// // Make sure rustc checks the type parameter bounds in implementations of traits, // see #2687 use std::marker; trait A { } trait B: A {} trait C: A {} trait Foo { fn test_error1_fn(&self); fn test_error2_fn(&self); fn test_error3_fn(&self); fn test3_fn(&self); fn test4_fn(&self); fn test_error5_fn(&self); fn test6_fn(&self); fn test_error7_fn(&self); fn test_error8_fn(&self); } impl Foo for isize { // invalid bound for T, was defined as Eq in trait fn test_error1_fn(&self) {} //~^ ERROR E0276 // invalid bound for T, was defined as Eq + Ord in trait fn test_error2_fn(&self) {} //~^ ERROR E0276 // invalid bound for T, was defined as Eq + Ord in trait fn test_error3_fn(&self) {} //~^ ERROR E0276 // multiple bounds, same order as in trait fn test3_fn(&self) {} // multiple bounds, different order as in trait fn test4_fn(&self) {} // parameters in impls must be equal or more general than in the defining trait fn test_error5_fn(&self) {} //~^ ERROR E0276 // bound `std::cmp::Eq` not enforced by this implementation, but this is OK fn test6_fn(&self) {} fn test_error7_fn(&self) {} //~^ ERROR E0276 fn test_error8_fn(&self) {} //~^ ERROR E0276 } trait Getter { fn get(&self) -> T { loop { } } } trait Trait { fn method>(&self); } impl Trait for usize { fn method>(&self) {} //~^ ERROR E0276 } fn main() {}