% Trait Objects There is a new edition of the book and this is an old link. > Trait objects combine the data made up of the pointer to a concrete object with the behavior of the methods defined in the trait. > A trait defines behavior that we need in a given situation. > We can then use a trait as a trait object in places where we would use a concrete type or a generic type. ```rust,ignore pub struct InputBox { pub label: String, } impl Draw for InputBox { fn draw(&self) { // Code to actually draw an input box } } pub struct Button { pub label: String, } impl Draw for Button { fn draw(&self) { // Code to actually draw a button } } pub struct Screen { pub components: Vec, } impl Screen where T: Draw { pub fn run(&self) { for component in self.components.iter() { component.draw(); } } } fn main() { let screen = Screen { components: vec![ Box::new(InputBox { label: String::from("OK"), }), Box::new(Button { label: String::from("OK"), }), ], }; screen.run(); } ``` --- Here are the relevant sections in the new and old books: * **[in the current edition: Ch 17.02 — Trait Objects][2]** * [In the first edition: Ch 3.22 — Trait Objects][1] [1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.30.0/book/first-edition/trait-objects.html [2]: ch17-02-trait-objects.html