This directory contains unit tests for the MIR-based dataflow analysis. These unit tests check the dataflow analysis by embedding calls to a special `rustc_peek` intrinsic within the code, in tandem with an attribute `#[rustc_mir(rustc_peek_maybe_init)]` (\*). With that attribute in place, `rustc_peek` calls are a signal to the compiler to lookup the computed dataflow state for the Lvalue corresponding to the argument expression being fed to `rustc_peek`. If the dataflow state for that Lvalue is a 1-bit at that point in the control flow, then no error is emitted by the compiler at that point; if it is a 0-bit, then that invocation of `rustc_peek` will emit an error with the message "rustc_peek: bit not set". (\*): Or `#[rustc_mir(rustc_peek_maybe_uninit)]`, and perhaps other variants in the future. The end effect is that one can write unit tests for MIR dataflow that perform simple-queries of the computed dataflow state, and the tests should be able to be robust in the face of changes to how MIR is represented or constructed. ---- Sometimes understanding the dataflow results is difficult without looking at the actual MIR control-flow graph being processed with the corresponding GEN and KILL sets. For a graphviz-rendering with dataflow annotations, add the attribute `#[rustc_mir(borrowck_graphviz_postflow="/path/to/")]` to the function in question. (You can change the content of `""` to control the filenames used for the output). This will generate a separate file for each dataflow analysis, adding a prefix (corresponding to the name of the analysis) to the filename in each generated output path. * For example, the above attribute will currently cause two files to be generated: `/path/to/` and `/path/to/`. * The generated `.dot` file shows both the computed dataflow results on *entry* to each block, as well as the gen- and kill-sets that were so-called "transfer functions" summarizing the effect of each basic block. * (In addition to the `borrowck_graphviz_postflow` attribute-key noted above, there is also `borrowck_graphviz_preflow`; it has the same interface and generates the same set of files, but it renders the dataflow state after building the gen- and kill-sets but *before* running the dataflow analysis itself, so each entry-set is just the initial default state for that dataflow analysis. This is less useful for understanding the error message output in these tests.)