#![crate_type = "lib"]
#![crate_name = "summaries"]
//! This *summary* has a [link] and `code`.
//! This is the second paragraph.
//! [link]: https://example.com
// @has search-index.js 'This summary has a link and code
// @!has - 'second paragraph'
/// This `code` will be rendered in a code tag.
/// This text should not be rendered.
pub struct Sidebar;
// @has search-index.js 'This code
will be rendered in a code tag.'
// @has summaries/sidebar-items.js 'This `code` will be rendered in a code tag.'
// @!has - 'text should not be rendered'
/// ```text
/// this block should not be rendered
/// ```
pub struct Sidebar2;
// @!has summaries/sidebar-items.js 'block should not be rendered'