// Several variants of #64945. // This struct is not important, we just use it to put `T` and `'a` in scope for our associated // consts. struct Generic<'a, T>(std::marker::PhantomData<&'a T>); impl<'a, T: 'static> Generic<'a, T> { const EMPTY_SLICE: &'a [T] = { let x: &'a [T] = &[]; x }; const EMPTY_SLICE_REF: &'a &'static [T] = { let x: &'static [T] = &[]; &x //~^ ERROR `x` does not live long enough }; } static mut INTERIOR_MUT_AND_DROP: &'static [std::cell::RefCell>] = { let x: &[_] = &[]; x }; static mut INTERIOR_MUT_AND_DROP_REF: &'static &'static [std::cell::RefCell>] = { let x: &[_] = &[]; &x //~^ ERROR `x` does not live long enough }; fn main() {}