# How to Build and Run the Compiler The compiler is built using a tool called `x.py`. You will need to have Python installed to run it. For instructions on how to install Python and other prerequisites, see [the `rust-lang/rust` README][readme]. ## Get the source code The main repository is [`rust-lang/rust`][repo]. This contains the compiler, the standard library (including `core`, `alloc`, `test`, `proc_macro`, etc), and a bunch of tools (e.g. `rustdoc`, the bootstrapping infrastructure, etc). [repo]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust [readme]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust#building-on-a-unix-like-system The very first step to work on `rustc` is to clone the repository: ```bash git clone https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.git cd rust ``` ## What is `x.py`? `x.py` is the build tool for the `rust` repository. It can build docs, run tests, and compile the compiler and standard library. This chapter focuses on the basics to be productive, but if you want to learn more about `x.py`, [read this chapter][bootstrap]. [bootstrap]: ./bootstrapping.md ### Running `x.py` slightly more conveniently There is a binary that wraps `x.py` called `x` in `src/tools/x`. All it does is run `x.py`, but it can be installed system-wide and run from any subdirectory of a checkout. It also looks up the appropriate version of `python` to use. You can install it with `cargo install --path src/tools/x`. ## Create a `config.toml` To start, run `./x.py setup`. This will do some initialization and create a `config.toml` for you with reasonable defaults. Alternatively, you can write `config.toml` by hand. See `config.toml.example` for all the available settings and explanations of them. See `src/bootstrap/defaults` for common settings to change. If you have already built `rustc` and you change settings related to LLVM, then you may have to execute `rm -rf build` for subsequent configuration changes to take effect. Note that `./x.py clean` will not cause a rebuild of LLVM. ## Building the Compiler Note that building will require a relatively large amount of storage space. You may want to have upwards of 10 or 15 gigabytes available to build the compiler. Once you've created a `config.toml`, you are now ready to run `x.py`. There are a lot of options here, but let's start with what is probably the best "go to" command for building a local compiler: ```bash ./x.py build library ``` This may *look* like it only builds the standard library, but that is not the case. What this command does is the following: - Build `std` using the stage0 compiler - Build `rustc` using the stage0 compiler - This produces the stage1 compiler - Build `std` using the stage1 compiler This final product (stage1 compiler + libs built using that compiler) is what you need to build other Rust programs (unless you use `#![no_std]` or `#![no_core]`). You will probably find that building the stage1 `std` is a bottleneck for you, but fear not, there is a (hacky) workaround... see [the section on avoiding rebuilds for std][keep-stage]. [keep-stage]: ./suggested.md#faster-builds-with---keep-stage Sometimes you don't need a full build. When doing some kind of "type-based refactoring", like renaming a method, or changing the signature of some function, you can use `./x.py check` instead for a much faster build. Note that this whole command just gives you a subset of the full `rustc` build. The **full** `rustc` build (what you get with `./x.py build --stage 2 compiler/rustc`) has quite a few more steps: - Build `rustc` with the stage1 compiler. - The resulting compiler here is called the "stage2" compiler. - Build `std` with stage2 compiler. - Build `librustdoc` and a bunch of other things with the stage2 compiler. You almost never need to do this. ## Build specific components If you are working on the standard library, you probably don't need to build the compiler unless you are planning to use a recently added nightly feature. Instead, you can just build using the bootstrap compiler. ```bash ./x.py build --stage 0 library ``` If you choose the `library` profile when running `x.py setup`, you can omit `--stage 0` (it's the default). ## Creating a rustup toolchain Once you have successfully built `rustc`, you will have created a bunch of files in your `build` directory. In order to actually run the resulting `rustc`, we recommend creating rustup toolchains. The first one will run the stage1 compiler (which we built above). The second will execute the stage2 compiler (which we did not build, but which you will likely need to build at some point; for example, if you want to run the entire test suite). ```bash rustup toolchain link stage1 build//stage1 rustup toolchain link stage2 build//stage2 ``` The `` would typically be one of the following: - Linux: `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` - Mac: `x86_64-apple-darwin` or `aarch64-apple-darwin` - Windows: `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` Now you can run the `rustc` you built with. If you run with `-vV`, you should see a version number ending in `-dev`, indicating a build from your local environment: ```bash $ rustc +stage1 -vV rustc 1.48.0-dev binary: rustc commit-hash: unknown commit-date: unknown host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu release: 1.48.0-dev LLVM version: 11.0 ``` The rustup toolchain points to the specified toolchain compiled in your `build` directory, so the rustup toolchain will be updated whenever `x.py build` or `x.py test` are run for that toolchain/stage. **Note:** the toolchain we've built does not include `cargo`. In this case, `rustup` will fall back to using `cargo` from the installed `nightly`, `beta`, or `stable` toolchain (in that order). If you need to use unstable `cargo` flags, be sure to run `rustup install nightly` if you haven't already. See the [rustup documentation on custom toolchains](https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/toolchains.html#custom-toolchains). **Note:** rust-analyzer and IntelliJ Rust plugin use a component called `rust-analyzer-proc-macro-srv` to work with proc macros. If you intend to use a custom toolchain for a project (e.g. via `rustup override set stage1`) you may want to build this component: ```bash ./x.py build proc-macro-srv-cli ``` ## Building targets for cross-compilation To produce a compiler that can cross-compile for other targets, pass any number of `target` flags to `x.py build`. For example, if your host platform is `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` and your cross-compilation target is `wasm32-wasi`, you can build with: ```bash ./x.py build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --target wasm32-wasi ``` Note that if you want the resulting compiler to be able to build crates that involve proc macros or build scripts, you must be sure to explicitly build target support for the host platform (in this case, `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`). If you want to always build for other targets without needing to pass flags to `x.py build`, you can configure this in the `[build]` section of your `config.toml` like so: ```toml [build] target = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "wasm32-wasi"] ``` Note that building for some targets requires having external dependencies installed (e.g. building musl targets requires a local copy of musl). Any target-specific configuration (e.g. the path to a local copy of musl) will need to be provided by your `config.toml`. Please see `config.toml.example` for information on target-specific configuration keys. For examples of the complete configuration necessary to build a target, please visit [the rustc book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/platform-support.html), select any target under the "Platform Support" heading on the left, and see the section related to building a compiler for that target. For targets without a corresponding page in the rustc book, it may be useful to [inspect the Dockerfiles](../tests/docker.md) that the Rust infrastructure itself uses to set up and configure cross-compilation. If you have followed the directions from the prior section on creating a rustup toolchain, then once you have built your compiler you will be able to use it to cross-compile like so: ```bash cargo +stage1 build --target wasm32-wasi ``` ## Other `x.py` commands Here are a few other useful `x.py` commands. We'll cover some of them in detail in other sections: - Building things: - `./x.py build` – builds everything using the stage 1 compiler, not just up to `std` - `./x.py build --stage 2` – builds everything with the stage 2 compiler including `rustdoc` - Running tests (see the [section on running tests](../tests/running.html) for more details): - `./x.py test library/std` – runs the unit tests and integration tests from `std` - `./x.py test tests/ui` – runs the `ui` test suite - `./x.py test tests/ui/const-generics` - runs all the tests in the `const-generics/` subdirectory of the `ui` test suite - `./x.py test tests/ui/const-generics/const-types.rs` - runs the single test `const-types.rs` from the `ui` test suite ### Cleaning out build directories Sometimes you need to start fresh, but this is normally not the case. If you need to run this then `rustbuild` is most likely not acting right and you should file a bug as to what is going wrong. If you do need to clean everything up then you only need to run one command! ```bash ./x.py clean ``` `rm -rf build` works too, but then you have to rebuild LLVM, which can take a long time even on fast computers.