# Prerequisites ## Dependencies See [the `rust-lang/rust` README](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust#dependencies). ## Hardware You will need an internet connection to build. The bootstrapping process involves updating git submodules and downloading a beta compiler. It doesn't need to be super fast, but that can help. There are no strict hardware requirements, but building the compiler is computationally expensive, so a beefier machine will help, and I wouldn't recommend trying to build on a Raspberry Pi! We recommend the following. * 30GB+ of free disk space. Otherwise, you will have to keep clearing incremental caches. More space is better, the compiler is a bit of a hog; it's a problem we are aware of. * 8GB+ RAM * 2+ cores. Having more cores really helps. 10 or 20 or more is not too many! Beefier machines will lead to much faster builds. If your machine is not very powerful, a common strategy is to only use `./x.py check` on your local machine and let the CI build test your changes when you push to a PR branch. Building the compiler takes more than half an hour on my moderately powerful laptop. We suggest downloading LLVM from CI so you don't have to build it from source ([see here][config]). Like `cargo`, the build system will use as many cores as possible. Sometimes this can cause you to run low on memory. You can use `-j` to adjust the number of concurrent jobs. If a full build takes more than ~45 minutes to an hour, you are probably spending most of the time swapping memory in and out; try using `-j1`. If you don't have too much free disk space, you may want to turn off incremental compilation ([see here][config]). This will make compilation take longer (especially after a rebase), but will save a ton of space from the incremental caches. [config]: ./how-to-build-and-run.md#create-a-configtoml