self.average = total as f64 / self.list.len() as f64; } } ``` Listing 17-2: Implementations of the public methods `add`, `remove`, and `average` on `AveragedCollection` The public methods `add`, `remove`, and `average` are the only ways to access or modify data in an instance of `AveragedCollection`. When an item is added to `list` using the `add` method or removed using the `remove` method, the implementations of each call the private `update_average` method that handles updating the `average` field as well. We leave the `list` and `average` fields private so there is no way for external code to add or remove items to or from the `list` field directly; otherwise, the `average` field might become out of sync when the `list` changes. The `average` method returns the value in the `average` field, allowing external code to read the `average` but not modify it. Because we’ve encapsulated the implementation details of the struct `AveragedCollection`, we can easily change aspects, such as the data structure, in the future. For instance, we could use a `HashSet` instead of a `Vec` for the `list` field. As long as the signatures of the `add`, `remove`, and `average` public methods stay the same, code using `AveragedCollection` wouldn’t need to change. If we made `list` public instead, this wouldn’t necessarily be the case: `HashSet` and `Vec` have different methods for adding and removing items, so the external code would likely have to change if it were modifying `list` directly. If encapsulation is a required aspect for a language to be considered object-oriented, then Rust meets that requirement. The option to use `pub` or not for different parts of code enables encapsulation of implementation details. ### Inheritance as a Type System and as Code Sharing *Inheritance* is a mechanism whereby an object can inherit elements from another object’s definition, thus gaining the parent object’s data and behavior without you having to define them again. If a language must have inheritance to be an object-oriented language, then Rust is not one. There is no way to define a struct that inherits the parent struct’s fields and method implementations without using a macro. However, if you’re used to having inheritance in your programming toolbox, you can use other solutions in Rust, depending on your reason for reaching for inheritance in the first place. You would choose inheritance for two main reasons. One is for reuse of code: you can implement particular behavior for one type, and inheritance enables you to reuse that implementation for a different type. You can do this in a limited way in Rust code using default trait method implementations, which you saw in Listing 10-14 when we added a default implementation of the `summarize` method on the `Summary` trait. Any type implementing the `Summary` trait would have the `summarize` method available on it without any further code. This is similar to a parent class having an implementation of a method and an inheriting child class also having the implementation of the method. We can also override the default implementation of the `summarize` method when we implement the `Summary` trait, which is similar to a child class overriding the implementation of a method inherited from a parent class. The other reason to use inheritance relates to the type system: to enable a child type to be used in the same places as the parent type. This is also called *polymorphism*, which means that you can substitute multiple objects for each other at runtime if they share certain characteristics. > ### Polymorphism > > To many people, polymorphism is synonymous with inheritance. But it’s > actually a more general concept that refers to code that can work with data > of multiple types. For inheritance, those types are generally subclasses. > > Rust instead uses generics to abstract over different possible types and > trait bounds to impose constraints on what those types must provide. This is > sometimes called *bounded parametric polymorphism*. Inheritance has recently fallen out of favor as a programming design solution in many programming languages because it’s often at risk of sharing more code than necessary. Subclasses shouldn’t always share all characteristics of their parent class but will do so with inheritance. This can make a program’s design less flexible. It also introduces the possibility of calling methods on subclasses that don’t make sense or that cause errors because the methods don’t apply to the subclass. In addition, some languages will only allow single inheritance (meaning a subclass can only inherit from one class), further restricting the flexibility of a program’s design. For these reasons, Rust takes the different approach of using trait objects instead of inheritance. Let’s look at how trait objects enable polymorphism in Rust. ## Using Trait Objects That Allow for Values of Different Types In Chapter 8, we mentioned that one limitation of vectors is that they can store elements of only one type. We created a workaround in Listing 8-10 where we defined a `SpreadsheetCell` enum that had variants to hold integers, floats, and text. This meant we could store different types of data in each cell and still have a vector that represented a row of cells. This is a perfectly good solution when our interchangeable items are a fixed set of types that we know when our code is compiled. However, sometimes we want our library user to be able to extend the set of types that are valid in a particular situation. To show how we might achieve this, we’ll create an example graphical user interface (GUI) tool that iterates through a list of items, calling a `draw` method on each one to draw it to the screen—a common technique for GUI tools. We’ll create a library crate called `gui` that contains the structure of a GUI library. This crate might include some types for people to use, such as `Button` or `TextField`. In addition, `gui` users will want to create their own types that can be drawn: for instance, one programmer might add an `Image` and another might add a `SelectBox`. We won’t implement a fully fledged GUI library for this example but will show how the pieces would fit together. At the time of writing the library, we can’t know and define all the types other programmers might want to create. But we do know that `gui` needs to keep track of many values of different types, and it needs to call a `draw` method on each of these differently typed values. It doesn’t need to know exactly what will happen when we call the `draw` method, just that the value will have that method available for us to call. To do this in a language with inheritance, we might define a class named `Component` that has a method named `draw` on it. The other classes, such as `Button`, `Image`, and `SelectBox`, would inherit from `Component` and thus inherit the `draw` method. They could each override the `draw` method to define their custom behavior, but the framework could treat all of the types as if they were `Component` instances and call `draw` on them. But because Rust doesn’t have inheritance, we need another way to structure the `gui` library to allow users to extend it with new types. ### Defining a Trait for Common Behavior To implement the behavior we want `gui` to have, we’ll define a trait named `Draw` that will have one method named `draw`. Then we can define a vector that takes a *trait object*. A trait object points to both an instance of a type implementing our specified trait and a table used to look up trait methods on that type at runtime. We create a trait object by specifying some sort of pointer, such as a `&` reference or a `Box` smart pointer, then the `dyn` keyword, and then specifying the relevant trait. (We’ll talk about the reason trait objects must use a pointer in Chapter 19 in the section “Dynamically Sized Types and the `Sized` Trait.”) We can use trait objects in place of a generic or concrete type. Wherever we use a trait object, Rust’s type system will ensure at compile time that any value used in that context will implement the trait object’s trait. Consequently, we don’t need to know all the possible types at compile time. We’ve mentioned that, in Rust, we refrain from calling structs and enums “objects” to distinguish them from other languages’ objects. In a struct or enum, the data in the struct fields and the behavior in `impl` blocks are separated, whereas in other languages, the data and behavior combined into one concept is often labeled an object. However, trait objects *are* more like objects in other languages in the sense that they combine data and behavior. But trait objects differ from traditional objects in that we can’t add data to a trait object. Trait objects aren’t as generally useful as objects in other languages: their specific purpose is to allow abstraction across common behavior. Listing 17-3 shows how to define a trait named `Draw` with one method named `draw`: Filename: src/lib.rs ``` pub trait Draw { fn draw(&self); } ``` Listing 17-3: Definition of the `Draw` trait This syntax should look familiar from our discussions on how to define traits in Chapter 10. Next comes some new syntax: Listing 17-4 defines a struct named `Screen` that holds a vector named `components`. This vector is of type `Box`, which is a trait object; it’s a stand-in for any type inside a `Box` that implements the `Draw` trait. Filename: src/lib.rs ``` pub struct Screen { pub components: Vec>, } ``` Listing 17-4: Definition of the `Screen` struct with a `components` field holding a vector of trait objects that implement the `Draw` trait On the `Screen` struct, we’ll define a method named `run` that will call the `draw` method on each of its `components`, as shown in Listing 17-5: Filename: src/lib.rs ``` impl Screen { pub fn run(&self) { for component in self.components.iter() { component.draw(); } } } ``` Listing 17-5: A `run` method on `Screen` that calls the `draw` method on each component This works differently from defining a struct that uses a generic type parameter with trait bounds. A generic type parameter can only be substituted with one concrete type at a time, whereas trait objects allow for multiple concrete types to fill in for the trait object at runtime. For example, we could have defined the `Screen` struct using a generic type and a trait bound as in Listing 17-6: Filename: src/lib.rs ``` pub struct Screen { pub components: Vec, } impl Screen where T: Draw, { pub fn run(&self) { for component in self.components.iter() { component.draw(); } } } ``` Listing 17-6: An alternate implementation of the `Screen` struct and its `run` method using generics and trait bounds This restricts us to a `Screen` instance that has a list of components all of type `Button` or all of type `TextField`. If you’ll only ever have homogeneous collections, using generics and trait bounds is preferable because the definitions will be monomorphized at compile time to use the concrete types. On the other hand, with the method using trait objects, one `Screen` instance can hold a `Vec` that contains a `Box