// Issue #14893. Tests that casts from vectors don't behave strangely in the // presence of the `_` type shorthand notation. // // Update: after a change to the way casts are done, we have more type information // around and so the errors here are no longer exactly the same. // // Update: With PR #81479 some of the previously rejected cases are now allowed. // New test cases added. struct X { y: [u8; 2], } fn main() { let x1 = X { y: [0, 0] }; // No longer a type mismatch - the `_` can be fully resolved by type inference. let p1: *const u8 = &x1.y as *const _; let p1: *mut u8 = &x1.y as *mut _; //~^ ERROR: casting `&[u8; 2]` as `*mut u8` is invalid let t1: *const [u8; 2] = &x1.y as *const _; let t1: *mut [u8; 2] = &x1.y as *mut _; //~^ ERROR: casting `&[u8; 2]` as `*mut [u8; 2]` is invalid let h1: *const [u8; 2] = &x1.y as *const [u8; 2]; let t1: *mut [u8; 2] = &x1.y as *mut [u8; 2]; //~^ ERROR: casting `&[u8; 2]` as `*mut [u8; 2]` is invalid let mut x1 = X { y: [0, 0] }; let p1: *mut u8 = &mut x1.y as *mut _; let p2: *const u8 = &mut x1.y as *const _; let t1: *mut [u8; 2] = &mut x1.y as *mut _; let h1: *mut [u8; 2] = &mut x1.y as *mut [u8; 2]; }