# The `#[test]` attribute Today, Rust programmers rely on a built in attribute called `#[test]`. All you have to do is mark a function as a test and include some asserts like so: ```rust,ignore #[test] fn my_test() { assert!(2+2 == 4); } ``` When this program is compiled using `rustc --test` or `cargo test`, it will produce an executable that can run this, and any other test function. This method of testing allows tests to live alongside code in an organic way. You can even put tests inside private modules: ```rust,ignore mod my_priv_mod { fn my_priv_func() -> bool {} #[test] fn test_priv_func() { assert!(my_priv_func()); } } ``` Private items can thus be easily tested without worrying about how to expose them to any sort of external testing apparatus. This is key to the ergonomics of testing in Rust. Semantically, however, it's rather odd. How does any sort of `main` function invoke these tests if they're not visible? What exactly is `rustc --test` doing? `#[test]` is implemented as a syntactic transformation inside the compiler's [`rustc_ast` crate][rustc_ast]. Essentially, it's a fancy macro, that rewrites the crate in 3 steps: ## Step 1: Re-Exporting As mentioned earlier, tests can exist inside private modules, so we need a way of exposing them to the main function, without breaking any existing code. To that end, `rustc_ast` will create local modules called `__test_reexports` that recursively reexport tests. This expansion translates the above example into: ```rust,ignore mod my_priv_mod { fn my_priv_func() -> bool {} pub fn test_priv_func() { assert!(my_priv_func()); } pub mod __test_reexports { pub use super::test_priv_func; } } ``` Now, our test can be accessed as `my_priv_mod::__test_reexports::test_priv_func`. For deeper module structures, `__test_reexports` will reexport modules that contain tests, so a test at `a::b::my_test` becomes `a::__test_reexports::b::__test_reexports::my_test`. While this process seems pretty safe, what happens if there is an existing `__test_reexports` module? The answer: nothing. To explain, we need to understand [how the AST represents identifiers][Ident]. The name of every function, variable, module, etc. is not stored as a string, but rather as an opaque [Symbol][Symbol] which is essentially an ID number for each identifier. The compiler keeps a separate hashtable that allows us to recover the human-readable name of a Symbol when necessary (such as when printing a syntax error). When the compiler generates the `__test_reexports` module, it generates a new Symbol for the identifier, so while the compiler-generated `__test_reexports` may share a name with your hand-written one, it will not share a Symbol. This technique prevents name collision during code generation and is the foundation of Rust's macro hygiene. ## Step 2: Harness Generation Now that our tests are accessible from the root of our crate, we need to do something with them. `rustc_ast` generates a module like so: ```rust,ignore #[main] pub fn main() { extern crate test; test::test_main_static(&[&path::to::test1, /*...*/]); } ``` where `path::to::test1` is a constant of type `test::TestDescAndFn`. While this transformation is simple, it gives us a lot of insight into how tests are actually run. The tests are aggregated into an array and passed to a test runner called `test_main_static`. We'll come back to exactly what `TestDescAndFn` is, but for now, the key takeaway is that there is a crate called [`test`][test] that is part of Rust core, that implements all of the runtime for testing. `test`'s interface is unstable, so the only stable way to interact with it is through the `#[test]` macro. ## Step 3: Test Object Generation If you've written tests in Rust before, you may be familiar with some of the optional attributes available on test functions. For example, a test can be annotated with `#[should_panic]` if we expect the test to cause a panic. It looks something like this: ```rust,ignore #[test] #[should_panic] fn foo() { panic!("intentional"); } ``` This means our tests are more than just simple functions, they have configuration information as well. `test` encodes this configuration data into a struct called [`TestDesc`][TestDesc]. For each test function in a crate, `rustc_ast` will parse its attributes and generate a `TestDesc` instance. It then combines the `TestDesc` and test function into the predictably named `TestDescAndFn` struct, that `test_main_static` operates on. For a given test, the generated `TestDescAndFn` instance looks like so: ```rust,ignore self::test::TestDescAndFn{ desc: self::test::TestDesc{ name: self::test::StaticTestName("foo"), ignore: false, should_panic: self::test::ShouldPanic::Yes, allow_fail: false, }, testfn: self::test::StaticTestFn(|| self::test::assert_test_result(::crate::__test_reexports::foo())), } ``` Once we've constructed an array of these test objects, they're passed to the test runner via the harness generated in step 2. ## Inspecting the generated code On nightly rust, there's an unstable flag called `unpretty` that you can use to print out the module source after macro expansion: ```bash $ rustc my_mod.rs -Z unpretty=hir ``` [test]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/test/index.html [TestDesc]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/test/struct.TestDesc.html [Symbol]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_span/symbol/struct.Symbol.html [Ident]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_span/symbol/struct.Ident.html [rustc_ast]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/compiler/rustc_ast