// run-pass // ignore-wasm32-bare no libc to test ffi with #[link(name = "rust_test_helpers", kind = "static")] extern "C" { fn rust_interesting_average(_: i64, ...) -> f64; } fn test(a: i64, b: i64, c: i64, d: i64, e: i64, f: T, g: U) -> i64 { unsafe { rust_interesting_average( 6, a, a as f64, b, b as f64, c, c as f64, d, d as f64, e, e as f64, f, g, ) as i64 } } fn main() { assert_eq!(test(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60_i64, 60.0_f64), 70); }