// Example code blocks sometimes have a "Run" button to run them on the // Playground. That button is hidden until the user hovers over the code block. // This test checks that it is hidden, and that it shows on hover. It also // checks for its color. goto: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/fn.foo.html" show-text: true define-function: ( "check-run-button", (theme, color, background, hover_color, hover_background), [ ("local-storage", {"rustdoc-theme": |theme|, "rustdoc-use-system-theme": "false"}), ("reload"), ("assert-css", (".test-arrow", {"visibility": "hidden"})), ("move-cursor-to", ".example-wrap"), ("assert-css", (".test-arrow", { "visibility": "visible", "color": |color|, "background-color": |background|, "font-size": "22px", "border-radius": "5px", })), ("move-cursor-to", ".test-arrow"), ("assert-css", (".test-arrow:hover", { "visibility": "visible", "color": |hover_color|, "background-color": |hover_background|, "font-size": "22px", "border-radius": "5px", })), ], ) call-function: ("check-run-button", { "theme": "ayu", "color": "rgb(120, 135, 151)", "background": "rgba(57, 175, 215, 0.09)", "hover_color": "rgb(197, 197, 197)", "hover_background": "rgba(57, 175, 215, 0.37)", }) call-function: ("check-run-button", { "theme": "dark", "color": "rgb(222, 222, 222)", "background": "rgba(78, 139, 202, 0.2)", "hover_color": "rgb(222, 222, 222)", "hover_background": "rgb(78, 139, 202)", }) call-function: ("check-run-button", { "theme": "light", "color": "rgb(245, 245, 245)", "background": "rgba(78, 139, 202, 0.2)", "hover_color": "rgb(245, 245, 245)", "hover_background": "rgb(78, 139, 202)", })