// known-bug: #95034 // failure-status: 101 // compile-flags: --edition=2021 --crate-type=lib // rustc-env:RUST_BACKTRACE=0 // normalize-stderr-test "thread 'rustc' panicked.*" -> "thread 'rustc' panicked" // normalize-stderr-test "note:.*RUST_BACKTRACE=1.*\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "\nerror: internal compiler error.*\n\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "note:.*unexpectedly panicked.*\n\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "note: we would appreciate a bug report.*\n\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "note: compiler flags.*\n\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "note: rustc.*running on.*\n\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "query stack during panic:\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "we're just showing a limited slice of the query stack\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "end of query stack\n" -> "" // normalize-stderr-test "#.*\n" -> "" // This should not ICE. // Refer to the issue for more minimized versions. use std::{ future::Future, marker::PhantomData, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, }; mod object { use super::*; pub trait Object<'a> { type Error; type Future: Future; fn create() -> Self::Future; } impl<'a> Object<'a> for u8 { type Error = (); type Future = Pin>>; fn create() -> Self::Future { unimplemented!() } } impl<'a, E, A: Object<'a, Error = E>> Object<'a> for (A,) { type Error = (); type Future = CustomFut<'a, E, A>; fn create() -> Self::Future { unimplemented!() } } pub struct CustomFut<'f, E, A: Object<'f, Error = E>> { ph: PhantomData<(A::Future,)>, } impl<'f, E, A: Object<'f, Error = E>> Future for CustomFut<'f, E, A> { type Output = (A,); fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { unimplemented!() } } } mod async_fn { use super::*; pub trait AsyncFn { type Future: Future; fn call(&self) -> Self::Future; } impl AsyncFn for F where F: Fn() -> Fut, Fut: Future, { type Future = Fut; fn call(&self) -> Self::Future { (self)() } } } pub async fn test() { use self::{async_fn::AsyncFn, object::Object}; async fn create>() { T::create().await; } async fn call_async_fn(inner: impl AsyncFn) { inner.call().await; } call_async_fn(create::<(u8,)>).await; }