# Parallel Compilation As of August 2022, the only stage of the compiler that is already parallel is codegen. Some parts of the compiler already have parallel implementations, such as query evaluation, type check and monomorphization, but the general version of the compiler does not include these parallelization functions. **To try out the current parallel compiler**, one can install rustc from source code with `parallel-compiler = true` in the `config.toml`. The lack of parallelism at other stages (for example, macro expansion) also represents an opportunity for improving compiler performance. These next few sections describe where and how parallelism is currently used, and the current status of making parallel compilation the default in `rustc`. ## Codegen During [monomorphization][monomorphization] the compiler splits up all the code to be generated into smaller chunks called _codegen units_. These are then generated by independent instances of LLVM running in parallel. At the end, the linker is run to combine all the codegen units together into one binary. This process occurs in the `rustc_codegen_ssa::base` module. ## Data Structures The underlying thread-safe data-structures used in the parallel compiler can be found in the `rustc_data_structures::sync` module. These data structures are implemented diferently depending on whether `parallel-compiler` is true. | data structure | parallel | non-parallel | | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | | Lrc | std::sync::Arc | std::rc::Rc | | Weak | std::sync::Weak | std::rc::Weak | | Atomic{Bool}/{Usize}/{U32}/{U64} | std::sync::atomic::Atomic{Bool}/{Usize}/{U32}/{U64} | (std::cell::Cell) | | OnceCell | std::sync::OnceLock | std::cell::OnceCell | | Lock\ | (parking_lot::Mutex\) | (std::cell::RefCell) | | RwLock\ | (parking_lot::RwLock\) | (std::cell::RefCell) | | MTRef<'a, T> | &'a T | &'a mut T | | MTLock\ | (Lock\) | (T) | | ReadGuard | parking_lot::RwLockReadGuard | std::cell::Ref | | MappedReadGuard | parking_lot::MappedRwLockReadGuard | std::cell::Ref | | WriteGuard | parking_lot::RwLockWriteGuard | std::cell::RefMut | | MappedWriteGuard | parking_lot::MappedRwLockWriteGuard | std::cell::RefMut | | LockGuard | parking_lot::MutexGuard | std::cell::RefMut | | MappedLockGuard | parking_lot::MappedMutexGuard | std::cell::RefMut | | MetadataRef | [`OwningRef, [u8]>`][OwningRef] | [`OwningRef, [u8]>`][OwningRef] | - These thread-safe data structures interspersed during compilation can cause a lot of lock contention, which actually degrades performance as the number of threads increases beyond 4. This inspires us to audit the use of these data structures, leading to either refactoring to reduce use of shared state, or persistent documentation covering invariants, atomicity, and lock orderings. - On the other hand, we still need to figure out what other invariants during compilation might not hold in parallel compilation. ### WorkLocal `WorkLocal` is a special data structure implemented for parallel compiler. It holds worker-locals values for each thread in a thread pool. You can only access the worker local value through the Deref impl on the thread pool it was constructed on. It will panic otherwise. `WorkLocal` is used to implement the `Arena` allocator in the parallel environment, which is critical in parallel queries. Its implementation is located in the `rustc-rayon-core::worker_local` module. However, in the non-parallel compiler, it is implemented as `(OneThread)`, whose `T` can be accessed directly through `Deref::deref`. ## Parallel Iterator The parallel iterators provided by the [`rayon`] crate are easy ways to implement parallelism. In the current implementation of the parallel compiler we use a custom [fork][rustc-rayon] of [`rayon`] to run tasks in parallel. Some iterator functions are implemented to run loops in parallel when `parallel-compiler` is true. | Function(Omit `Send` and `Sync`) | Introduction | Owning Module | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------- | | **par_iter**(t: T) -> T::Iter | generate a parallel iterator | rustc_data_structure::sync | | **par_for_each_in**(t: T, for_each: impl Fn(T::Item)) | generate a parallel iterator and run `for_each` on each element | rustc_data_structure::sync | | **Map::par_body_owners**(self, f: impl Fn(LocalDefId)) | run `f` on all hir owners in the crate | rustc_middle::hir::map | | **Map::par_for_each_module**(self, f: impl Fn(LocalDefId)) | run `f` on all modules and sub modules in the crate | rustc_middle::hir::map | | **ModuleItems::par_items**(&self, f: impl Fn(ItemId)) | run `f` on all items in the module | rustc_middle::hir | | **ModuleItems::par_trait_items**(&self, f: impl Fn(TraitItemId)) | run `f` on all trait items in the module | rustc_middle::hir | | **ModuleItems::par_impl_items**(&self, f: impl Fn(ImplItemId)) | run `f` on all impl items in the module | rustc_middle::hir | | **ModuleItems::par_foreign_items**(&self, f: impl Fn(ForeignItemId)) | run `f` on all foreign items in the module | rustc_middle::hir | There are a lot of loops in the compiler which can possibly be parallelized using these functions. As of August 2022, scenarios where the parallel iterator function has been used are as follows: | caller | scenario | callee | | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------ | | rustc_metadata::rmeta::encoder::prefetch_mir | Prefetch queries which will be needed later by metadata encoding | par_iter | | rustc_monomorphize::collector::collect_crate_mono_items | Collect monomorphized items reachable from non-generic items | par_for_each_in | | rustc_interface::passes::analysis | Check the validity of the match statements | Map::par_body_owners | | rustc_interface::passes::analysis | MIR borrow check | Map::par_body_owners | | rustc_typeck::check::typeck_item_bodies | Type check | Map::par_body_owners | | rustc_interface::passes::hir_id_validator::check_crate | Check the validity of hir | Map::par_for_each_module | | rustc_interface::passes::analysis | Check the validity of loops body, attributes, naked functions, unstable abi, const bodys | Map::par_for_each_module | | rustc_interface::passes::analysis | Liveness and intrinsic checking of MIR | Map::par_for_each_module | | rustc_interface::passes::analysis | Deathness checking | Map::par_for_each_module | | rustc_interface::passes::analysis | Privacy checking | Map::par_for_each_module | | rustc_lint::late::check_crate | Run per-module lints | Map::par_for_each_module | | rustc_typeck::check_crate | Well-formedness checking | Map::par_for_each_module | There are still many loops that have the potential to use parallel iterators. ## Query System The query model has some properties that make it actually feasible to evaluate multiple queries in parallel without too much of an effort: - All data a query provider can access is accessed via the query context, so the query context can take care of synchronizing access. - Query results are required to be immutable so they can safely be used by different threads concurrently. When a query `foo` is evaluated, the cache table for `foo` is locked. - If there already is a result, we can clone it, release the lock and we are done. - If there is no cache entry and no other active query invocation computing the same result, we mark the key as being "in progress", release the lock and start evaluating. - If there *is* another query invocation for the same key in progress, we release the lock, and just block the thread until the other invocation has computed the result we are waiting for. **Cycle error detection** in the parallel compiler requires more complex logic than in single-threaded mode. When worker threads in parallel queries stop making progress due to interdependence, the compiler uses an extra thread *(named deadlock handler)* to detect, remove and report the cycle error. Parallel query still has a lot of work to do, most of which is related to the previous `Data Structures` and `Parallel Iterators`. See [this tracking issue][tracking]. ## Rustdoc As of May 2022, there are still a number of steps to complete before rustdoc rendering can be made parallel. More details on this issue can be found [here][parallel-rustdoc]. ## Resources Here are some resources that can be used to learn more (note that some of them are a bit out of date): - [This IRLO thread by Zoxc, one of the pioneers of the effort][irlo0] - [This list of interior mutability in the compiler by nikomatsakis][imlist] - [This IRLO thread by alexchricton about performance][irlo1] [`rayon`]: https://crates.io/crates/rayon [rustc-rayon]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustc-rayon [irlo0]: https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/parallelizing-rustc-using-rayon/6606 [imlist]: https://github.com/nikomatsakis/rustc-parallelization/blob/master/interior-mutability-list.md [irlo1]: https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/help-test-parallel-rustc/11503 [tracking]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/48685 [monomorphization]: backend/monomorph.md [parallel-rustdoc]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/82741 [Arc]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/struct.Arc.html [Rc]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/rc/struct.Rc.html [OwningRef]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_data_structures/owning_ref/index.html