// Here we test all the places `|` is *syntactically* allowed. // This is not a semantic test. We only test parsing. // check-pass fn main() {} // Test the `pat` macro fragment parser: macro_rules! accept_pat { ($p:pat) => {} } accept_pat!((p | q)); accept_pat!((p | q,)); accept_pat!(TS(p | q)); accept_pat!(NS { f: p | q }); accept_pat!([p | q]); // Non-macro tests: #[cfg(FALSE)] fn or_patterns() { // Top level of `let`: let (| A | B); let (A | B); let (A | B): u8; let (A | B) = 0; let (A | B): u8 = 0; // Top level of `for`: for | A | B in 0 {} for A | B in 0 {} // Top level of `while`: while let | A | B = 0 {} while let A | B = 0 {} // Top level of `if`: if let | A | B = 0 {} if let A | B = 0 {} // Top level of `match` arms: match 0 { | A | B => {}, A | B => {}, } // Functions: fn fun((A | B): _) {} // Lambdas: let _ = |(A | B): u8| (); // Parenthesis and tuple patterns: let (A | B); let (A | B,); // Tuple struct patterns: let A(B | C); let E::V(B | C); // Struct patterns: let S { f1: B | C, f2 }; let E::V { f1: B | C, f2 }; // Slice patterns: let [A | B, .. | ..]; // These bind as `(prefix p) | q` as opposed to `prefix (p | q)`: let (box 0 | 1); // Unstable; we *can* change the precedence if we want. let (&0 | 1); let (&mut 0 | 1); let (x @ 0 | 1); let (ref x @ 0 | 1); let (ref mut x @ 0 | 1); }