// only-x86_64 type Field1 = i32; type Field3 = i64; #[repr(C)] union DummyUnion { field1: Field1, field3: Field3, } const UNION: DummyUnion = DummyUnion { field1: 1065353216 }; const FIELD3: Field3 = unsafe { UNION.field3 }; //~ ERROR it is undefined behavior to use this value const FIELD_PATH: Struct = Struct { //~ ERROR it is undefined behavior to use this value a: 42, b: unsafe { UNION.field3 }, }; struct Struct { a: u8, b: Field3, } const FIELD_PATH2: Struct2 = Struct2 { //~ ERROR it is undefined behavior to use this value b: [ 21, unsafe { UNION.field3 }, 23, 24, ], a: 42, }; struct Struct2 { b: [Field3; 4], a: u8, } fn main() { }