# Translation rustc's diagnostic infrastructure supports translatable diagnostics using [Fluent]. ## Writing translatable diagnostics There are two ways of writing translatable diagnostics: 1. For simple diagnostics, using a diagnostic (or subdiagnostic) derive ("simple" diagnostics being those that don't require a lot of logic in deciding to emit subdiagnostics and can therefore be represented as diagnostic structs). See [the diagnostic and subdiagnostic structs documentation](./diagnostic-structs.md). 2. Using typed identifiers with `DiagnosticBuilder` APIs (in `Diagnostic` implementations). When adding or changing a translatable diagnostic, you don't need to worry about the translations, only updating the original English message. Currently, each crate which defines translatable diagnostics has its own Fluent resource, such as `parser.ftl` or `typeck.ftl`. ## Fluent Fluent is built around the idea of "asymmetric localization", which aims to decouple the expressiveness of translations from the grammar of the source language (English in rustc's case). Prior to translation, rustc's diagnostics relied heavily on interpolation to build the messages shown to the users. Interpolated strings are hard to translate because writing a natural-sounding translation might require more, less, or just different interpolation than the English string, all of which would require changes to the compiler's source code to support. Diagnostic messages are defined in Fluent resources. A combined set of Fluent resources for a given locale (e.g. `en-US`) is known as Fluent bundle. ```fluent typeck_address_of_temporary_taken = cannot take address of a temporary ``` In the above example, `typeck_address_of_temporary_taken` is the identifier for a Fluent message and corresponds to the diagnostic message in English. Other Fluent resources can be written which would correspond to a message in another language. Each diagnostic therefore has at least one Fluent message. ```fluent typeck_address_of_temporary_taken = cannot take address of a temporary .label = temporary value ``` By convention, diagnostic messages for subdiagnostics are specified as "attributes" on Fluent messages (additional related messages, denoted by the `.` syntax). In the above example, `label` is an attribute of `typeck_address_of_temporary_taken` which corresponds to the message for the label added to this diagnostic. Diagnostic messages often interpolate additional context into the message shown to the user, such as the name of a type or of a variable. Additional context to Fluent messages is provided as an "argument" to the diagnostic. ```fluent typeck_struct_expr_non_exhaustive = cannot create non-exhaustive {$what} using struct expression ``` In the above example, the Fluent message refers to an argument named `what` which is expected to exist (how arguments are provided to diagnostics is discussed in detail later). You can consult the [Fluent] documentation for other usage examples of Fluent and its syntax. ### Guideline for message naming Usually, fluent uses `-` for separating words inside a message name. However, `_` is accepted by fluent as well. As `_` fits Rust's use cases better, due to the identifiers on the Rust side using `_` as well, inside rustc, `-` is not allowed for separating words, and instead `_` is recommended. The only exception is for leading `-`s, for message names like `-passes_see_issue`. ### Guidelines for writing translatable messages For a message to be translatable into different languages, all of the information required by any language must be provided to the diagnostic as an argument (not just the information required in the English message). As the compiler team gain more experience writing diagnostics that have all of the information necessary to be translated into different languages, this page will be updated with more guidance. For now, the [Fluent] documentation has excellent examples of translating messages into different locales and the information that needs to be provided by the code to do so. ### Compile-time validation and typed identifiers rustc's Fluent resources for the default locale (`en-US`) are in the [`compiler/rustc_error_messages/locales/en-US`] directory. Currently, each crate which defines translatable diagnostics has its own Fluent resource, such as `parser.ftl` or `typeck.ftl`. rustc's `fluent_messages` macro performs compile-time validation of Fluent resources and generates code to make it easier to refer to Fluent messages in diagnostics. Compile-time validation of Fluent resources will emit any parsing errors from Fluent resources while building the compiler, preventing invalid Fluent resources from causing panics in the compiler. Compile-time validation also emits an error if multiple Fluent messages have the same identifier. In `rustc_error_messages`, `fluent_messages` also generates a constant for each Fluent message which can be used to refer to messages when emitting diagnostics and guarantee that the message exists. ```rust fluent_messages! { typeck => "../locales/en-US/typeck.ftl", } ``` For example, given the following Fluent... ```fluent typeck_field_multiply_specified_in_initializer = field `{$ident}` specified more than once .label = used more than once .label_previous_use = first use of `{$ident}` ``` ...then the `fluent_messages` macro will generate: ```rust pub static DEFAULT_LOCALE_RESOURCES: &'static [&'static str] = &[ include_str!("../locales/en-US/typeck.ftl"), ]; mod fluent_generated { pub const typeck_field_multiply_specified_in_initializer: DiagnosticMessage = DiagnosticMessage::new("typeck_field_multiply_specified_in_initializer"); pub const label: SubdiagnosticMessage = SubdiagnosticMessage::attr("label"); pub const label_previous_use: SubdiagnosticMessage = SubdiagnosticMessage::attr("previous_use_label"); } ``` `rustc_error_messages::fluent_generated` is re-exported and primarily used as `rustc_errors::fluent`. ```rust use rustc_errors::fluent; let mut err = sess.struct_span_err(span, fluent::typeck_field_multiply_specified_in_initializer); err.span_label(span, fluent::label); err.span_label(previous_use_span, fluent::previous_use_label); err.emit(); ``` When emitting a diagnostic, these constants can be used like shown above. ## Internals Various parts of rustc's diagnostic internals are modified in order to support translation. ### Messages All of rustc's traditional diagnostic APIs (e.g. `struct_span_err` or `note`) take any message that can be converted into a `DiagnosticMessage` (or `SubdiagnosticMessage`). [`rustc_error_messages::DiagnosticMessage`] can represent legacy non-translatable diagnostic messages and translatable messages. Non-translatable messages are just `String`s. Translatable messages are just a `&'static str` with the identifier of the Fluent message (sometimes with an additional `&'static str` with an attribute). `DiagnosticMessage` never needs to be interacted with directly: `DiagnosticMessage` constants are created for each diagnostic message in a Fluent resource (described in more detail below), or `DiagnosticMessage`s will either be created in the macro-generated code of a diagnostic derive. `rustc_error_messages::SubdiagnosticMessage` is similar, it can correspond to a legacy non-translatable diagnostic message or the name of an attribute to a Fluent message. Translatable `SubdiagnosticMessage`s must be combined with a `DiagnosticMessage` (using `DiagnosticMessage::with_subdiagnostic_message`) to be emitted (an attribute name on its own is meaningless without a corresponding message identifier, which is what `DiagnosticMessage` provides). Both `DiagnosticMessage` and `SubdiagnosticMessage` implement `Into` for any type that can be converted into a string, and converts these into non-translatable diagnostics - this keeps all existing diagnostic calls working. ### Arguments Additional context for Fluent messages which are interpolated into message contents needs to be provided to translatable diagnostics. Diagnostics have a `set_arg` function that can be used to provide this additional context to a diagnostic. Arguments have both a name (e.g. "what" in the earlier example) and a value. Argument values are represented using the `DiagnosticArgValue` type, which is just a string or a number. rustc types can implement `IntoDiagnosticArg` with conversion into a string or a number, common types like `Ty<'tcx>` already have such implementations. `set_arg` calls are handled transparently by diagnostic derives but need to be added manually when using diagnostic builder APIs. ### Loading rustc makes a distinction between the "fallback bundle" for `en-US` that is used by default and when another locale is missing a message; and the primary fluent bundle which is requested by the user. Diagnostic emitters implement the `Emitter` trait which has two functions for accessing the fallback and primary fluent bundles (`fallback_fluent_bundle` and `fluent_bundle` respectively). `Emitter` also has member functions with default implementations for performing translation of a `DiagnosticMessage` using the results of `fallback_fluent_bundle` and `fluent_bundle`. All of the emitters in rustc load the fallback Fluent bundle lazily, only reading Fluent resources and parsing them when an error message is first being translated (for performance reasons - it doesn't make sense to do this if no error is being emitted). `rustc_error_messages::fallback_fluent_bundle` returns a `std::lazy::Lazy` which is provided to emitters and evaluated in the first call to `Emitter::fallback_fluent_bundle`. The primary Fluent bundle (for the user's desired locale) is expected to be returned by `Emitter::fluent_bundle`. This bundle is used preferentially when translating messages, the fallback bundle is only used if the primary bundle is missing a message or not provided. As of Jan 2023, there are no locale bundles distributed with the compiler, but mechanisms are implemented for loading bundles. - `-Ztranslate-additional-ftl` can be used to load a specific resource as the primary bundle for testing purposes. - `-Ztranslate-lang` can be provided a language identifier (something like `en-US`) and will load any Fluent resources found in `$sysroot/share/locale/$locale/` directory (both the user provided sysroot and any sysroot candidates). Primary bundles are not currently loaded lazily and if requested will be loaded at the start of compilation regardless of whether an error occurs. Lazily loading primary bundles is possible if it can be assumed that loading a bundle won't fail. Bundle loading can fail if a requested locale is missing, Fluent files are malformed, or a message is duplicated in multiple resources. [Fluent]: https://projectfluent.org [`compiler/rustc_error_messages/locales/en-US`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/compiler/rustc_error_messages/locales/en-US [`rustc_error_messages::DiagnosticMessage`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_error_messages/enum.DiagnosticMessage.html