#![feature(generic_const_exprs)] #![allow(incomplete_features)] trait TensorDimension { const DIM: usize; //~^ ERROR cycle detected when resolving instance // FIXME Given the current state of the compiler its expected that we cycle here, // but the cycle is still wrong. const ISSCALAR: bool = Self::DIM == 0; fn is_scalar(&self) -> bool { Self::ISSCALAR } } trait TensorSize: TensorDimension { fn size(&self) -> [usize; Self::DIM]; fn inbounds(&self, index: [usize; Self::DIM]) -> bool { index.iter().zip(self.size().iter()).all(|(i, s)| i < s) } } trait Broadcastable: TensorSize + Sized { type Element; fn bget(&self, index: [usize; Self::DIM]) -> Option; fn lazy_updim( &self, size: [usize; NEWDIM], ) -> LazyUpdim { assert!( NEWDIM >= Self::DIM, "Updimmed tensor cannot have fewer indices than the initial one." ); LazyUpdim { size, reference: &self } } fn bmap T>(&self, foo: F) -> BMap { BMap { reference: self, closure: foo } } } struct LazyUpdim<'a, T: Broadcastable, const OLDDIM: usize, const DIM: usize> { size: [usize; DIM], reference: &'a T, } impl<'a, T: Broadcastable, const DIM: usize> TensorDimension for LazyUpdim<'a, T, { T::DIM }, DIM> { const DIM: usize = DIM; } impl<'a, T: Broadcastable, const DIM: usize> TensorSize for LazyUpdim<'a, T, { T::DIM }, DIM> { fn size(&self) -> [usize; DIM] { self.size } } impl<'a, T: Broadcastable, const DIM: usize> Broadcastable for LazyUpdim<'a, T, { T::DIM }, DIM> { type Element = T::Element; fn bget(&self, index: [usize; DIM]) -> Option { assert!(DIM >= T::DIM); if !self.inbounds(index) { return None; } let size = self.size(); let newindex: [usize; T::DIM] = Default::default(); self.reference.bget(newindex) } } struct BMap<'a, R, T: Broadcastable, F: Fn(T::Element) -> R, const DIM: usize> { reference: &'a T, closure: F, } impl<'a, R, T: Broadcastable, F: Fn(T::Element) -> R, const DIM: usize> TensorDimension for BMap<'a, R, T, F, DIM> { const DIM: usize = DIM; } impl<'a, R, T: Broadcastable, F: Fn(T::Element) -> R, const DIM: usize> TensorSize for BMap<'a, R, T, F, DIM> { fn size(&self) -> [usize; DIM] { self.reference.size() } } impl<'a, R, T: Broadcastable, F: Fn(T::Element) -> R, const DIM: usize> Broadcastable for BMap<'a, R, T, F, DIM> { type Element = R; fn bget(&self, index: [usize; DIM]) -> Option { self.reference.bget(index).map(&self.closure) } } impl TensorDimension for Vec { const DIM: usize = 1; } impl TensorSize for Vec { fn size(&self) -> [usize; 1] { [self.len()] } } impl Broadcastable for Vec { type Element = T; fn bget(&self, index: [usize; 1]) -> Option { self.get(index[0]).cloned() } } fn main() { let v = vec![1, 2, 3]; let bv = v.lazy_updim([3, 4]); let bbv = bv.bmap(|x| x * x); println!("The size of v is {:?}", bbv.bget([0, 2]).expect("Out of bounds.")); }