# Running tests You can run the tests using `x.py`. The most basic command – which you will almost never want to use! – is as follows: ```bash ./x.py test ``` This will build the stage 1 compiler and then run the whole test suite. You probably don't want to do this very often, because it takes a very long time, and anyway bors / GitHub Actions will do it for you. (Often, I will run this command in the background after opening a PR that I think is done, but rarely otherwise. -nmatsakis) The test results are cached and previously successful tests are `ignored` during testing. The stdout/stderr contents as well as a timestamp file for every test can be found under `build/ARCH/test/`. To force-rerun a test (e.g. in case the test runner fails to notice a change) you can simply remove the timestamp file, or use the `--force-rerun` CLI option. Note that some tests require a Python-enabled gdb. You can test if your gdb install supports Python by using the `python` command from within gdb. Once invoked you can type some Python code (e.g. `print("hi")`) followed by return and then `CTRL+D` to execute it. If you are building gdb from source, you will need to configure with `--with-python=`. ## Running a subset of the test suites When working on a specific PR, you will usually want to run a smaller set of tests. For example, a good "smoke test" that can be used after modifying rustc to see if things are generally working correctly would be the following: ```bash ./x.py test tests/ui ``` This will run the `ui` test suite. Of course, the choice of test suites is somewhat arbitrary, and may not suit the task you are doing. For example, if you are hacking on debuginfo, you may be better off with the debuginfo test suite: ```bash ./x.py test tests/debuginfo ``` If you only need to test a specific subdirectory of tests for any given test suite, you can pass that directory to `./x.py test`: ```bash ./x.py test tests/ui/const-generics ``` Likewise, you can test a single file by passing its path: ```bash ./x.py test tests/ui/const-generics/const-test.rs ``` ### Run only the tidy script ```bash ./x.py test tidy ``` ### Run tests on the standard library ```bash ./x.py test --stage 0 library/std ``` Note that this only runs tests on `std`; if you want to test `core` or other crates, you have to specify those explicitly. ### Run the tidy script and tests on the standard library ```bash ./x.py test --stage 0 tidy library/std ``` ### Run tests on the standard library using a stage 1 compiler ```bash ./x.py test --stage 1 library/std ``` By listing which test suites you want to run you avoid having to run tests for components you did not change at all. **Warning:** Note that bors only runs the tests with the full stage 2 build; therefore, while the tests **usually** work fine with stage 1, there are some limitations. ### Run all tests using a stage 2 compiler ```bash ./x.py test --stage 2 ``` You almost never need to do this; CI will run these tests for you. ## Run unit tests on the compiler/library You may want to run unit tests on a specific file with following: ```bash ./x.py test compiler/rustc_data_structures/src/thin_vec/tests.rs ``` But unfortunately, it's impossible. You should invoke following instead: ```bash ./x.py test compiler/rustc_data_structures/ --test-args thin_vec ``` ## Running an individual test Another common thing that people want to do is to run an **individual test**, often the test they are trying to fix. As mentioned earlier, you may pass the full file path to achieve this, or alternatively one may invoke `x.py` with the `--test-args` option: ```bash ./x.py test tests/ui --test-args issue-1234 ``` Under the hood, the test runner invokes the standard Rust test runner (the same one you get with `#[test]`), so this command would wind up filtering for tests that include "issue-1234" in the name. (Thus `--test-args` is a good way to run a collection of related tests.) ## Editing and updating the reference files If you have changed the compiler's output intentionally, or you are making a new test, you can pass `--bless` to the test subcommand. E.g. if some tests in `tests/ui` are failing, you can run ```text ./x.py test tests/ui --bless ``` to automatically adjust the `.stderr`, `.stdout` or `.fixed` files of all tests. Of course you can also target just specific tests with the `--test-args your_test_name` flag, just like when running the tests. ## Configuring test running There are a few options for running tests: * `config.toml` has the `rust.verbose-tests` option. If `false`, each test will print a single dot (the default). If `true`, the name of every test will be printed. This is equivalent to the `--quiet` option in the [Rust test harness](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/tests/) * The environment variable `RUST_TEST_THREADS` can be set to the number of concurrent threads to use for testing. ## Passing `--pass $mode` Pass UI tests now have three modes, `check-pass`, `build-pass` and `run-pass`. When `--pass $mode` is passed, these tests will be forced to run under the given `$mode` unless the directive `// ignore-pass` exists in the test file. For example, you can run all the tests in `tests/ui` as `check-pass`: ```bash ./x.py test tests/ui --pass check ``` By passing `--pass $mode`, you can reduce the testing time. For each mode, please see [Controlling pass/fail expectations](ui.md#controlling-passfail-expectations). ## Running tests with different "compare modes" UI tests may have different output depending on certain "modes" that the compiler is in. For example, when using the Polonius mode, a test `foo.rs` will first look for expected output in `foo.polonius.stderr`, falling back to the usual `foo.stderr` if not found. The following will run the UI test suite in Polonius mode: ```bash ./x.py test tests/ui --compare-mode=polonius ``` See [Compare modes](compiletest.md#compare-modes) for more details. ## Running tests manually Sometimes it's easier and faster to just run the test by hand. Most tests are just `rs` files, so after [creating a rustup toolchain](../building/how-to-build-and-run.md#creating-a-rustup-toolchain), you can do something like: ```bash rustc +stage1 tests/ui/issue-1234.rs ``` This is much faster, but doesn't always work. For example, some tests include directives that specify specific compiler flags, or which rely on other crates, and they may not run the same without those options. ## Running tests on a remote machine Tests may be run on a remote machine (e.g. to test builds for a different architecture). This is done using `remote-test-client` on the build machine to send test programs to `remote-test-server` running on the remote machine. `remote-test-server` executes the test programs and sends the results back to the build machine. `remote-test-server` provides *unauthenticated remote code execution* so be careful where it is used. To do this, first build `remote-test-server` for the remote machine, e.g. for RISC-V ```sh ./x.py build src/tools/remote-test-server --target riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu ``` The binary will be created at `./build/host/stage2-tools/$TARGET_ARCH/release/remote-test-server`. Copy this over to the remote machine. On the remote machine, run the `remote-test-server` with the `--bind` flag (and optionally `-v` for verbose output). Output should look like this: ```sh $ ./remote-test-server -v --bind starting test server listening on! ``` Note that binding the server to will allow all hosts able to reach your machine to execute arbitrary code on your machine. We strongly recommend either setting up a firewall to block external access to port 12345, or to use a more restrictive IP address when binding. You can test if the `remote-test-server` is working by connecting to it and sending `ping\n`. It should reply `pong`: ```sh $ nc $REMOTE_IP 12345 ping pong ``` To run tests using the remote runner, set the `TEST_DEVICE_ADDR` environment variable then use `x.py` as usual. For example, to run `ui` tests for a RISC-V machine with the IP address `` use ```sh export TEST_DEVICE_ADDR="" ./x.py test tests/ui --target riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu ``` If `remote-test-server` was run with the verbose flag, output on the test machine may look something like ``` [...] run "/tmp/work/test1007/a" run "/tmp/work/test1008/a" run "/tmp/work/test1009/a" run "/tmp/work/test1010/a" run "/tmp/work/test1011/a" run "/tmp/work/test1012/a" run "/tmp/work/test1013/a" run "/tmp/work/test1014/a" run "/tmp/work/test1015/a" run "/tmp/work/test1016/a" run "/tmp/work/test1017/a" run "/tmp/work/test1018/a" [...] ``` Tests are built on the machine running `x.py` not on the remote machine. Tests which fail to build unexpectedly (or `ui` tests producing incorrect build output) may fail without ever running on the remote machine. ## Testing on emulators Some platforms are tested via an emulator for architectures that aren't readily available. For architectures where the standard library is well supported and the host operating system supports TCP/IP networking, see the above instructions for testing on a remote machine (in this case the remote machine is emulated). There is also a set of tools for orchestrating running the tests within the emulator. Platforms such as `arm-android` and `arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` are set up to automatically run the tests under emulation on GitHub Actions. The following will take a look at how a target's tests are run under emulation. The Docker image for [armhf-gnu] includes [QEMU] to emulate the ARM CPU architecture. Included in the Rust tree are the tools [remote-test-client] and [remote-test-server] which are programs for sending test programs and libraries to the emulator, and running the tests within the emulator, and reading the results. The Docker image is set up to launch `remote-test-server` and the build tools use `remote-test-client` to communicate with the server to coordinate running tests (see [src/bootstrap/test.rs]). > TODO: > Is there any support for using an iOS emulator? > > It's also unclear to me how the wasm or asm.js tests are run. [armhf-gnu]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/armhf-gnu/Dockerfile [QEMU]: https://www.qemu.org/ [remote-test-client]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/remote-test-client [remote-test-server]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/remote-test-server [src/bootstrap/test.rs]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/bootstrap/test.rs