// compile-flags: --crate-type=lib // normalize-stderr-32bit: "8 bytes" -> "$$TWO_WORDS bytes" // normalize-stderr-64bit: "16 bytes" -> "$$TWO_WORDS bytes" // normalize-stderr-32bit: "size 4" -> "size $$WORD" // normalize-stderr-64bit: "size 8" -> "size $$WORD" #![feature( core_intrinsics, const_raw_ptr_comparison, )] const FOO: &usize = &42; macro_rules! check { (eq, $a:expr, $b:expr) => { pub const _: () = assert!(std::intrinsics::ptr_guaranteed_eq($a as *const u8, $b as *const u8)); }; (ne, $a:expr, $b:expr) => { pub const _: () = assert!(std::intrinsics::ptr_guaranteed_ne($a as *const u8, $b as *const u8)); }; (!eq, $a:expr, $b:expr) => { pub const _: () = assert!(!std::intrinsics::ptr_guaranteed_eq($a as *const u8, $b as *const u8)); }; (!ne, $a:expr, $b:expr) => { pub const _: () = assert!(!std::intrinsics::ptr_guaranteed_ne($a as *const u8, $b as *const u8)); }; } check!(eq, 0, 0); check!(ne, 0, 1); check!(!eq, 0, 1); check!(!ne, 0, 0); check!(ne, FOO as *const _, 0); check!(!eq, FOO as *const _, 0); // We want pointers to be equal to themselves, but aren't checking this yet because // there are some open questions (e.g. whether function pointers to the same function // compare equal, they don't necessarily at runtime). // The case tested here should work eventually, but does not work yet. check!(!eq, FOO as *const _, FOO as *const _); check!(ne, unsafe { (FOO as *const usize).offset(1) }, 0); check!(!eq, unsafe { (FOO as *const usize).offset(1) }, 0); check!(ne, unsafe { (FOO as *const usize as *const u8).offset(3) }, 0); check!(!eq, unsafe { (FOO as *const usize as *const u8).offset(3) }, 0); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If any of the below start compiling, make sure to add a `check` test for it. // These invocations exist as canaries so we don't forget to check that the // behaviour of `guaranteed_eq` and `guaranteed_ne` is still correct. // All of these try to obtain an out of bounds pointer in some manner. If we // can create out of bounds pointers, we can offset a pointer far enough that // at runtime it would be zero and at compile-time it would not be zero. const _: *const usize = unsafe { (FOO as *const usize).offset(2) }; const _: *const u8 = unsafe { std::ptr::addr_of!((*(FOO as *const usize as *const [u8; 1000]))[999]) }; //~^ ERROR evaluation of constant value failed //~| out-of-bounds const _: usize = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<*const usize, usize>(FOO) + 4 }; //~^ ERROR any use of this value will cause an error //~| unable to turn pointer into raw bytes //~| WARN this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out const _: usize = unsafe { *std::mem::transmute::<&&usize, &usize>(&FOO) + 4 }; //~^ ERROR any use of this value will cause an error //~| unable to turn pointer into raw bytes //~| WARN this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out