pub trait Trait { /// Some long docs here. /// /// These docs are long enough that a link will be added to the end. fn a(); /// These docs contain a [reference link]. /// /// [reference link]: fn b(); /// ``` /// This code block should not be in the output, but a Read more link should be generated /// ``` fn c(); /// Escaped formatting a\*b\*c\* works fn d(); } pub struct Struct; impl Trait for Struct { // @has trait_impl/struct.Struct.html '//*[@id="method.a"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]' 'Some long docs' // @!has - '//*[@id="method.a"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]' 'link will be added' // @has - '//*[@id="method.a"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a' 'Read more' // @has - '//*[@id="method.a"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a/@href' 'trait.Trait.html#tymethod.a' fn a() {} // @has - '//*[@id="method.b"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]' 'These docs contain' // @has - '//*[@id="method.b"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a' 'reference link' // @has - '//*[@id="method.b"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a/@href' '' // @has - '//*[@id="method.b"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a' 'Read more' // @has - '//*[@id="method.b"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a/@href' 'trait.Trait.html#tymethod.b' fn b() {} // @!has - '//*[@id="method.c"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]' 'code block' // @has - '//*[@id="method.c"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a' 'Read more' // @has - '//*[@id="method.c"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/a/@href' 'trait.Trait.html#tymethod.c' fn c() {} // @has - '//*[@id="method.d"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]' 'Escaped formatting a*b*c* works' // @!has - '//*[@id="method.d"]/../../div[@class="docblock"]/em' '' fn d() {} // @has - '//*[@id="impl-Trait-for-Struct"]/h3//a/@href' 'trait.Trait.html' }