// run-pass // compile-flags: -C codegen-units=8 -O -C lto=thin // aux-build:thin-lto-inlines-aux.rs // no-prefer-dynamic // ignore-emscripten can't inspect instructions on emscripten // We want to assert here that ThinLTO will inline across codegen units. There's // not really a great way to do that in general so we sort of hack around it by // praying two functions go into separate codegen units and then assuming that // if inlining *doesn't* happen the first byte of the functions will differ. extern crate thin_lto_inlines_aux as bar; pub fn foo() -> u32 { bar::bar() } fn main() { println!("{} {}", foo(), bar::bar()); unsafe { let foo = foo as usize as *const u8; let bar = bar::bar as usize as *const u8; assert_eq!(*foo, *bar); } }