# Field access expressions > **Syntax**\ > _FieldExpression_ :\ >    [_Expression_] `.` [IDENTIFIER] A *field expression* is a [place expression] that evaluates to the location of a field of a [struct] or [union]. When the operand is [mutable], the field expression is also mutable. The syntax for a field expression is an expression, called the *container operand*, then a `.`, and finally an [identifier]. Field expressions cannot be followed by a parenthetical comma-separated list of expressions, as that is instead parsed as a [method call expression]. That is, they cannot be the function operand of a [call expression]. > **Note**: Wrap the field expression in a [parenthesized expression] to use it in a call expression. > > ```rust > # struct HoldsCallable { callable: F } > let holds_callable = HoldsCallable { callable: || () }; > > // Invalid: Parsed as calling the method "callable" > // holds_callable.callable(); > > // Valid > (holds_callable.callable)(); > ``` Examples: ```rust,ignore mystruct.myfield; foo().x; (Struct {a: 10, b: 20}).a; (mystruct.function_field)() // Call expression containing a field expression ``` ## Automatic dereferencing If the type of the container operand implements [`Deref`] or [`DerefMut`][`Deref`] depending on whether the operand is [mutable], it is *automatically dereferenced* as many times as necessary to make the field access possible. This process is also called *autoderef* for short. ## Borrowing The fields of a struct or a reference to a struct are treated as separate entities when borrowing. If the struct does not implement [`Drop`] and is stored in a local variable, this also applies to moving out of each of its fields. This also does not apply if automatic dereferencing is done though user-defined types other than [`Box`]. ```rust struct A { f1: String, f2: String, f3: String } let mut x: A; # x = A { # f1: "f1".to_string(), # f2: "f2".to_string(), # f3: "f3".to_string() # }; let a: &mut String = &mut x.f1; // x.f1 borrowed mutably let b: &String = &x.f2; // x.f2 borrowed immutably let c: &String = &x.f2; // Can borrow again let d: String = x.f3; // Move out of x.f3 ``` [_Expression_]: ../expressions.md [`Box`]: ../special-types-and-traits.md#boxt [`Deref`]: ../special-types-and-traits.md#deref-and-derefmut [`drop`]: ../special-types-and-traits.md#drop [IDENTIFIER]: ../identifiers.md [call expression]: call-expr.md [method call expression]: method-call-expr.md [mutable]: ../expressions.md#mutability [parenthesized expression]: grouped-expr.md [place expression]: ../expressions.md#place-expressions-and-value-expressions [struct]: ../items/structs.md [union]: ../items/unions.md