// rust-lang/rust#45696: This test is checking that we *cannot* return // mutable borrows that would be scribbled over by destructors before // the return occurs. // ignore-compare-mode-polonius struct Scribble<'a>(&'a mut u32); impl<'a> Drop for Scribble<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { *self.0 = 42; } } // this is okay: The `Scribble` here *has* to strictly outlive `'a` fn borrowed_scribble<'a>(s: &'a mut Scribble) -> &'a mut u32 { &mut *s.0 } // this, by analogy to previous case, is also okay. fn boxed_borrowed_scribble<'a>(s: Box<&'a mut Scribble>) -> &'a mut u32 { &mut *(*s).0 } // this, by analogy to previous case, is also okay. fn boxed_boxed_borrowed_scribble<'a>(s: Box>) -> &'a mut u32 { &mut *(**s).0 } // this is not okay: in between the time that we take the mutable // borrow and the caller receives it as a return value, the drop of // `s` will scribble on it, violating our aliasing guarantees. // // * (Maybe in the future the two-phase borrows system will be // extended to support this case. But for now, it is an error in // NLL, even with two-phase borrows.) fn scribbled<'a>(s: Scribble<'a>) -> &'a mut u32 { &mut *s.0 //~ ERROR borrow may still be in use when destructor runs [E0713] } // This, by analogy to previous case, is *also* not okay. fn boxed_scribbled<'a>(s: Box>) -> &'a mut u32 { &mut *(*s).0 //~ ERROR borrow may still be in use when destructor runs [E0713] } // This, by analogy to previous case, is *also* not okay. fn boxed_boxed_scribbled<'a>(s: Box>>) -> &'a mut u32 { &mut *(**s).0 //~ ERROR borrow may still be in use when destructor runs [E0713] } fn main() { let mut x = 1; { let mut long_lived = Scribble(&mut x); *borrowed_scribble(&mut long_lived) += 10; // (Scribble dtor runs here, after `&mut`-borrow above ends) } { let mut long_lived = Scribble(&mut x); *boxed_borrowed_scribble(Box::new(&mut long_lived)) += 10; // (Scribble dtor runs here, after `&mut`-borrow above ends) } { let mut long_lived = Scribble(&mut x); *boxed_boxed_borrowed_scribble(Box::new(Box::new(&mut long_lived))) += 10; // (Scribble dtor runs here, after `&mut`-borrow above ends) } *scribbled(Scribble(&mut x)) += 10; *boxed_scribbled(Box::new(Scribble(&mut x))) += 10; *boxed_boxed_scribbled(Box::new(Box::new(Scribble(&mut x)))) += 10; }