% Functions There is a new edition of the book and this is an old link. > Function definitions in Rust start with `fn` and have a set of parentheses after the function name. > The curly brackets tell the compiler where the function body begins and ends. > We can call any function we’ve defined by entering its name followed by a set of parentheses. ```rust fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); another_function(); } fn another_function() { println!("Another function."); } ``` --- Here are the relevant sections in the new and old books: * **[In the first edition: Ch 3.2 — Functions][1]** * [in the current edition: Ch 3.03 — Functions][2] [1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.30.0/book/first-edition/functions.html [2]: ch03-03-how-functions-work.html