# armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi **Tier: 3** Target for cross-compiling Linux user-mode applications targetting the ARM BE8 architecture. ## Overview BE8 architecture retains the same little-endian ordered code-stream used by conventional little endian ARM systems, however the data accesses are in big-endian. BE8 is used primarily in high-performance networking applications where the ability to read packets in their native "Network Byte Order" is important (many network protocols transmit data in big-endian byte order for their wire formats). ## History BE8 architecture is the default big-endian architecture for ARM since [ARMv6](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/101754/0616/armlink-Reference/armlink-Command-line-Options/--be8?lang=en). It's predecessor, used for ARMv4 and ARMv5 devices was [BE32](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0474/j/linker-command-line-options/--be32). On ARMv6 architecture, endianness can be configured via [system registers](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0290/g/unaligned-and-mixed-endian-data-access-support/mixed-endian-access-support/interaction-between-the-bus-protocol-and-the-core-endianness). However, BE32 was withdrawn for [ARMv7](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0406/cb/Appendixes/Deprecated-and-Obsolete-Features/Obsolete-features/Support-for-BE-32-endianness-model) onwards. ## Target Maintainers * [@WorksButNotTested](https://github.com/WorksButNotTested) ## Requirements The target is cross-compiled. This target supports `std` in the normal way (indeed only nominal changes are required from the standard ARM configuration). ## Target definition The target definition can be seen [here](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/armeb_unknown_linux_gnueabi.rs). In particular, it should be noted that the `features` specify that this target is built for the ARMv8 core. Though this can likely be modified as required. ## Building the target Because it is Tier 3, rust does not yet ship pre-compiled artifacts for this target. Therefore, you can build Rust with support for the target by adding it to the target list in config.toml, a sample configuration is shown below. It is expected that the user already have a working GNU compiler toolchain and update the paths accordingly. ```toml [llvm] download-ci-llvm = false skip-rebuild = true optimize = true ninja = true targets = "ARM;X86" clang = false [build] target = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi"] docs = false docs-minification = false compiler-docs = false [install] prefix = "/home/user/x-tools/rust/" [rust] debug-logging=true backtrace = true incremental = true [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] [dist] [target.armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi] cc = "/home/user/x-tools/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc" cxx = "/home/user/x-tools/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++" ar = "/home/user/x-tools/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi-ar" ranlib = "/home/user/x-tools/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi-ranlib" linker = "/home/user/x-tools/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi/bin/armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc" llvm-config = "/home/user/x-tools/clang/bin/llvm-config" llvm-filecheck = "/home/user/x-tools/clang/bin/FileCheck" ``` ## Building Rust programs The following `.cargo/config` is needed inside any project directory to build for the BE8 target: ```toml [build] target = "armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi" [target.armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi] linker = "armeb-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc" ``` Note that it is expected that the user has a suitable linker from the GNU toolchain.