// From rust: /* global sourcesIndex */ // Local js definitions: /* global addClass, getCurrentValue, onEachLazy, removeClass, browserSupportsHistoryApi */ /* global updateLocalStorage */ "use strict"; (function() { const rootPath = document.getElementById("rustdoc-vars").attributes["data-root-path"].value; const NAME_OFFSET = 0; const DIRS_OFFSET = 1; const FILES_OFFSET = 2; // WARNING: RUSTDOC_MOBILE_BREAKPOINT MEDIA QUERY // If you update this line, then you also need to update the media query with the same // warning in rustdoc.css const RUSTDOC_MOBILE_BREAKPOINT = 700; function closeSidebarIfMobile() { if (window.innerWidth < RUSTDOC_MOBILE_BREAKPOINT) { updateLocalStorage("source-sidebar-show", "false"); } } function createDirEntry(elem, parent, fullPath, hasFoundFile) { const dirEntry = document.createElement("details"); const summary = document.createElement("summary"); dirEntry.className = "dir-entry"; fullPath += elem[NAME_OFFSET] + "/"; summary.innerText = elem[NAME_OFFSET]; dirEntry.appendChild(summary); const folders = document.createElement("div"); folders.className = "folders"; if (elem[DIRS_OFFSET]) { for (const dir of elem[DIRS_OFFSET]) { if (createDirEntry(dir, folders, fullPath, false)) { dirEntry.open = true; hasFoundFile = true; } } } dirEntry.appendChild(folders); const files = document.createElement("div"); files.className = "files"; if (elem[FILES_OFFSET]) { const w = window.location.href.split("#")[0]; for (const file_text of elem[FILES_OFFSET]) { const file = document.createElement("a"); file.innerText = file_text; file.href = rootPath + "src/" + fullPath + file_text + ".html"; file.addEventListener("click", closeSidebarIfMobile); if (!hasFoundFile && w === file.href) { file.className = "selected"; dirEntry.open = true; hasFoundFile = true; } files.appendChild(file); } } dirEntry.appendChild(files); parent.appendChild(dirEntry); return hasFoundFile; } function toggleSidebar() { const child = this.parentNode.children[0]; if (child.innerText === ">") { addClass(document.documentElement, "source-sidebar-expanded"); child.innerText = "<"; updateLocalStorage("source-sidebar-show", "true"); } else { removeClass(document.documentElement, "source-sidebar-expanded"); child.innerText = ">"; updateLocalStorage("source-sidebar-show", "false"); } } function createSidebarToggle() { const sidebarToggle = document.createElement("div"); sidebarToggle.id = "src-sidebar-toggle"; const inner = document.createElement("button"); if (getCurrentValue("source-sidebar-show") === "true") { inner.innerText = "<"; } else { inner.innerText = ">"; } inner.onclick = toggleSidebar; sidebarToggle.appendChild(inner); return sidebarToggle; } // This function is called from "source-files.js", generated in `html/render/write_shared.rs`. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function createSourceSidebar() { const container = document.querySelector("nav.sidebar"); const sidebarToggle = createSidebarToggle(); container.insertBefore(sidebarToggle, container.firstChild); const sidebar = document.createElement("div"); sidebar.id = "source-sidebar"; let hasFoundFile = false; const title = document.createElement("div"); title.className = "title"; title.innerText = "Files"; sidebar.appendChild(title); Object.keys(sourcesIndex).forEach(key => { sourcesIndex[key][NAME_OFFSET] = key; hasFoundFile = createDirEntry(sourcesIndex[key], sidebar, "", hasFoundFile); }); container.appendChild(sidebar); // Focus on the current file in the source files sidebar. const selected_elem = sidebar.getElementsByClassName("selected")[0]; if (typeof selected_elem !== "undefined") { selected_elem.focus(); } } const lineNumbersRegex = /^#?(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?$/; function highlightSourceLines(match) { if (typeof match === "undefined") { match = window.location.hash.match(lineNumbersRegex); } if (!match) { return; } let from = parseInt(match[1], 10); let to = from; if (typeof match[2] !== "undefined") { to = parseInt(match[2], 10); } if (to < from) { const tmp = to; to = from; from = tmp; } let elem = document.getElementById(from); if (!elem) { return; } const x = document.getElementById(from); if (x) { x.scrollIntoView(); } onEachLazy(document.getElementsByClassName("src-line-numbers"), e => { onEachLazy(e.getElementsByTagName("a"), i_e => { removeClass(i_e, "line-highlighted"); }); }); for (let i = from; i <= to; ++i) { elem = document.getElementById(i); if (!elem) { break; } addClass(elem, "line-highlighted"); } } const handleSourceHighlight = (function() { let prev_line_id = 0; const set_fragment = name => { const x = window.scrollX, y = window.scrollY; if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) { history.replaceState(null, null, "#" + name); highlightSourceLines(); } else { location.replace("#" + name); } // Prevent jumps when selecting one or many lines window.scrollTo(x, y); }; return ev => { let cur_line_id = parseInt(ev.target.id, 10); // This event handler is attached to the entire line number column, but it should only // be run if one of the anchors is clicked. It also shouldn't do anything if the anchor // is clicked with a modifier key (to open a new browser tab). if (isNaN(cur_line_id) || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey || ev.metaKey) { return; } ev.preventDefault(); if (ev.shiftKey && prev_line_id) { // Swap selection if needed if (prev_line_id > cur_line_id) { const tmp = prev_line_id; prev_line_id = cur_line_id; cur_line_id = tmp; } set_fragment(prev_line_id + "-" + cur_line_id); } else { prev_line_id = cur_line_id; set_fragment(cur_line_id); } }; }()); window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => { const match = window.location.hash.match(lineNumbersRegex); if (match) { return highlightSourceLines(match); } }); onEachLazy(document.getElementsByClassName("src-line-numbers"), el => { el.addEventListener("click", handleSourceHighlight); }); highlightSourceLines(); window.createSourceSidebar = createSourceSidebar; })();