// This test case makes sure that changing split-debuginfo commandline options triggers a full re-compilation. // We only test on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu because there all combinations split-debuginfo settings are valid // and the test is platform-independent otherwise. // ignore-tidy-linelength // only-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu // revisions:rpass1 rpass2 rpass3 rpass4 // [rpass1]compile-flags: -Zquery-dep-graph -Zunstable-options -Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked -Zsplit-dwarf-kind=single -Zsplit-dwarf-inlining=on // [rpass2]compile-flags: -Zquery-dep-graph -Zunstable-options -Csplit-debuginfo=packed -Zsplit-dwarf-kind=single -Zsplit-dwarf-inlining=on // [rpass3]compile-flags: -Zquery-dep-graph -Zunstable-options -Csplit-debuginfo=packed -Zsplit-dwarf-kind=split -Zsplit-dwarf-inlining=on // [rpass4]compile-flags: -Zquery-dep-graph -Zunstable-options -Csplit-debuginfo=packed -Zsplit-dwarf-kind=split -Zsplit-dwarf-inlining=off #![feature(rustc_attrs)] // For rpass2 we change -Csplit-debuginfo and thus expect every CGU to be recompiled #![rustc_partition_codegened(module = "split_debuginfo_mode", cfg = "rpass2")] #![rustc_partition_codegened(module = "split_debuginfo_mode-another_module", cfg = "rpass2")] // For rpass3 we change -Zsplit-dwarf-kind and thus also expect every CGU to be recompiled #![rustc_partition_codegened(module = "split_debuginfo_mode", cfg = "rpass3")] #![rustc_partition_codegened(module = "split_debuginfo_mode-another_module", cfg = "rpass3")] // For rpass4 we change -Zsplit-dwarf-inlining and thus also expect every CGU to be recompiled #![rustc_partition_codegened(module = "split_debuginfo_mode", cfg = "rpass4")] #![rustc_partition_codegened(module = "split_debuginfo_mode-another_module", cfg = "rpass4")] mod another_module { pub fn foo() -> &'static str { "hello world" } } pub fn main() { println!("{}", another_module::foo()); }