# Suggested Workflows The full bootstrapping process takes quite a while. Here are some suggestions to make your life easier. ## Installing a pre-push hook CI will automatically fail your build if it doesn't pass `tidy`, our internal tool for ensuring code quality. If you'd like, you can install a [Git hook](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks) that will automatically run `./x.py test tidy --bless` on each push, to ensure your code is up to par. If you decide later that this behavior is undesirable, you can delete the `pre-push` file in `.git/hooks`. A prebuilt git hook lives at [`src/etc/pre-push.sh`](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/etc/pre-push.sh) which can be copied into your `.git/hooks` folder as `pre-push` (without the `.sh` extension!). You can also install the hook as a step of running `./x.py setup`! ## Configuring `rust-analyzer` for `rustc` `rust-analyzer` can help you check and format your code whenever you save a file. By default, `rust-analyzer` runs the `cargo check` and `rustfmt` commands, but you can override these commands to use more adapted versions of these tools when hacking on `rustc`. For example, for Visual Studio Code, you can write: ```JSON { "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.overrideCommand": [ "python3", "x.py", "check", "--json-output" ], "rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand": [ "./build/$TARGET_TRIPLE/stage0/bin/rustfmt", "--edition=2021" ], "rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable": true, "rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.enable": true, "rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.overrideCommand": [ "python3", "x.py", "check", "--json-output" ], "rust-analyzer.rustc.source": "./Cargo.toml", } ``` in your `.vscode/settings.json` file. This will ask `rust-analyzer` to use `./x.py check` to check the sources, and the stage 0 rustfmt to format them. > NOTE: Make sure to replace `TARGET_TRIPLE` in the `rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand` > setting with the appropriate target triple for your machine. An example of such > a triple is `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`. An easy way to check your target triple > is to run `rustc -vV` and checking the `host` value of its output. If you have enough free disk space and you would like to be able to run `x.py` commands while rust-analyzer runs in the background, you can also add `--build-dir build-rust-analyzer` to the `overrideCommand` to avoid x.py locking. If you're running `coc.nvim`, you can use `:CocLocalConfig` to create a `.vim/coc-settings.json` and enter the same settings as above, but replacing `editor.formatOnSave: true,` with `"coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": ["rust"],`. If running `./x.py check` on save is inconvenient, in VS Code you can use a [Build Task] instead: ```JSON // .vscode/tasks.json { "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "label": "./x.py check", "command": "./x.py check", "type": "shell", "problemMatcher": "$rustc", "presentation": { "clear": true }, "group": { "kind": "build", "isDefault": true } } ] } ``` [Build Task]: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks ## Check, check, and check again When doing simple refactorings, it can be useful to run `./x.py check` continuously. If you set up `rust-analyzer` as described above, this will be done for you every time you save a file. Here you are just checking that the compiler can **build**, but often that is all you need (e.g., when renaming a method). You can then run `./x.py build` when you actually need to run tests. In fact, it is sometimes useful to put off tests even when you are not 100% sure the code will work. You can then keep building up refactoring commits and only run the tests at some later time. You can then use `git bisect` to track down **precisely** which commit caused the problem. A nice side-effect of this style is that you are left with a fairly fine-grained set of commits at the end, all of which build and pass tests. This often helps reviewing. ## Configuring `rustup` to use nightly Some parts of the bootstrap process uses pinned, nightly versions of tools like rustfmt. To make things like `cargo fmt` work correctly in your repo, run ```console cd rustup override set nightly ``` after [installing a nightly toolchain] with `rustup`. Don't forget to do this for all directories you have [setup a worktree for]. You may need to use the pinned nightly version from `src/stage0.json`, but often the normal `nightly` channel will work. **Note** see [the section on vscode] for how to configure it with this real rustfmt `x.py` uses, and [the section on rustup] for how to setup `rustup` toolchain for your bootstrapped compiler **Note** This does _not_ allow you to build `rustc` with cargo directly. You still have to use `x.py` to work on the compiler or standard library, this just lets you use `cargo fmt`. [installing a nightly toolchain]: https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/channels.html?highlight=nightl#working-with-nightly-rust [setup a worktree for]: ./suggested.md#working-on-multiple-branches-at-the-same-time [the section on vscode]: suggested.md#configuring-rust-analyzer-for-rustc [the section on rustup]: how-to-build-and-run.md?highlight=rustup#creating-a-rustup-toolchain ## Incremental builds with `--keep-stage`. Sometimes just checking whether the compiler builds is not enough. A common example is that you need to add a `debug!` statement to inspect the value of some state or better understand the problem. In that case, you really need a full build. By leveraging incremental, though, you can often get these builds to complete very fast (e.g., around 30 seconds). The only catch is this requires a bit of fudging and may produce compilers that don't work (but that is easily detected and fixed). The sequence of commands you want is as follows: - Initial build: `./x.py build library` - As [documented previously], this will build a functional stage1 compiler as part of running all stage0 commands (which include building a `std` compatible with the stage1 compiler) as well as the first few steps of the "stage 1 actions" up to "stage1 (sysroot stage1) builds std". - Subsequent builds: `./x.py build library --keep-stage 1` - Note that we added the `--keep-stage 1` flag here [documented previously]: ./how-to-build-and-run.md#building-the-compiler As mentioned, the effect of `--keep-stage 1` is that we just _assume_ that the old standard library can be re-used. If you are editing the compiler, this is almost always true: you haven't changed the standard library, after all. But sometimes, it's not true: for example, if you are editing the "metadata" part of the compiler, which controls how the compiler encodes types and other states into the `rlib` files, or if you are editing things that wind up in the metadata (such as the definition of the MIR). **The TL;DR is that you might get weird behavior from a compile when using `--keep-stage 1`** -- for example, strange [ICEs](../appendix/glossary.html#ice) or other panics. In that case, you should simply remove the `--keep-stage 1` from the command and rebuild. That ought to fix the problem. You can also use `--keep-stage 1` when running tests. Something like this: - Initial test run: `./x.py test src/test/ui` - Subsequent test run: `./x.py test src/test/ui --keep-stage 1` ## Fine-tuning optimizations Setting `optimize = false` makes the compiler too slow for tests. However, to improve the test cycle, you can disable optimizations selectively only for the crates you'll have to rebuild ([source](https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/131828-t-compiler/topic/incremental.20compilation.20question/near/202712165)). For example, when working on `rustc_mir_build`, the `rustc_mir_build` and `rustc_driver` crates take the most time to incrementally rebuild. You could therefore set the following in the root `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [profile.release.package.rustc_mir_build] opt-level = 0 [profile.release.package.rustc_driver] opt-level = 0 ``` ## Working on multiple branches at the same time Working on multiple branches in parallel can be a little annoying, since building the compiler on one branch will cause the old build and the incremental compilation cache to be overwritten. One solution would be to have multiple clones of the repository, but that would mean storing the Git metadata multiple times, and having to update each clone individually. Fortunately, Git has a better solution called [worktrees]. This lets you create multiple "working trees", which all share the same Git database. Moreover, because all of the worktrees share the same object database, if you update a branch (e.g. master) in any of them, you can use the new commits from any of the worktrees. One caveat, though, is that submodules do not get shared. They will still be cloned multiple times. [worktrees]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree Given you are inside the root directory for your Rust repository, you can create a "linked working tree" in a new "rust2" directory by running the following command: ```bash git worktree add ../rust2 ``` Creating a new worktree for a new branch based on `master` looks like: ```bash git worktree add -b my-feature ../rust2 master ``` You can then use that rust2 folder as a separate workspace for modifying and building `rustc`! ## Using nix-shell If you're using nix, you can use the following nix-shell to work on Rust: ```nix { pkgs ? import {} }: # This file contains a development shell for working on rustc. let # Build configuration for rust-lang/rust. Based on `config.toml.example` from # `1bd30ce2aac40c7698aa4a1b9520aa649ff2d1c5`. config = pkgs.writeText "rustc-config" '' profile = "compiler" # you may want to choose a different profile, like `library` or `tools` changelog-seen = 2 [build] # The path to (or name of) the GDB executable to use. This is only used for # executing the debuginfo test suite. gdb = "${pkgs.gdb}/bin/gdb" python = "${pkgs.python3Full}/bin/python" [rust] debug = true incremental = true deny-warnings = false # Indicates whether some LLVM tools, like llvm-objdump, will be made available in the # sysroot. llvm-tools = true # Print backtrace on internal compiler errors during bootstrap backtrace-on-ice = true ''; ripgrepConfig = let # Files that are ignored by ripgrep when searching. ignoreFile = pkgs.writeText "rustc-rgignore" '' configure config.toml.example x.py LICENSE-MIT LICENSE-APACHE COPYRIGHT **/*.txt **/*.toml **/*.yml **/*.nix *.md src/ci src/etc/ src/llvm-emscripten/ src/llvm-project/ src/rtstartup/ src/rustllvm/ src/stdsimd/ src/tools/rls/rls-analysis/test_data/ ''; in pkgs.writeText "rustc-ripgreprc" "--ignore-file=${ignoreFile}"; in pkgs.mkShell { name = "rustc"; nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ gcc9 binutils cmake ninja openssl pkgconfig python39 git curl cacert patchelf nix psutils ]; RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH = ripgrepConfig; RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG = config; } ```