// This is a small "shim" program which is used when wasm32 unit tests are run // in this repository. This program is intended to be run in node.js and will // load a wasm module into memory, instantiate it with a set of imports, and // then run it. // // There's a bunch of helper functions defined here in `imports.env`, but note // that most of them aren't actually needed to execute most programs. Many of // these are just intended for completeness or debugging. Hopefully over time // nothing here is needed for completeness. const fs = require('fs'); const process = require('process'); const buffer = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]); Error.stackTraceLimit = 20; let m = new WebAssembly.Module(buffer); let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(m, {}); try { instance.exports.main(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); process.exit(101); }