// run-pass // aux-build:msvc-imp-present.rs // compile-flags: -Z thinlto -C codegen-units=8 // no-prefer-dynamic // On MSVC we have a "hack" where we emit symbols that look like `_imp_$name` // for all exported statics. This is done because we apply `dllimport` to all // imported constants and this allows everything to actually link correctly. // // The ThinLTO passes aggressively remove symbols if they can, and this test // asserts that the ThinLTO passes don't remove these compiler-generated // `_imp_*` symbols. The external library that we link in here is compiled with // ThinLTO and multiple codegen units and has a few exported constants. Note // that we also namely compile the library as both a dylib and an rlib, but we // link the rlib to ensure that we assert those generated symbols exist. extern crate msvc_imp_present as bar; fn main() { println!("{}", bar::A); }