#![warn(unused)] #[derive(Debug)] struct S(i32); type Tuple = (S, i32); struct Tpair(S, i32); struct Spair { x: S, y: i32 } fn main() { { let t: Tuple = (S(0), 0); drop(t); t.0 = S(1); //~^ ERROR assign to part of moved value: `t` [E0382] //~| ERROR cannot assign to `t.0`, as `t` is not declared as mutable [E0594] t.1 = 2; //~^ ERROR cannot assign to `t.1`, as `t` is not declared as mutable [E0594] println!("{:?} {:?}", t.0, t.1); } { let u: Tpair = Tpair(S(0), 0); drop(u); u.0 = S(1); //~^ ERROR assign to part of moved value: `u` [E0382] //~| ERROR cannot assign to `u.0`, as `u` is not declared as mutable [E0594] u.1 = 2; //~^ ERROR cannot assign to `u.1`, as `u` is not declared as mutable [E0594] println!("{:?} {:?}", u.0, u.1); } { let v: Spair = Spair { x: S(0), y: 0 }; drop(v); v.x = S(1); //~^ ERROR assign to part of moved value: `v` [E0382] //~| ERROR cannot assign to `v.x`, as `v` is not declared as mutable [E0594] v.y = 2; //~^ ERROR cannot assign to `v.y`, as `v` is not declared as mutable [E0594] println!("{:?} {:?}", v.x, v.y); } }