// The goal of this test is to ensure that the attributes of all imports are taken into // account. #![crate_name = "foo"] mod a { /// 1 pub struct Type; } mod b { /// 2 pub use crate::a::Type; } mod c { /// 3 pub use crate::b::Type; /// 4 pub use crate::b::Type as Woof; } // @has 'foo/struct.Type.html' // @has - '//*[@class="rustdoc-toggle top-doc"]/*[@class="docblock"]' 'foo 2 1' /// foo pub use b::Type; // @has 'foo/struct.Whatever.html' // @has - '//*[@class="rustdoc-toggle top-doc"]/*[@class="docblock"]' 'whatever 3 2 1' /// whatever pub use c::Type as Whatever; // @has 'foo/struct.Woof.html' // @has - '//*[@class="rustdoc-toggle top-doc"]/*[@class="docblock"]' 'a dog 4 2 1' /// a dog pub use c::Woof;