// run-pass #![allow(dead_code)] #![allow(unused_variables)] #![allow(unused_imports)] #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] #![allow(deprecated, deprecated_in_future)] // aux-build:i8.rs extern crate i8; use std::string as i16; static i32: i32 = 0; const i64: i64 = 0; fn u8(f32: f32) {} fn f(f64: f64) {} enum u32 {} struct u64; trait bool {} mod char { extern crate i8; static i32_: i32 = 0; const i64_: i64 = 0; fn u8_(f32: f32) {} fn f_(f64: f64_) {} type u16_ = u16; enum u32_ {} struct u64_; trait bool_ {} mod char_ {} mod str { use super::i8 as i8; use super::i32_ as i32; use super::i64_ as i64; use super::u8_ as u8; use super::f_ as f64; use super::u16_ as u16; use super::u32_ as u32; use super::u64_ as u64; use super::bool_ as bool; use super::{bool_ as str}; use super::char_ as char; } } trait isize_ { type isize; } fn usize<'usize>(usize: &'usize usize) -> &'usize usize { usize } mod reuse { use std::mem::size_of; type u8 = u64; use std::string::String as i16; pub fn check() { assert_eq!(size_of::(), 8); assert_eq!(size_of::<::u64>(), 0); assert_eq!(size_of::(), 3 * size_of::<*const ()>()); assert_eq!(size_of::(), 0); } } mod guard { pub fn check() { use std::u8; // bring module u8 in scope fn f() -> u8 { // OK, resolves to primitive u8, not to std::u8 u8::max_value() // OK, resolves to associated function ::max_value, // not to non-existent std::u8::max_value } assert_eq!(f(), u8::MAX); // OK, resolves to std::u8::MAX } } fn main() { let bool = true; let _ = match bool { str @ true => if str { i32 as i64 } else { i64 }, false => i64, }; reuse::check::(); guard::check(); }